Chapter 3 Oni and conversation

Kenshin woke, eyes snapping open in the low morning light. Briefly he wondered what had woken him. He was safe, well as close as this strange wizarding world was to his definition of safe, so what could possibly have woken him? There were no footsteps or anything that would indicate an intruder in his room. It was still dark, murky shadows lurking in the corners of the room. All he could hear was the house shifting on its foundations, the quiet breaths of the two boys on the bunk bed next to his own. A slight creak in the corner of the room caused his head to snap to the source of the sound, he pulls his sword from his sheath with a flash of silver light. The draw is utterly silent, a useful technique for one who deals in blood and death. He crouches on the bed, his sword held ready to attack the intruder.

He freezes in shock as he spots the source of the noise, a small grey skinned creature with horrible bloodshot eyes, large bat like ears and a shock of grubby white hair. The eyes were luminescent in the darkness, Kenshin's eyes which are used to working in the dark, and was familiar with the human monsters of the night, has never seen anything like it.

"Filthy mudblood" the creature mutters picking up his utensils from the floor, it sneers at Kenshin before disappearing with a crack. Kenshin shudders hard suddenly aware that he knows nothing about the wizarding world, a small oni managed to sneak in on him without him noticing. Kenshin has never seen an oni before but he has heard many stories about them, terrifying stories, particularly when your master is Hiko-sensei. The man has always been able to scare Kenshin.

He didn't manage to scare the thought of rebellion out of Kenshin though. Kenshin had been obsessed with seeing beyond japans boarders after the previous government closed them. He had been so curious, so righteous that he had thought that the horrors of war would be a thing he would be bare. He had always wanted to explore the rest of the world, but now all he wants is to do is go back to his Shisho. But the man will never take back the student that abandoned him. He has no home left in this world. He is a boat cut free of a mooring with no purpose just to drift, even the distasteful work of Hitokiri had been a purpose. Now he is just a poor lost soul. Tears threaten to prick at his eyes but he bites on his tongue. There is no pity on a worthless thing such as himself. He sits down on the floor cross-legged katana across his knees and keeps his eyes open in case the oni comes back. He will get no more sleep tonight.

"You will never ever do that to me again" Hiko says, he fights the urge to bend to grasp his knees and pant, he is a swordsman not a weakling.

"Apparition doesn't agree with everyone" Dumbledore says comfortingly "maybe you would find a portkey better for your journey home."

Hiko swallows "as long as I never ever have to be sucked through an invisible tube again" he stands as the nausea abates, they have landed outside, but instead of Hiko's friendly ramshackle home they are outside a castle. Hiko has traveled Japan has seen the castles and fortress of his home, the seats of warlords and emperors, but he has never seen a building such as this. The castle stands as a mountain, with courtyards, graceful arches, statues, towers and battlements. Hiko snaps his jaw closed, he hadn't meant to gape. Dumbledore politely hides his smile with just a glimmer of his glasses.

Still stunned Hiko follows Dumbledore through a maze of corridors to his office. Dumbledore takes his seat on his side of his desk. Hiko takes the other and courteously accepts the tea offered. He grounds himself in the familiar taste.

"So Dumbledore what do you really want with my Baka Deshi?" says Hiko casually.

Dumbledore replaces his tea in its saucer "Your student is a remarkable young man " Dumbledore says "and he does have some magical ability, as do you Hiko-san, but he could never be a full wizard. Though his mother was. The way you both have been trained has channeled your natural magic into your own style of magic. You Hiko, might be able to perform rudimentary spells, make potions but I am afraid that you naturally channel your magic into your astounding martial arts."

Hiko frowned "then why do you want Kenshin?" he asks tone deliberately mild "this is a school, if you can't teach him then why do you want him?"

Dumbledore swallowed as he caught the nasty look in Hiko's eyes, he covered it neatly with a sip of tea "I can teach your student, just because he has learnt one way to channel his magic does not mean he cannot learn another, he is still young enough to . And while I do wish for your young student to help protect Harry, I also wish for Kenshin to be safe." He looks gravely at his tea cup "the way people were treating him in Kyoto, calling him a demon, a monster. Even in Osaka I saw how they looked at him. It is no place for a child, let alone one as damaged as Kenshin." He sighs and stands " especially as his good heart has managed to remain untainted, he may have been an assassin but that didn't stop him from saving a poor lost old man from a gang." Hiko raises an eyebrow he has no doubt that Dumbledore would have no trouble protecting himself from anybody. "A year here, away from all that around children his own age will give him a chance to start to heal."

Hiko snorted about Kenshin being around children his own age, but Dumbledore was right. The turmoil around the change in government, the hostile and often paranoid glares that followed swordsmen and women around like a bad smell, would hurt Kenshin more than it would help him, perhaps being away from it all would help. "Fine" he says casually "so why do you want me?"

Dumbledore smiles "I was hoping you would teach some swordsman ship to my students" he raises a hand "now before you go off on one I don't mean your beloved Hiten Mitsurugi style, just the rudiments it would be good for my students to get some actual physical exercise." He pushes his glasses up to their proper place and smiles.

Hiko smirks "don't worry Dumbly-sensei" he sips his tea and smirks "your students will get plenty of exercise from me."

Dumbledore's glasses twinkle with happiness. Fawkes chirps and ruffles his feathers disturbed from his peaceful rest by the ominous aura of glee that emitted from the swords man.

Firstly I would like to apologise for the length of time it has been. I have one excuse, the memory stick that I put all my chapters on broke (and it had really important course work on it too) I had actually written another two chapters. I was heart broken not only did I lose chapters for this one but a lot of other things too. Then I got busy and everything fun took a back seat. Now I am back!

I hope this chapter is ok, I had to do a lot of re reading to make sure the continuality was ok. for spelling and grammar I have checked it but as usually I might have missed something if you spot anything give me a buz zand I will correct it. Please remember this is an AU. Thanks.