Hi everyone! Here is the next chapter! It is longer than the others. Tell me whether you like the chapters this length or the other length! Enjoy.

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I Got One review for the last chapter... :(

Thank you ellinise

Disclaimer: If I wrote Harry Potter, I would not be on fan fiction, I would be working on more books.

Dinner with the Potters that night was an amazing experience for Crystal. Charlus had taken the family out to a small bistro hidden in a corner of Diagon Alley. Soft music floated through the air, and each table was lit by the light of candles. Fairies floated through the air above, and the ceiling was enchanted to look like the night sky. Sirius had explained that the ceiling was modeled after the Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The group sat around a wooden table, and engaged in small chit-chat as Charlus ordered a feast for the family. After the waiters had departed to the kitchen, Charlus cleared his throat. Everyone at the table grew quiet in anticipation. Crystal knew what Charlus was going to talk about and gave a large gulp in fear of what the others would think.

"Now everyone," Charlus began, "As you know, we have a new addition to the family." His wife gave a soft smile in Crystal's direction. A wave of happiness washed over Crystal at this show of affection.

"Crystal here is an interesting case. A month ago, at a meeting for The Order of the Phoenix, it came to our attention that there was a girl trapped in that house on the hill, which turns out to be the headquarters for Voldemort's operation. Stunned by this news, I found a way to get a letter to her through the house's chimney. After that, we began to correspond and I told her that if she ever found a way to escape the house, she was more than welcome to take refuge at our home. And, obviously she did."

At this, he reached across the table and took Crystal's hand. "Why don't you tell the rest Crystal?" Mrs. Potter gave her a nod of encouragement.

"Well..." Crystal faltered before squaring her shoulders and continuing. "It is a lot more complicated than just that. You see, I was no ordinary prisoner. In fact, technically, I wasn't a prisoner at all. It only felt like a prison to me. My father simply thought he was keeping me safe by locking me in a room and keeping me a secret. And, I guess, in a twisted way, he was. Not one of his followers knew about me, and I have no idea how the Order found out. I'm just glad they did. You see, my father is Tom Riddle. You would call him Lord Voldemort."

"What? What? What?" James and Sirius stuttered, leaning back in their chairs with looks of confusion and shock. "How?" James whispered. "Who?" Sirius said. "Who would get with Voldemort?"

"Sirius!" reprimanded. "That's rude."

"No." Crystal said with a peal of laughter. "It's quite alright. I feel the same way." Turning to Sirius, she answered his question. "It's as much of a mystery to me as it is to you. I don't know who my mother is. And, I most definitely don't know how I was conceived. I don't like to think about it. Someday, maybe I'll know the truth, but not now."

Satisfied, Sirius and James both grabbed a leg of chicken, and began eating like they had not just found out they were dining with the dark lord's daughter. Crystal knew she was going to love this family.

The next couple weeks passed quickly. Crystal had never had as much fun in her life as she was having at the Potter mansion. Even with the foreboding undertone of guards stationed around the estate to protect her from any assaults by her father, Crystal could not help but be cheery. Every morning, she woke up in her giant bed and took a warm shower. She'd dance around her closet, trying on different outfits, and not bothering to hang the discarded ones up because she knew the house elves would take care of it for her. She'd greet James and Sirius in the hallway, and all three of them would bound down the stairs to the kitchen and eat pancakes and eggs and bacon and toast to their hearts' content. After that, they would grab brooms; Crystal borrowed James's old one. They would fly around the quidditch pitch that was hidden in the orange grove behind the house.

When James first put a broom in Crystal's hands, she was scared out of her wits. She had read about flying, but having been locked in a house for years, she had never tried it. But, after only one fall, and three almost wipeouts, Crystal learned that she was pretty good at it. Now, she could keep up with the boys and pull the same maneuvers that took them months to master. She was best at playing beater. Apparently she had a lot of anger, because when Sirius placed his beater's bat in her hand, she hit the bludger so far it soared across the property and knocked over young Mundungus Fletcher, who had abandoned his guard duty and was hunting for the family's pet sphinx, that would fetch a hefty sum on the black market.

After hours on the pitch, the three would run into the house, tracking mud and spit and blood over the floor, causing the grumpy old house elf to half-heartedly lecture the kids. The boys had discovered that Crystal had the appetite to rival Remus's during a full moon. She would raid the pantry, creating two feet high sandwiches, and draining jugs of milk. Eating their plates of food, Sirius and James could not help but stare as the skinny girl in front of them devoured a king's feast. Even though Crystal emptied the kitchen stores every three days, the house elves did not complain. Instead they were flattered that she enjoyed the food so much.

Some days, after lunch, James and Sirius would run off the meet with their friends, Peter and Remus. Crystal wished that she could join them, or at least meet the two boys, but the Order was very strict about her activities. She was not allowed to leave the property, and the two boys were not cleared to interact with her. James and Sirius weren't even allowed to talk about her to them, which they complained about a lot, because apparently the group of boys never kept secrets. Remus was classified as at risk to join the dark side, even though Sirius and James defended his nature, whatever that meant. And Peter, well apparently Peter was known for being a coward, and the Order was afraid that if he was ever captured by Death Eaters, he would reveal Crystal's location. So, while the boys went out to play, Crystal retired to her room.

Over the weeks, Crystal had read many books. The Potter library was quite expansive, and held both muggle and wizarding books. Crystal would grab a new one every other day and sit on her bed to read. She would read until the bell for dinner rang, and then she would stumble down the stairs to the dining room. This routine was the same every day, but Crystal never grew tired of it.

One day, an old wizard visited the house. He wore ridiculous purple robes and a set of cresent moon spectacles. He introduced himself as Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts. He also explained that he was the creator of the Order of the Phoenix. He had come to talk to her about her future. Understanding that although she had not had any formal education, she was proficient at many spells, he offered her a spot in the Seventh Year class at Hogwarts. She would have to attend under the name of someone else, and wear a glamour to fool anyone looking for her, but she was more than welcome to come. Extremely excited, Crystal immediately agreed. She was going to Hogwarts! She could eat under the enchanted ceiling, learn spells to defend herself, make friends, and play quidditch with James and Sirius.

"You will have to be sorted though." Dumbledore continued. "And unfortunately, due to your upbringing and blood, your chances of not being put in Slytherin are very slim."

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