Dean sat in the throne, watching as the rehearsal for his coronation went on. He wasn't needed at this point, it was mainly who walked in with who and what the priest and Angels had to say. It felt weird, like a giant wedding. Only he was being married to the castle. He sighed, leaning his chin in his palm. His gaze traveled over to his left side, the exact side he was leaning away from.
Of course, his 'guardian' Castiel was to accompany him to such an important task, as well as the important role he played in the ceremony. Seeing as how, the King wouldn't be able to pull off his task the Cardinal had asked Castiel to fill in. Of course, the Angel couldn't just say no to such an important task.
Dean gave him a sidelong glance. His eyes remained forward watching the events play out in front of him. He stood as he usually did, firmly with his hands behind his back. Like always though, he was close by, in case any danger were to threaten Dean he could step in in a second. There was nothing off about him, which is what worried Dean the most! Dean had pushed him up against a wall, basically ravished him and he was acting as if nothing had happened.
When he had entered the throne room not twenty minutes after the incident he seemed perfectly fine. There was nothing that seemed to faze him, and he didn't even acknowledge Dean's more than awkward behavior. Dean had avoided his gaze, and shifted uncomfortably at first when Castiel took his place beside him. He turned a bright shade of red whenever the off chance came that their eyes met, and he even stumbled for the correct phrase when they had been going over the ceremony.
"Dean." He snapped his head around meeting Castiel's blue gaze. He flushed immediately noticing how the Angel was kneeling beside the chair, obviously trying to get the prince's attention for some time now.
"What?" His voice was a little too sharp as he sat up, leaning further to the right side. He was surprised he hadn't fallen over the arm of the chair by now.
"It's time." Castiel watched him curiously before standing up. The Angel stood and walked down the few stairs that led up to the throne and made his way to the Cardinal who motioned for them.
Dean watched Castiel carefully. He looked around nervously before standing up. He cleared his throat and followed after him. The prince stood taller than usual, stopping beside Cas and looking at the holy man.
"Dean, if you would please face Castiel." Dean's jaw ticked into place as he slowly turned looking at the soldier. Castiel was looking at him with a raised brow. Damnit, if Dean didn't see a hint of amusement in his eyes. The bastard was amused by how un comfortable he felt right now! Damn his fine holy ass to hell.
"Alright, now, Castiel," Castiel turned his head to watch the male as he spoke, "if you will repeat after me. Dean,"
"Dean." Castiel turned his head again staring right into the prince's eyes.
"With the power bestowed onto me, I grant you with the divine ability to rule over the Kingdom of Kansas."
"With the power bestowed onto me, I grant you with the divine ability to rule over the Kingdom of Kansas." Castiel's lips tugged up into a smirk slightly as Dean paled slightly.
"Now Dean. Repeat after me, I accept the ability and promise to use it in the Kingdoms best interest."
"I accept the ability and promise to use it in the Kingdoms best interest." He said a little too quickly earning a stern look from the Cardinal.
"Castiel, with this bestowed upon you, I as your guardian and protector promise to stay by your side in time of struggle. I promise to stand behind you when you are in charge, and take your hand when you are in peril."
Something changed in Castiel's eyes as he listened to the words he was supposed to repeat back. His smirk had faded and the amusement to his eyes had vanished. "With this bestowed upon you, I as your guardian and protector promise to stay by your side in time of struggle. I promise to stand behind you when you are in charge, and take your hand when you are in peril."
"I will be on call, and will abide by every command and order you make. I shall not question your will or deny you my help."
"I will be on call, and will abide by every command and order you make. I shall not question your will or deny you my help." Dean swallowed hard as he locked his eyes on Castiel's. He could feel his hands shaking and the heat rising to his cheeks. He'd be damned if he didn't want to shove the Angel back up against the wall and just have him right then and there.
"Dean, repeat it please." The Cardinal snapped Dean from his trance and back into reality.
"I'm sorry, Cardinal. Could you please repeat that?" He turned his eyes on him with a sheepish smile and chuckle. The much older male gave him another stern look before nodding. Castiel looked down for a second with a smirk and huff of laughter. Dean turned his eyes back on the Angel who looked back up at him as they stood at a rather close proximity.
"Of course, do well to listen this time." For a holy man he sure was snippy. "I accept and hold you to your offer of protection. Please guide me in times of darkness and help me in times of sadness."
Dean opened his mouth to repeat but couldn't find his voice. Castiel looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to say the words. He felt like he was saying his freaking wedding vows or something. Dean rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. He sighed before speaking. "I accept and hold you to your offer of protection. Please guide me in times of darkness and help me in times of sadness."
The amusement flickered in Castiel's expression once again as Dean shifted uncomfortably. He gave Cas one of his 'Not funny' looks before adverting his eyes again.
"Alright, then is when you two will par take in the ceremonious joining and we can move on to the crowning."
"Hold on, the what!" Dean stared at the Cardinal in disbelief. Castiel eyes him curiously. That was something he obviously left out.
"Yes, it is an old custom we haven't used in a long time. In this case, it is obvious that Castiel would be yours since he has been your guardian for years now." The man eyed him suspiciously. "Didn't you know?"
"No… I didn't." His tone grew hard as he looked back at Cas. The Angel only gave him those big blue eyes and an apologetic smirk that the prince ignored.
"Well, now you do. I expect the two of you to practice the words, and memorize them before the ceremony. Alright, moving on!" The Cardinal clapped his hands together, turning his attention away from the two. Castiel turned his attention away from Dean, looking over to Sam as he was called over.
The practice had ended and all looked well on the outside. The ceremony was to go on without a hitch! The Cardinal had said how he would have liked to see it put off another yet but with current circumstances that was an obvious no. Certainly though, everyone would have liked to see the event put off for another year, but that meant there would have to be a substitute king and they had no one. There was no one else in direct blood line besides for Sam and he was even younger than Dean.
Of course though, Sam was probably twice as smart as Dean could ever be and would make a better king but that wasn't how these things worked. They didn't get to pick and choose in this life. Everything was shoot first ask questions later. That's how things would stay. Sam would eventually, when he was old enough, be married off to some princess and leave to rule as King over another kingdom.
Dean didn't want to think about that though. He didn't want to think about Sammy leaving and growing up without him. It was a scary thought that he didn't want to dwell on.
Dean turned his eyes over to where Castiel and Sam were talking on the far side of the room. Dean had been going over the motions of the actual crowning with the priests for the last twenty minutes and he was starting to get antsy. He narrowed his gaze walking over to the two. He was going to get to the bottom of this joining right now.
"Can I talk to you for a second, Cas?" His tone was one of annoyance to say the least. He looked at the Angel with one of his 'Fuck you' smiles.
"Certainly." Castiel said with a huff. He excused himself from Sam before following the eldest prince out into the hallway.
"Alright, what the hell, Cas?" He asked, tone harsh. Castiel only looked at him with his brows raised in a not so amused way.
"What?" Cas said back flatly. Oh, so he was going to get sassy with him! Well, two could play at that.
"What? What? What the hell is this joining ceremony they're ranting about!" He motioned at the doors of the ceremony hall. Castiel rolled his eyes as if he was expecting something else to come out of his mouth.
"It's to bond the two of us. To ensure that I will, for your life, stand over you as a 'guardian angel'." He used finger quotes in a totally non humorous way.
"Alright, bond us how and what the hell do we have to do?" Bond them? What the hell did that mean? Castiel only looked at him for a second. His expression was serious as if he was contemplating telling him or just walking away. "Cas."
"Bonded in the sense that we exchange, a piece of my grace, for a piece of your soul." He said carefully, watching for the prince's reaction. Dean's jaw dropped.
"Excuse me?"
"That is how we become bonded. It is eternal." He reiterated. Dean only looked at him.
"Alright, have you done this before? Who is with my dad?" He asked quickly. Which one of these Angels had a piece of his father's soul floating around in them?
"No, I was a soldier mainly before you came along." He answered with another eye roll. "Dean, this has not been performed in over a hundred years. A king never needed a guardian up to this point." What he really was saying was, we never had a king die in such a horrible manner that the fear of needing a guardian ever arose.
"Alright, still, what do we have to do?" Castiel didn't answer. "Castiel." Dean demanded. He was really starting to get fed up with this whole thing.
"Well, there used to be a much more barbaric method that involved me sticking my hand into your chest-"
"We have to kiss alright!" He snapped, looking at the prince with a hard glare. Dean suddenly got very flustered. He looked at the Angel like he had seven heads.
"We have to ki-what? Why!" He threw his arms in the air showing his anger.
"Because that's how the transfer happens! Gabriel says an Enochian prayer which riles up your soul and my grace. When we make contact the two entwine, and when we break it the exchange has been made." He explained, more than annoyed with Dean's behavior.
"Why a kiss, why can't we just hold hands!" Castiel gave him a look that read 'are you honestly that stupid?'
"Because, Dean, your mouth is an opening into your body, closer to your soul and a thousand times less painful then if it were to come out of your hand." Dean's jaw ticked as he glared at the Angel. "Do not give me that look, Dean Winchester." Castiel said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe he had to talk to Dean as if he was ten again.
"Well how do you expect me to react, Cas? Smile and say it's no big deal, cause it's a big fucking deal, Castiel!"
Cas looked up at him again and Dean could swear he saw a gleam of hurt in his cerulean gaze. "What did you just say?" His tone wasn't a growl as it was more a very pained hiss.
"I said, it's a big fucking deal, Cas." Dean said again, taking a step closer to the Angel. Castiel gave a humorless laugh, looking down for a second.
"Oh, but sure it's all fine in the comfort of privacy?" He looked back up at him, almost in a challenge. Dean didn't say anything for a second. He looked at Cas's face, eyes flicking down to his lips before back up to meet his gaze.
"Cas that's different, that was an accident." He realized what he had said soon after. He wanted to suck back in the words as if he had never said that. "No, wait, Cas! That's not what I-" He stopped as Castiel held his hand up calmly to silence him.
Castiel looked up at him with one of those humorless hollow smiles. "Dean, it's okay. I understand." He dropped his hand before turning away, making his way down the hall. Dean watched him go, he could smack his head on the stone wall for being so stupid. How could he say that?
Dean took in a hard breath as he walked in the other direction. "Fucking idiot…"
A/N: Hey, sweeties! Sorry for the late update. I have not been really all that well the past few days, and I'm in fact going in for surgery today! Oral surgery, but whatever. That's why I wanted to get this up now, because I know I won't be able to post it tonight.
But wow, Dean you are a dick. xD The joining sounds exotic in my opinion. *pats self on the back* xD But yeah, thank you guys for being so patient. That's about it. Thank you, darlings for all your support and kind words. They really do mean a lot to me. :]