The next day, Po, Tigress, Crane, Monkey, Viper and Mantis silently made their way up to the mountain, seeing into the massive building. It was deserted, but something seemed off. It was to quite.

"Something's wrong here. This isn't right" Tigress whispered, and suddenly they heard a tortured scream, coming from the back of the building. They all sprinted, finding Apollo, cuts all over him, his leg caught in a trap.

"Apollo!" Tigress whispered, getting the trap off him, hugging him tightly, po kissing his soft fur.

"Mum.. Athena she.. she set all the children free, and she told me to run, to get help.. she stopped screaming about half an hour ago.." He said, crying into his mother's fur. Tigress looked into po's eyes, fear showing in both their faces.

"Crane, take Apollo back to camp. Dress his wounds and do not let him out of your sight." Tigress said, and apollo tried to argue.

"Don't. You and your sister were almost killed. You go with Master Crane, and you think about what you have done." She said seriously, but she kissed the top of his head.

"I love you. Now go" She said and crane carried him down the mountain.

"Okay, new plan. We find Liam, and we kill him." Tigress said viciously, and they stealthy walked into the last building, seeing Athena laying down on a filthy cot, her fur matted with dried blood, barley conscious.

"Well if it isn't the failing five. And the dragon warrior, what a surprise. Your daughter is so much like you tigress, such a little fighter.." He said, and tigress snapped, a loud roar coming loud from her chest as she pounced, pinning Liam.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't murder you" She said lowly and he smirked.

"Because if you do.. she dies." He said, his eyes tinting dangerously as he looked at Athena.