After finishing the first chapter of this I had no plans of continuing with it but I found myself wanting to add some Ashley and Leon in here. So here we go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil Or any of its characters.


Chapter 2.

Leon released Ashley from his arms and held her at arms length to see if she was hurt. His eyes immediately scanned over her blood soaked leg. "Ashley what happened?" He asked concern filling his words.

"It's nothing really," She lied biting her lip. She really wasn't up for telling him about the recently lived horrors. But no matter how she wished to ignore the memories of her lone nightmare she could not ignore the pain that shot through her leg.

Without wasting anymore time Leon scooped Ashley into his arms to take her somewhere more comfortable to clean her wound. Ashley yelped and blushed wildly at his sudden action. She turned her face away so he wouldn't see her blood red cheeks. Leon tried his best to make sure not to jostle her injured leg and Ashley was extremely grateful for his caution. Leon carried her into a small room with soft plush chairs scattered about. He sat her down in one of the chairs before removing a small medical kit from his belt. He pulled out several rolls of bandages and an evil looking bottle of alcohol. Ashley eyed the bottle of alcohol nervously. She knew a drop of that stuff touching her wound would set it on fire.

Leon looked to Ashley's eyes before starting to peel the bloodied sweater from her leg. She hissed in pain as he pulled it off. He mumbled several comforting words as he pulled the sweater completely off. He laid it to the side and wiped Ashley's blood off on his pants. He grabbed a bag of cotton balls and the dreaded bottle of alcohol. "I'm sorry but this is gonna hurt," he said meeting her golden eyes.

She nodded quickly and placed her hands on his shoulders to brace herself. Not wasting anymore time Leon soaked a cotton ball in the liquid and gently wiped it across her wound. She hissed loudly and Leon felt her finger nails dig into his shoulders. He let her recover for a second from the pain before once again swiping the cotton ball over the injury. Leon felt a teardrop hit his arm and he looked up to find its source. Ashley's face was twisted in pain and a few stray tears sliding down her face.

The scene hurt Leon's heart and he reached up to wipe away the tears. Ashley leaned into his hand for comfort. "Shhhhh... I'm sorry but I'm almost done," He reassured her. She nodded giving him permission to continue.

Several more yelps and bloody cotton balls later the wound was clean and Leon was able to see the real severity of it. She had definitely managed to get herself I pretty nasty wound. The gash was long and deep and would most definitely require stitches which he did not have on hand. Tight bandages would have to do for now. Leon explained the problem to Ashley and she nodded probably just glad to be past the worst part. The blonde agent began wrapping Ashley' leg and before long her wound was properly cleaned and dressed.

"Thank you," Ashley whispered.

Leon smiled in reply. "Its no problem, I mean I can't exactly return you to your dad with a wound that hasn't been taken care of."

Ashley chuckled and yawned loudly. Leon noticed her exhaustion. "You should probably get some rest," He told her offering his lap as a pillow.

Ashley eyed his lap questioningly for a second before nervously scooting closer to him and placing her blonde head in his lap. He ran a hand through her short hair and she felt her cheeks turn red. Lying here with her head in his lap Ashley couldn't help but feel this was all a bit out of character for Leon. Just a few hours ago he was calm cool and collected with his emotional wall holding strong. Now he was offering her a pillow in his lap? It all seemed a bit strange but she was to tired to address the issue at the moment. She would pester him when she woke up.

It wasn't long before Leon was listening to Ashley's soft breathing that came with sleep. He wasn't sure what had overcome him when he had seen Ashley hurt. Seeing Ashley in pain it was as if he was the one with the gash in his leg. He wanted to fix it for her as painlessly as possible. When he saw her tears while cleaning the wound he had wanted to grab her up in his arms then and tell her it was going to okay. The only thing that stopped him from this action was knowing it would cause her more pain.

Now sitting here watching her sleep Leon began to see how he had fallen for the stubborn blonde in his lap. Honestly he wasn't sure how he had become attracted to her or even when. She was exactly the opposite of any women he had ever had an eye for. She was small and fragile,breakable. Well physically anyway. The petite woman had quite the hard head. She was a determined person. He had witnessed her pull through so many obstacles that it really wasn't fair to think of her as weak. No she wasn't weak she was inexperienced. She was the presidents daughter after all she was probably used to a more pampered and simple life. Being thrown into nightmare like this one would be hard on anyone. Ashley had a very strong approach on things, she was there whenever Leon needed any sort of assistance.

Plus Leon was able to admit he liked being a knight in shining armor. Well more like a dirty agent with a hand gun. He liked the feeling he got from saving her even though he hated when she was gone from his side. The way those golden eyes would light up gave him that extra push to continue on and get them out alive. Ashley surely was one of a kind to Leon.

Ashley stirred in her sleep and Leon glanced down at her to find her face twisted in discomfort. Leon noticed the sweat beading on her forehead and noticed the signs of Ashley's nightmare. He softly shook her to wake her. She shot up from his lap and placed her face in her tiny palms. Leon scooted himself closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ashley?"

She peered over her shoulder at him and smiled to show him she was alright. "It was nothing just a bad dream."

Leon nodded and watched her face for any more signs of discomfort. "Leon can I ask you something?"


Ashley stared at Leon's face before turning towards him and decided what she was going to say. "Leon how do you feel...about...about me?" her voice shook with her question and she avoided his eyes afraid of his answer.

Leon furrowed his blonde brows at her. "What brought you to ask that?"

"I don't know I just wanted to know if I was more than just a subject in your mission you know? I'm sorry it was a stupid question." She said feeling rather dumb.

Leon grasped her hand in his own. "No it wasn't a dumb question I understand why you asked it. You are so much more than just a mission to me."

Ashley finally found the courage to look to his eyes and she opened her mouth and then closed it deciding there really wasn't anything she could say to that. So instead she took his face in her hands and guided him to her lips. The two couldn't deny the tingles that shot through their bodies as their lips connected. Leon's hands slipped themselves around her waste to tug her closer and she slipped her hands into his hair.

Careful of her leg Leon flipped them over so he was on top of Ashley kissing her forcefully. Ashley pulled her lips away to catch a breath and moan, "Leon."

Leon began placing butterfly kisses down her neck and then travel back upwards to capture her lips once again. The kiss only became more fierce as Leon slid his tongue across Ashley's lower lip asking for entrance. Ashley eagerly granted it to him and moaned quietly into his mouth. Ashley slipped her hands under his shirt trying to peel it off him before Leon stopped her. "Not here," he whispered huskily.

She pouted her lips and he laughed pecking her lips before up righting them. He stood up and offered his hand to help her up as well. She grabbed it and he pulled her to her feet. Leon quickly repacked the medical kit and held his hand out to Ashley. "Lets get the hell outta here shall we?"

Ashley grinned and took his hand. "We shall."


Thanks for reading! Please leave a review and tell me what you thought.