Disclaimer: The characters of Steve Sloan, Mark Sloan, Jesse Travis, Amanda Bentley, Tannis Archer, Chief Masters, Ron Wagner, Susan Hilliard and CJ. belong to CBS and Viacom, they are just borrowed for the purposes of this story. Any other characters are the property of the author. The University in which the story is set is also a work of fiction. This story is written purely for pleasure with no profit involved Rating: PG

Title: Murder is Academic

Summary: The murders of two high profile academics launch the gang into a web of intrigue and deception. Set within a backdrop that incorporates both an Ivy League University and the ancient civilization of Egypt, our heroes must contend with ancient curses as well as the more modern threat of professional jealousy. It's Indianna Jones – Sloan style!

Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at any kind of fan fiction, and the first time I have made any of my writing public. In writing I had two aims - firstly to produce an enjoyable story with a plot that will keep readers hooked, and secondly to stay as faithful as possible to the original premise of the show.

What I like most about the show is the relationship between the four central characters. In this piece I have tried hard to recreate the dynamic between the four personalities which works so effectively on the screen. As such most of the action focuses upon the characters of Mark, Steve, Amanda and Jesse, although others also have an important role to play (particularly Tannis Archer who I think is a great character).

Before the story begins I must make some apologies. Firstly, because I am English I have only had access to the series since November 2001. As such, many readers will have a much more extensive knowledge of Diagnosis Murder than I do – please excuse any mistakes! Additionally because British TV has tended to dip in and out of the various seasons it is hard to get to grips with the chronology. I have made no attempt to place this story in terms of episodes; rather I have used poetic licence. The story takes place some time after Steve was shot. Amanda has CJ and is in the early stages of a relationship with Ron and Jesse is just getting together with Susan. Finally, I've attempted to use American terminology, so again please excuse any mistakes!

1.1.2 ENJOY!

Chapter One

Padding into the kitchen of his Malibu beach house in dressing gown and slippers Dr. Mark Sloan moved silently. He was thus able to observe his son unawares for a few moments. He didn't like what he saw. The droop of Steve's shoulders and the way his powerful frame was slumped in the chair presented a picture of weariness in the extreme.

Elbows propped on the breakfast table in front of him Steve Sloan slowly massaged his temples trying to ease the pounding in his head. He felt the beginnings of a migraine, self-induced he knew by the lack of sleep and the eyestrain that always accompanied the reading of copious amounts of small print in the early hours of the morning.

'Headache son?' Mark asked sympathetically

'Uh huh' Steve confirmed opening his eyes and thankfully accepting the aspirins his father had characteristically produced. Dry swallowing the pills Steve smiled tiredly at his father's back as Mark turned to brew a fresh pot of coffee.

'You want me to talk to Masters?' Mark asked 'You know he's pushing you pretty hard. As a doctor I'm not real happy about the kind of hours you've been pulling recently'.

'Nice idea Dad' Steve sighed 'But somehow I don't think a man who never eats is likely to put sleep high on his list of priorities! He looked at Mark with a wry smile 'I guess it's what's expected on the task force'.

'May be' Mark conceded 'But I really wish you'd get some rest'.

Steve shrugged his shoulders 'You and Jesse pulled these kinds of hours when you were junior doctors. I'm sure my body will adjust eventually. Until then I'll just have to keep on drinking the coffee!' He held out his empty cup for Mark to fill, treating his father to his trademark lopsided grin.

'Hmmph' Mark grunted filling Steve's cup. He knew how stubborn his son could be, particularly when it came to his work. Once Steve got involved with a case Mark knew that he would see it through no matter how he was feeling. Although he was physically fit and in great condition Steve was only human. Mark had, had enough close calls in the past to know that Steve was not as invincible as he outwardly appeared.

Despite his son's age, Mark could never shrug off the feelings of fatherly over protectiveness. Even now his keen doctor's eye had noted his son's pale complexion, the dark shadows that lined his normally expressive blue eyes and the underlying tension in shoulders and jaw, none of which could be hidden from him by Steve's attempts at humour.

A loud yawn from Steve snapped Mark out of his brief reverie. Stretching muscles stiff from too long spent sitting, Steve was obviously preparing to make a move.

'You're not eating?' Mark observed in surprise.

'No time' Steve explained, 'Masters expected me down at the station five minutes ago'.

'Besides' he admitted with a frown' This headache's kinda taken the edge off my appetite'.

'Okay now you've got me worried' Mark only half joked 'When you're off your food I know it's something serious.'

'Funny!' Steve smirked picking up his jacket from the back of the chair. Draining his coffee he replaced the cup on the sideboard and smothering another yawn stooped to collect both car keys and case files from the kitchen table.

'At least let me cook for you tonight' Mark coaxed, putting an affectionate hand on Steve's shoulder. 'Humour your father? It'll make me feel better if I know you've got some decent food inside you'.

'Sure Dad' Steve grinned, a momentary sparkle back in his blue eyes 'If it makes you feel better how can I refuse!'

Mark smiled, now that was more like it. 'Maybe I could invite Jesse and Amanda over too?' he suggested, looking at the stack of paper work in Steve's arms 'We could look at some of those files you've been going through. Some fresh eyes couldn't hurt you know'.

This time it was Steve's turn to smile. He knew his father was itching to get involved in the case. Mark's passion for solving mysteries was as much a part of his personality as his fatherly over protectiveness. 'Hell' Steve thought, 'It's not just a passion it's a talent'. He often envied his father's ability to think both literally and laterally, to pick up on the seeming irrelevancies and piece them together to reach the correct conclusion.

Time and time again it had been Mark who had latched on to the crucial clue that had enabled Steve and the department to make an arrest. If he weren't such a great doctor, Steve would have suggested that Mark was wasted in medicine, a mind like his would give the geniuses at Quantico a run for their money. Still as Chief of Internal Medicine and Medical Consultant to the Police Department, the world at large and Steve in particular benefited from both of Mark Sloan's superlative talents.

Gazing fondly at his father Steve realised that Mark was waiting for an answer, no doubt checking if he felt up to a little lively company. An evening with Dr. Jesse Travis was never a quiet one. With Jesse's boyish enthusiasm he lived life at a high level of decibels. Steve groaned inwardly, the way his head felt at the moment he wasn't sure he was up to dealing with a live wire like Jesse. Although as usual he'd tried to make light of it to his father, he wasn't feeling great. He thought longingly of his bed in his apartment downstairs, aware that he wouldn't be seeing it any time soon. Still, perhaps Jesse was just what he needed. Company would force him to stay alert and who knows maybe some of Jesse's enthusiasm would rub off and inject some energy into one tired homicide detective. Anyway there was always Amanda.

Chief medical examiner Amanda Bentley was the opposite of Jesse in looks and demeanour. Whilst Jesse was blonde and impetuous, Amanda's dark beauty, graceful charm and quiet competence always had a calming effect on Steve. If Jesse's high spirits didn't give him a boost, perhaps Amanda's presence would help him unwind. To kick back and relax with his friends for a couple of hours could be just what he needed to clear his head and crack this case. Plus his father was right; some new perspectives couldn't hurt. God knows he wasn't getting anywhere fast. Both Amanda and Jesse had provided valuable assistance in the past. Combined with his father they were an unusual but formidable crime fighting team.

'Nice idea Dad' Steve finally replied 'Some fresh pairs of eyes would be helpful' he sighed 'and the way my eyes are feeling right now anybody's would be fresher!'

Mark opened his mouth ready to lecture Steve on the dangers of lack of sleep. He had seen the moment of indecision in his son eyes about whether he could handle company, and he knew that meant that despite what he said, Steve wasn't feeling his usual sociable self.

Steve sensing a lecture cut him off 'I'll see ya tonight Dad. Master's will bust my butt if I don't get to the station right now'.

Realising he'd been hijacked Mark sighed resignedly, waving farewell as Steve shrugged on his jacket and headed for the door. Congratulating himself on a rare outmanoeuvre of his father, Steve's hand was on the door knob when he was stopped by his father's voice


Rolling his eyes he turned. Mark flipped the remaining box of aspirin to him, which he caught neatly in his left hand.

'Thanks' Steve acknowledged.

Pocketing the aspirin he couldn't help a rueful smile – where his health was concerned his father always got the last word!

2 Chapter Two

'You're late Sloan' Chief Masters barked as Steve entered the office down town. Seated opposite Masters, Detective Tannis Archer shot Steve a sympathetic glance. He looked like hell she noticed. Still he'd get used to it, like the rest of them had. Masters was a great cop, but his unrelenting schedule tended to push his officers to their limits. Steve looked like he'd reached his already, but Tannis knew better than to underestimate Lieutenant Sloan. He was a tough son of a bitch. The way he'd handled himself when his father was on death row, he'd proved to her and everyone else that he could cut it. Only two weeks out of the hospital, still recuperating from near fatal gunshot wounds, he'd worked tirelessly to prove his father's innocence and secure his release.

She had a lot of respect for Steve Sloan. Their professional relationship could have been destroyed when she was partly responsible for bringing evidence against his father, but Steve had never blamed her for the role she'd played. He was one of the good guys. With Steve everything was straight and above board. Those unshakeable morals combined with the beach boy good looks made for a winning combination. He was certainly the kind of guy you could take home to mom – if you were interested in dating cops that is, which she wasn't.

But still Tannis wondered how he'd cope on the task force where the line between good and evil was more than a little blurry. She sighed; she'd seen guys like Steve before, those who really cared, who had the good intentions, who wanted to 'save the world'. Hell perhaps she'd even been a little guilty of that herself when she first joined the task force. Three years of working with Masters, with what she'd seen, it was hard to hold on to those ideals. She recognised that she'd become cynical, but knew it was that cynicism that kept her alive.

Steve was filling Masters in on their progress to date – a big fat nothing as far as Tannis was concerned. This case had them all stumped. Steve wasn't the only one losing sleep. They were both getting edgy, their frustration making working relationships strained. They were waiting for one clue, anything to get a break in the case. This was the part of her job she hated – the waiting around whilst some psychopath continued his killing spree. Shuffling papers and knocking on doors and meanwhile innocent people were losing their lives. She sighed again knowing she couldn't afford to make this personal and hoping that Steve would be smart enough to realise that too.

Masters finally dismissed them and Tannis rose stiffly, trailing Steve to his desk in the outer office. Dropping heavily into his chair Steve closed his eyes, seeking temporary respite from the hustle and bustle around him.

'You okay?' Tannis' concerned voice penetrated his consciousness.

'Nothing a week's sleep wouldn't cure' Steve answered with a yawn.

'Tell me about' she agreed rolling her eyes.

'Failing that' Steve frowned 'a break in this case would do. Anything to make me feel we were at least making a little progress'.

'There has to be something we've missed in those files' Tannis fumed in frustration 'Something that ties the two victims together'.

'You mean something besides the fact that they were both high profile Professors at UCLM?' Steve replied grumpily.

'Exactly' she continued ignoring his mood. 'These can't be just random hits. There must be some sort of pattern – the very fact that they are both eminent college professors tells us that'.

'Student with a grudge' Steve stated, restarting the circular argument that had become characteristic of their interchange over the last couple of days.

'May be' she agreed 'but the two professors are from different departments'.

'Transfer student?'

'From archaeology to chemistry?' Tannis wasn't convinced. 'I guess it's possible, but I still think something in those files on the backgrounds of the two victims holds the key. The answer is right in front of us, we're just not seeing it'.

'Well' Steve replied 'If you want to take another look be my guest. Me, I've had enough of paper work. I was reading those files at three o'clock this morning; I need a change of scene'.

'Where are you going?' Tannis asked

'Back to the University. I think I'll go talk to some of the faculty. Now they've got over the 'shock' they may have a little more to say'.

Levering himself out of the chair, Steve stretched 'I'm still thinking it's gotta be a student'. He turned to look at Tannis, finally cracking a smile 'I mean what's not to hate about academics right? Huge egos, obscure research specialities, theorising from their ivory towers. They don't exactly live in the real world with the rest of us do they?'

'Whoa, hold on there' Tannis smirked 'Sounds like you've got an inferiority complex to me. What's wrong Sloan?' she asked with mock sympathy, 'You never make it to your college graduation?'

'Hey' Steve protested with pretend hurt 'I have a college degree. I lettered in football at C.U.'

'Oh well' Tannis teased 'Then I'm sure you'll fit right in'. She smirked 'Hey maybe we could send you in undercover. I can just see you in a tweed suit Professor'.

'Very funny Archer' Steve grimaced. 'Happy reading!' He tossed back at her sardonically as he left the office.

'Mmmph' Tannis replied to his back, dropping into his recently vacated seat and opening the files again.

3 Chapter Three

Whistling merrily to himself, Dr. Jesse Travis darted in and out of the gurneys and trolleys transporting patients and equipment throughout the myriad of corridors at Community General Hospital. Naturally optimistic and exuberant, his sunny disposition was currently enhanced by the recent acceptance of his dinner invitation by one particularly attractive young nurse. Susan Hilliard sure was pretty Jesse mused to himself. Smiling at colleagues and patients alike he made his way towards the Doctors' lounge. Bursting through the door he found Drs. Mark Sloan and Amanda Bentley enjoying a companionable five minutes between patients.

'Hey guys, what's up?' he beamed

'Hey Jess' Mark smiled

'You look particularly pleased with yourself this morning' Amanda noted suspiciously, her interest immediately peaked. 'Care to enlighten us?' she invited.

'Hey you know me' Jesse hedged 'I'm just a naturally cheery guy'.

'That's true' Mark agreed amused by Amanda's 'big sister nosiness' and Jesse's all too obvious squirming.

'Come on Jesse, give it up' Amanda protested 'I know something's going on'

'Okay, okay', he held up his hands 'What can I say, I'm irresistible!'

'So Susan's finally agreed to go out with you' Amanda surmised 'That's great!' she smiled, then looking sternly at Jesse 'You'd better treat her properly or you'll have me to deal with!'

Jesse treated Amanda to a look of mock hurt 'As if I'd do anything else'.

'So where are you taking her?' Mark asked still amused at the banter.

'Bob's of course', Jesse replied with a self-satisfied grin, referring to the barbecue joint co-owned by himself and Steve.

'Bob's!' Amanda exclaimed in horror. 'You can't take her to Bob's. A girl has to be wined and dinned. You have to make her feel special, spoil her with champagne and fine foods. You have to create the right ambience. Soft lights and sweet music, may be some dancing.' Amanda sighed to herself, briefly caught up in her own fantasy.

'Guess I'll leave all that to Ron' Jesse snickered, referring to Amanda's current beau, FBI agent Ron Wager.

'At least Ron knows how to treat a lady' Amanda countered smugly.

'Yeah, when he's not on the other side of the World' Jesse pointed out.

'So' Mark intervened hurriedly 'How about you two joining Steve and I for dinner at the beach house tonight?'

'Who's cooking?' Amanda and Jesse asked in unison.

Mark laughed, his son had many talents, but cooking wasn't one of them. Steve's culinary expertise didn't extend beyond burgers and fries or the barbecue sauce he occasionally concocted at Bobs.

''Don't worry' he reassured them 'Steve's far too busy at the moment to spend any time in the kitchen'.

'Tell me about it' Jesse groaned. 'He's cried off all of his shifts at Bob's. In fact I can't even remember the last time I saw him there – or here for that matter!'

'I know' Mark agreed 'I've hardly seen him at the house either. He's been working late, leaving early. I saw him briefly this morning and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks'.

'He probably hasn't' Amanda tutted. 'Do you know he phoned me up at one o'clock this morning to ask me about an autopsy report. He's lucky he didn't wake CJ or there would have been another murder to investigate! Honestly, the man is obsessed!'

'That's what worries me' Mark sighed. 'He's so caught up in this case he's not making time for anything else. I think an evening with his friends is just what he needs'.

'And may be his friends could also give him a little help with the case' Amanda smiled, looking at Mark knowingly.

'Well you know it couldn't hurt' Mark grinned

'Great!' Jesse enthused 'What time do you want us?'