A story on how Klaus and Caroline's last and final moment in TVD could be like.

(Brief Prologue)

While Klaus was still in Tyler's body, he and Caroline spent time together. They had to while they were being chased after by the town council. As time passes, they grew closer to each other.

Now Klaus has finally returned to his own body. And now that he has nothing to do anymore with anyone and anything in Mystic Falls, he's already leaving the town with his family, and they might never come back.

Apparently, the Salvatores came to a truce with Klaus that he and his family would leave town and leave them in peace once Bonnie returns him in his own body. Klaus agreed but 'humbly' asked them for the 'ultimate' stake, giving them a witty offer that he'll keep it safe himself and would let no one kill him for the safety of everyone.


Bonnie and Stefan were in the Salvatore library discussing over their next plan. Now, they only have to think of how they can make the council calm down since the problems with the Originals are now over. Tyler is pretty weak after waking up from his "coma". He's currently resting in one of the rooms in the Salvatore house with Caroline attending to him.

Caroline listens to Bonnie and Stefan's conversation as she washes a towel she wiped on Tyler's face just some minutes ago. She discovered Rebekah and Kol have already left and Klaus and Elijah are going tonight, leaving Mystic Falls for good. Everyone felt relieved and glad about that, including her. But something in her felt a little sad.

She can never forget the moments she spent with "Klaus." Though she doesn't show it to Klaus, their conversations had always left her thinking a lot. Klaus's words opened her mind to nice, pleasant things; great things she could do, things she could be great at, and beautiful things she could see and discover. She had never paid attention to those things he was telling her at first but she was with him a lot of times and Klaus was more than persistent.

There was a time when Klaus told her for the nth time about his sincere offer and they just stared at each other. She couldn't scoff at him or mock his words, just like what she always does. That's because they were the only ones in that room and she felt Klaus's earnest emotions and it just overwhelmed her. They stared at each other for a few seconds, but for her it was a very very long time. She even thought that Klaus would kiss her. But he didn't. She realized that it was her time to reply and that maybe Klaus is actually waiting for her to do something like kissing him. That's when she remembers about Elena, how evil Klaus truly is, Tyler, the others and she just looked away from Klaus and told him whatever he's offering her, it's never going to happen.

But she wasn't really sure about that. Klaus has always been kind, gentlemanly, and behaved when he's with her. And he always made her feel safe. Even though that is what she told Klaus, she knew from Klaus's reaction, that heartfelt gaze and small smile, that Klaus was not convinced.

Caroline realized she's staring blankly on the wall and turned her attention to what Bonnie and Stefan were talking about while she continues washing the towel.

"Now you only have to give the stake to Klaus and then we're free from them" Caroline heard Bonnie telling Stefan. "But you also have to convince him to give us some of his blood since we might need it in the future."

"I can do that. I'll also make sure Klaus will keep his word and not come back. Starting tomorrow, we're all going to be free from them" Stefan told Bonnie.

Caroline found herself moving fast towards the library. She's always thinking how she can go to Klaus and give her final words to him, at least she owes Klaus that much after the kind and comforting attitude he showed her while they're together. And this is it, this is the perfect time.

"I'll do it. I'll hand the stake to Klaus." Caroline stood in front of Bonnie and Stefan.

Bonnie and Stefan stared at Caroline, Bonnie with a worried look.

"I uh, I can also convince Klaus to give us some of his blood." Caroline looked at Bonnie. "And I'll also make sure he's not coming back here…. not coming back in any way for any thing."

Bonnie and Stefan knowingly gazed at her. Caroline knew they both understand what she's talking about, especially Bonnie. Caroline needs to speak with Klaus. She has to before he leaves.

Stefan straightened up and looked at her. "Well, okay then. We'll leave the final step on you. Be careful though. We'll be waiting for you." Stefan smiled at her, his eyes kind and understanding.

Stefan handed her the stake. Caroline looked back at him and smiled. "Thanks Stefan."

"I'll go watch after Tyler. Be careful of his words Care." Bonnie told Caroline before she hugs her.

In the Mikaelson Mansion, the two Originals were making preparations for their departure tonight. Elijah has just arrived from Elena's home and is now helping Klaus on packing a few things left in the house. Rebekah and Kol had already left and they're going to meet each other somewhere in another country.

"I wonder what's taking them so long. Perhaps we could go already and drop by Stefan's and just get the stake." Klaus told Elijah as he sits down with a glass of blood.

"I believe Stefan wants to have a talk with you first. He might want to exchange farewell messages with you. He was your best friend after all." Elijah pours himself a drink.

Klaus smiled and laughed lightly. "Ahh, 'best friend'. You know Stefan and I had a really fun time together before. Too bad he wants to stay here and do nothing but be pitifully in love with some girl."

Elijah laughs slightly at the 'some girl' comment. "I can understand what he sees in Elena—"

"Sure you are brother" Klaus chuckled.

Elijah looked at him and smiled a little. "Elena needs Stefan at this time. Besides, I'm sure you cannot ask for anything more right now. We're all together now, the four of us, 'undaggered', alive, and free. At least for now." Elijah looks at his drink and shakes the glass, watching the blood circle around the glass wall.

Klaus looked at him. "Of course." He raised his glass. "Family above all."

Elijah looked back at Klaus with eyes sincere and relaxed. "Family above all" He smiled and drank together with Klaus. What Niklaus did to their siblings can be unforgivable for some, but everything is turning out fine for them, now that they are all free. Tomorrow is the beginning of their life as a family, all of them free and not running away from anything.

A doorbell sounded. Elijah puts down his glass. "I'll take it."