**Hey all! This is my first time uploading, so I thought I'd stick to something I'm used to. I may be a little slow updating, but I swear I'll pick up the pace when I get used to it! 3**


The bell rung. It was Friday afternoon, and school had just let out. "Class dismissed, have a good weekend!" our teacher, probably too peppy for her own good, yelled as we left. I picked up my folders, and headed for the crowded hallways. I hated things like that- being shoved into an enclosed space with a bunch of other random kids was not my idea of fun. But I only had to deal with it for two more weeks- until school let out for the summer.

"Why can't it just come quicker?" I whined to myself, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed, being pushed out of the way by kids alot taller than me. Damn me for being so short. A kid ran down the hallway backwards, a football in his hand. He was wooping, and didn't even see me there. He rain right into my side, sending me stumbling off to the side. I stumbled to the floor, dropping my folder and sending papers flying.

"Watch it you idiot!" I yelled, though I doubted he heard me. I started gathering my papers, several of which were drawings that I'd done during class of summer scenes. Man, I really want summer to come fast.

I shoved the papers I'd collected in my folder messily, just as a boy, just as short as I was, crouched down and helped collect the papers that I couldn't reach. He turned around, smiling, "I'm Piko, I just moved here." He stood up, and extended a hand to me. I took it, rising, and rose to his height. I let go of his hand immediately.

"Gumi." I said bluntly, taking the papers. I flashed a small smile, so it didn't seem like I was completely ignoring him, before I set off down the crowded hallway again. I looked over my shoulder to see the smiling face again. He had long-ish hair, messy, with a single piece sticking up that loosely resembled a 'P'. I found that pretty funny. His left eye was green, like a lighter version of moss, and his right was blue, like a robin's egg.

I turned back around, wading toward the door. Once outside, I stepped to the side, taking the boy with me. He seemed pretty surprised at this, and gasped. I held his right arm, above the elbow. I smiled sincerley now, "How would you like it if me and you hung out sometime?"

His happiness was evident. His orb-like eyes glowed in two different colors. He pulled a cell phone out of his back pocket, as I took mine out of it's pocket outside of my folder. We exchanged numbers, before heading off in different directions.

I have to walk a few blocks before I get to my house, so it took about ten or so minutes to get there. It was a shabby little place- my parents sent me just enough money to afford it, and came home only often enough that they were considered a legal guardian. The inside was messy- clothes, garbage, pillows, blankets, carrots, you name it- was laying in a thick layer in most of the rooms. I made a note as I do everyday to clean up later, though, obviously, I never do.

I skipped across my house to my room, the one place in the house that was organized. Everything had a place, and everything was in it's place. I laid my folder down on my bed, and took out my phone. I found Piko's number, then typed up a quick text.

Me: when n where u wanna meet?

I set my phone down, and migrated to my mirror. My green hair was a bit of a mess, so I took off my red goggles and quickly brushed it out, so that it laid with a few strands by my face and a few behind my head. I put my goggles back on, still waiting for a response. I laid on my bed, messing with my dull school outfit. It had a short navy blue skirt with a white stripe on the bottom, a white top, and a little navy blue neck accessory that looked like a sailor's collar.

The phone buzzed (I still had it set on vibrate from the school day) and I looked at the message.

Piko U.: There's a fair this weekend. Meet me there tommorrow?

Me: kk, time?

Piko U.: Two?

Me: c u then.

Piko U: Alright. Why'd you ask me?

I thought for a second. Why did I ask him? It might've just been because I felt bad for him. I mean, he's new, and didn't seem like he had any friends yet.

Me: u looked like u needed a friend.

Piko U.: Good to know someone's looking out for me.

I smiled, though he wouldn't see it. Yeah, we'd become good friends fast.

So, what'd you think? Review, and the next chapter will be up soon!