*** I dug my grave that last chapter x.x I feel like such an idiot now. But, I'll continue, because I really want to finish this story! After some conversation with my awesome, awesome friend Lauren, I think I know how to get through this. Also, thank you for not killing me for not updating in forever. I feel really bad x.x


**Gumi POV**

"A trip? Where?" I was still half-asleep, even though it was well through the day.

"Back to my old town. It's only been two months, but my dad still needs to tie up loose ends with work back there." Piko was trying to get the trap in his base to come out just enough to scare a bit, but not to actually hit anyone. I was inside, dirtying my back on a dirt wall.

"Besides, I have a few friends I want to catch up with." He shrugged, then leaned next to me on the wall.

"It sounds fun... I bet you were popular at your old school." I pulled at the 'P' on top of his head playfully.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they're planning a surprise party for my return. I mean, my entire school." He laughed for a moment. "Not that I'd need it or anything, I've only been gone for two months."

"Still, they probably missed you. I'd miss you if you were gone for two months." I shrugged one shoulder

"Then you must miss your parents alot." He looked at the ground immediatley. "Sorry, didn't mean to bring them up."

"It's alright. As far as I'm concerned, my only parents are inside that house." I held my head up proudly.

He looked up, smiling, and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "That's my girl."

"But, what do we do about 'It' while we're gone?"

He shrugged a shoulder. "Hope that it doesn't follow. What else can we do?"

"You have a point. When do we leave, and when do we get to meet up with all your friends."

"That's something I know. We leave in two days, and we get there early the third."

"You mean to tell me that I only have two days to get ready?"

"Actually only one; we leave the morning of the day after tomorrow."

I sighed exasperatedly. "We're going to the store, then!"

** Piko POV**

Shopping is tiring. I don't see how girls do it so often without dropping dead. But, we're back home now, Gumi's in the shower, Mom, Dad, and Haku are asleep, and I'm sitting in front of my laptop, reserching places to stay in Nikaho.


Why is it that every time someone wants to go somewhere, all the hotels are booked? Not a single one within ten miles has a room open. Creative thinking, go!


It doesn't work like that, does it? I must be too tired from shopping to think.

"What're you looking at, Piko?" Gumi leaned down next to my shoulder, inspecting the screen.

"Just trying to find a hotel to stay in." Because that's going so well.

She kneeled next to me. "How's it going."

"Perfectly fine! I found a five-star hotel, for the price of a one-star."

"That was sarcasm, wasn't it?"


She sighed. "You're a handful."

Last time I was called that was two years ago.

"Piko! Catch!" Before I knew what had happened, a mudball had hit me square on the chest.

"What was that for? Did I ruin your new clothes?"

"Piko! Gumo! Time for dinner!" His mom was calling us from inside my family's old house.

"Piko! What'd you do to your new clothes?" My mom can't scold, just give a firm talking-to.

"Gumo hit me with mud!"

"You're such a handful!"

Maybe we could stay with Gumo's family. After all, I remember them having a few extra rooms in their house.

"Why don't you go to bed, Gumi? I'm gonna make a few phone calls to try and get us a place to stay." I picked up my cell phone sitting nearby, then rose and helped Gumi up.


** Gumo POV ~0~**

"Kurushii, Kurushii. Soredemo ikitai. Yasuraka ni nemurenakuteii."

I picked up my phone off the nearby bedrest. "Hello?"

"Hey, Gumo?"

Piko called? I can't ruin the surprise. "Piko! Can't wait until you get in!"

"Neither can I. But, we may not come, unless we can find a place to stay

"Hotels all booked again?"

"Yeah. I'd still have to ask my parents, but do you think we could rent a spot for while we're there?" I jumped off my bed, heading to the living area to check with my parents.

"Oh, sure, sure! Let me go see if we have anything open. Four people, right?"

"Five, we've got another until her parents come back."

"Her? Piko, you know all the respect I have for you, but that's still not gonna keep me from thinking you're a pervert." If he hasn't changed, I should get the right reaction.

"T-That's not it at all!" Yup, he hasn't changed.

"Sure, sure. Is she cute? Have you even thought about it yet?"

"Gumo... Yes she's cute, and I'd never think about something like that!"

"Alright, alright, let me ask my parents." I set the phone on mute as I entered the living area. Mom and Dad were sitting on the floor, playing a game with my adopted little sister, Cul.

"Hey, Mom, do we have anything open for the day after tomorrow until the day before school starts?"

"We do! A family just called and said that school is starting early this year, so that can't make their time share. Why?"

"The Utatane's can't find a place to stay when they come up. Can you reserve the spot?"

"Oh, sure, sure! They need a private male and private female, right?"

"Yup. Two Queens and a roll-in, too."

"I'll remember that! Oh, my turn?"

I yelled a thanks as I turned back to my room, then unmuted my phone as I brought it up to my ear. "Alright, we have you all set with a private double and two queen sized beds. Anything else, sir?"

"Sir? Gumo, what have you been eating?"

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Sorry. It's an instint now."

"Alright then, sir, that'll be all."

"If you hold that over me the rest of my life, I'm gonna kill you. But, I wish you a safe and happy trip up here."

"Alright then. I'll see you when I get there."

The phone clicked off from the other line.

***~(OAO)~ - Reviews for my awesome smiley. Please don't kill me~~

The song for Gumo's ringtone is "If" by Luka Megurine(if that's how you spell her name...), but I listen to Hanatan and Piko's versions. Anyways, school is starting soon, so my updating times will vary on how busy I am with school work. And how much I'm willing to procrastinate...***