AN- Okay To Fall and rise again is back, major revising and editing. I wasn't satisfied with my last version of it, so after major and minor changes, I've finally decided to re-post this chapter. Chapter two will be out soon.

Cool Boogie!


Wake from your sleep, my children

The childhood cradles are gone

Wake from your sleep, fated children

The peace is gone



Go to the true garden

The garden of vernal truth

Fiery truth burn the evil world

Fiery truth light the dark world

Goodbye children

The day has died

                  ~Liberi Fatali (Fated Children) Final Fantsy 8

Chapter 1- A Rough Start

Captain Lithfrn watched his ship, the Mercushin, his pride and joy, slowly dock at station N-821.

Business was slow again, only three passengers. You could tell things were getting really bad when you could count your passengers on your all of your tentacles. Just when business had picked up it went right back down again.

'Probably those Saiya-jin again. Or perhaps the Humans or Neg'Vah this time.' he grumble to him self. He felt the slightest lurch, signaling the end of docking.

  The old Captain made his way down to airlocks that would be finished connecting to the station by the time he arrived. Being the captain of a passenger/live cargo ship for 92 standard years, he'd been places and seen many things but this area of the galaxy had always been financially off limits. How could one run a decent business with such a hostile environment? Having Blues and Reds so close to together was one thing, but Neg' Vah too? Forget running a business, just surviving would be a miracle. Space farers, like himself, usually stayed out of 'hot-spots', but taking this course would shave two months off the trip to Zion, three to Titiania. But was it worth it?    

  Reaching the airlocks he stepped out into the docking area, he a waited the arrival of his passengers.

The docks were pretty empty just one or two other ships getting repairs and what not; a few cleanup droids wiping the floor, other than that the place was pretty desolate.   He inhaled the recycled air around him, guessing which species he could pick out in the variety of smells he got from what most would consider a nose. The Captain ticked them off one by one, Ennm, Bran, Leif, Auhfuns, Human, Casoas, Nial. Those were the easy ones, any body could smell them a mile away. Others were subtler, such as the Baptarip, Telleirium, Antigen and- his thought were cut short by the arrival of one of his passengers.

A humanish looking female of medium stature, wearing neutral gray colors, a sign she wasn't with any group, a loner. Good. That was better for him and his crew, the last thing he needed was someone with a grudge. Dark hair and eyes, nothing distinguishing about her with the exception of an orange piece of cloth sticking out of her jacket pocket. As she came closer the Captain could smell the faint sharp smell of... Saiya-jin!

'Damn, just had to be luck'. His usually calm orange exterior turned a disgusted yellow. Unfortunately It seemed the lady was already in a foul mood, took no notice of this insult, in fact, she was letting out a steady stream of what he guessed to be curses in some Old earth language at an alarming rate. Not a Good thing.

"Pardon me," she apologized coming closer, "It's been one of those days; everything just seems to get worse and worse."

He smiled warily, "Understandable... verification papers.... thank you. If you wish to board now your quarters are ready, if not, the ship leave tomorrow at 1300hrs."

She nodded "Can I leave my luggage here and come back later?"

"Of course, I'll leave even have it move to your room for you." 

The girl smiled politely, "Thank you."

'Strange, a polite saiya-jin, that's a rare one.' thought to himself

As the unusual saiya-jin left she turn around to say something and missed the person coming towards them.

They collided with a very sound 'thud', the young woman ended up landing on her butt. Her polite mood did a 360 right in front of him

"Watch where you're going!" She snapped not even bothering to look at who or what she was talking to.

'This woman is either very confident or very foolish' the captain thought. Although the other creature didn't look dangerous, in space underestimating some one could be your downfall. It was dressed in a simple hood and cloak, covering all recognizable features.

"I was watching, maybe you should take your own advice." a voice as cold as ice shot back.

The young lady wasn't intimidated in the least rather she was infuriated.

"Only an idiot would see where they're going and still run into things"

The mysterious person waved her off with a hand, a humanoid hand.

"Listen, Utsukushii, I'd love to stay and chat with such sociable person like you, but I've got better things to do than stay here and exchange pleasantries with you." The man's ice voice clipped condescendingly.

The captain moved closer to get a better view, having one eye was such a downer sometimes, if this one was gonna cause trouble, he'd need to keep his eye on him. Half expecting the saiya-jin to start a fight, to his surprise, the female turned on her heals and left.  'Amazing...I've seen every thing now, a saiyajin dismiss a fight?' the captain watched the girl leave the docking area. The cloaked man asked coming towards him, "Is this the transport to Zion?"


"Good," The man said handing his verification papers, to the captain, "You know what I like most about space travel is, that you rarely meet the same person twice."

'Boy is he in for a surprise' Lithfrn thought giving the young man direction to his quarters. *Sniff* it still smelled like...

 'Odd that girl left already'

"Saiya-jin?" he guessed to himself not really expecting a response.

If he had seen the mans face he would have seen a smirk

"Well then Captain," he started as he left, "your senses are excellent." with that the mysterious saiya-jin was gone.

'Damn, those saiya-jin will fight the entire way.'

The old captain shook his head, "After this, I'm quitting"


After that first meeting with the guy she'd named 'the jerk', things didn't get any better for Son Pan of the Hitohi Saiya-jin  (also known as the Reds for there uniforms). First, she'd almost got caught by one of her father's wandering patrol troops, then she'd forgotten to tell her uncle she was already on her way when she did get the chance, and she'd found out 'the jerk' was also boarding the same transport.

'Things weren't suppose to be this hard' she thought. She took small silver locket out of her pocket

"If you had been here..." Pan said reminiscing. She shook her head, put away the locket and brought herself back to reality.

   She was heading back to her room on station to get one last thing. Her uncle had requested she bring, a special medicine, that was hard to find and even harder to get a hold of. But since her uncle said it was for a worthy cause she was willing to go through the trouble to get it. To make sure none of it was damaged, she would carry it on board herself.

      Being on a spaceport was exciting and scary at the same time.

So many people and creatures, it was a little unnerving for someone consider tiny by most standards. Pan had to struggle to keep her sense of direction and not get lost in the crowd of aliens. Unfortunately her room was directly above the quad, nowhere near the docks. After a good ten minutes of pushing and being shoved she finally made it to the quad.

'About time' she thought looking for the nearest lift to the second level. Spotting one not to far she began to head for it, thinking her self lucky to find one with out a waiting line.

Till she found why.

A few feet away from the lift was small group of mean looking (not that most weren't) Saiya-jin. From their armor one could see they were of high rank as well. 'Damn, they're Blues too. Too late to turn around now.'

Not that she was scared of them or anything, but running into anyone of her kind would only complicate things, and anyone from the 'other side' would only make things worse. She walked passed them pretending she didn't notice them, hoping-

"Hey you!" 

'Great, wonderful, what else could go wrong today?'

   She turn to face woman a few years her senior, her hair was a dark blue color, besides that, the she looked pretty average. Behind her were three men, two of which were obviously guards. The other, older than the rest, had a long scar running down his face; looking something between bored and annoyed, he stood away from the rest watching the passing crowd.

"Don't you answer when called?" the woman huffed, her saiya-jin tail expressing her annoyance clearly.

 'Who does she think she's talking to!?' Pan raged but bit her tongue.

The woman continued before Pan could say anything.

"Never mind. You haven't seen a Saiya-jin around here, with odd hair and eyes? Well? Speak up!"  That woman's attitude was really getting on her nerves.

"No, I haven't. Now if you'll excuse me." As Pan turned to leave the rude woman grabbed her arm. "Who are you with?" she asked dangerously.

 Pan felt the woman's ki rise preparing to fight as she pulled her arm back. Her two guards and a few bold passer byers suddenly came interested in the prospect of a fight.

"You're not one of us, are you? You're one of-"

"Stop it Saika, we're are here to find his Majesty." The older male said, not bothering to even turn around. "Not to start fights."  He said evenly.

The woman, Saika scowled at the man angrily, but did not oppose him. Huffing, she let Pan go without another glance.

'That was weird.' she looked at her watch 'and time consuming. 'Darn, I wanted to get back earlier. I wonder who they were looking for?'

As quickly as possible Pan retrieved the medicine from her room and headed back to The Mercushin.


In another corner of space, a planet much like earth hung in the inky darkness off space like an amethyst jewel. It appeared to be a swirl of violets and blues with wisps curling around it. Circling lazily in a wide orbit were the planet's moons, to far away to be seen from the planet itself at the moment. From space the view was serene and tranquil, quiet the opposite of a frigid but bustling city beneath the swirling clouds.

 The city looked both ancient and modern, stone buildings regally stood side by side with those artfully constructed of foreign alloys and metals. Traders, tourist, workers, and merchants, all scurried about either to tend to their business or get out of the increasing cold. Near the center of this majestic city stood a tower, which dominated the sky above many of other buildings new and old.  This tower was where the Consulate of Ewajima was held.

Many life-altering decisions were made, as well as life taking. This is where the changes began and ended. Where fates like this one were turned.

"You have our most sincere apologies,"


"Your parents were of the finest scientists, and most resourceful warriors..."

' Not that you care really cared.'

"But in the event of this tragic loss, you must assume the role as head of your house."

'Watch me leap for joy.'

 "As of the first sight of A'Drai, You will become Naav, head of The House of Linyarii of The Thariinye Clan....

'Oh, I'm really looking forward to baby sitting tribe leaders, and watching my back for stabbing Consulate members, really I am. Why not just make Head Consulate member of

Neg' Vah? You'd get rid of me a whole lot faster, you would.'

Naav thought bitterly sarcastic as he stood before the Consulate.

The Consulate had notified him the moment his parents had died, when their research ship had 'malfunctioned' and 'accidentally' send them into the nearest battlefront with the barbarians. The defenseless science vessel hadn't lasted five minutes.

 Naav was quite aware that it was no accident; wisely he kept his thoughts to himself, and his mental shield up. Out of habit he rub the side his neck, one watching might have assumed it was nervousness.

He waited patiently for Member Reenye to finish his little speech of false condolences and fake congratulations, if he had things his way, he'd be dead before left the room.

...I hope that you are just as good a leader as your parents were. May The Light of A'Drai shine upon you."   

"Thank you, Member Reenye, may The Light of A'Drai shine on you as well.."

He bowed once to Reenye then towards the rest of the Consulate, before gladly taking his leave to the halls of the Nok Tower where the Consulate resided.

'Nyaane's probably waiting for me, already,' he thought pushing a lock of pale sea-green hair out his brick red eyes. He walk swiftly down the empty gray-stone halls, the only sounds were echoes of his footsteps.

His silently sighed in relief to be free of 'their' presence.

The greed infested, power hungry politicians of Ewajima, who were slowly taking, 'legally', taking control.

He saw a figure waiting at the end of the hall and instantly recognized her. His twin sister Nyaane was an exact female replica of him self, the same shoulder length pale sea-green hair, the same height, the same caramel brown skin, the same stoic expression, the same smile (when ever they were rarely shown) the only physical difference (besides their gender qualities) was the color of their eye's; male's generally tend to have a shade of reddish brown, while female wore a golden or honey brown.

When Naav came close enough she handed him a thick coat made from Malron fur similar to the one she was wearing.

"It's too cold to fly," he half asked, half stated strapping it up.

"Yes, as is the feel of this dreadful place." Nyaane stated in monotone. A foreigner might not have picked up on any hint of emotion, but to Naav, Nyaane's distrust and distaste of the place was like a neon sign, she saw almost frowning. Almost.

"Empty and cold-hearted; their eye's and ears are just as well.." He warned gently, telling her their every move was being watched.

"We'll have to stay at the inn tonight, we won't be able to travel till morning." she said switching subjects, heading to the heavy wooden doors at the end of the hall the lead street exit.

"Alright. Let's go."

The weather out side was horrendous, a strong biting cold wind and think blankets of snow that kept coming down and showed no signs of stopping. Naav held onto his little sister, for her safety and his reassurance. Her slighter frame made it easier for her to fall pray to stronger sporadic gusts... and she was the only family he had left...the rest had been kill off one by one by the, well it was too obvious. They didn't say any thing as the trudged through the knee-deep snow.  They didn't need to, as along as they were together and alive.

For now.


Pan watched the cloaked man she had bumped into earlier from her seat in the mess.

She ate slowly, or what a human would consider a normal ingesting pace. He was quite the mystery. Whenever she saw the mysterious guy, and she made a point to avoid him, he always made at least one snide comment and an insult or two. Ok well maybe that was a little her fault too, they didn't exactly get off to the best start. 'But still he doesn't have to hold a grudge.'

She took a glance at him again. He was working away at some little gizmo at the next table over, everything but his white gloves and boots were cover by his black cloak and hood.

'Why would anyone wear such a thing? Duh Pan this is an unregistered transport half the crew on this ship is wanted for something or running from something.' 

She was more than a little curious about the stranger. 'You know what they say curiosity killed the cat. No sense in sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.'

 Suddenly the man looked up, for a second she caught a glimpse at the iciest blue eyes, which sent a chill down her spine.

"Do you have a problem?" sneered the faceless voice, "it's common courtesy not to stare, but then again I guess you wouldn't know anything about that." 

That was the snide comment.

"Was just wondering if there was anything close to a brain underneath that hood of yours, but I guess not. If there had been you would have learned by now not to mess with me."

She stated vehemently.

The man let out an amused chuckle at her angry tone, "Mess with you?" he laughed cruelly. "A little thing like you isn't worth the little energy it would take to destroy you." That was the insult.

She felt out his ki. Ok so he was strong, but if that was his highest, he'd be no match for her.  She snorted, 'He's way to cocky for his own good.'

" I think that you're just a bit too full of yourself. Overconfidence will be your downfall."

"If anything," he continued spitefully as if he hadn't heard what she said, "I am not the one too be trifled with. It wouldn't hurt you to learn when to bite your tongue. I'm in a lenient mood today I'll let your insolence slide, for today." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand and started tinkering again.

Pan Son was now officially shock...shock because she had never met someone so arrogant and egotistical in her life!

Pan Son was not going to let this 'slide'.


Not much, in fact nothing,until morning way after the siblings left the outskirts and were flying high in the sky before Nyaane spoke her mind.

"Brother, the Consulate will try and kill you next." she stated over the rush of wind. Her pale sea-green hair whip over her face as strong powerful wings road the strong winds that blew on Ewajima.

"I know."



"Your not going to just sit back and watch it happen."


"Naav." she warned in a dangerous tone her honey brown eye's showing the emotions her face may never wear. Anger. Fear and sadness.

"Nyaane." he matched her tone perfectly, "You worry for me, don't you?"

"Yes, brother, the Sovereign himself, just a puppet now, ever since the Queen's untimely death a few months ago. If you are gone The Thariinye Clan will have no leader, they will have control most of, if not all of, Ewajima."

Thariinye Clan was the third most powerful of all fifteen Clans of the Neg' Vah, simply because of it's size; 1/3rd of the entire planet of Ewajima with enough diverse land and resources to support itself if need be. It was no secret the Consulate saw it as a threat, but they wouldn't risk starting an uprising or civil war, even with most of it's warriors go into space to fight the barbarians, with a Clan of that size so the members of Head House had started, disappearing or dying...

"I am more concerned with your safety."

"I am not their concern because I am engaged to Khleevi of the first house of Fareeli, once the marriage ceremony has taken place I will be of his clan and unable to lead Thariinye. They would...

"Kill me afterward..."

"Because there'd be no else to lead...."

"The Clan would be under the supervision of the sovereign/ puppet till...

"They found some lackey to rule in their place." Nyaane finished. Even with the grimness of their words, the twins' eye shown with a small joy. They hadn't talked like that since before their wings could support them.  They reminisced for a bit verbally.

"Mother used to-"

"Get so mad-"

"When we did-"

"This, but Uncle Faveer and Dad thought-"

"It was amusing. That was the first time-"

"We'd seen an adult-"


They flew in silence for a while after that, thinking of their child hood. Day long gone spent playing under the sun dappled canopy and between the greatwood trees, whose trunks were as wide as a house and as tall as skyscrapers. From his position in the sky Naav could see the faint outline of his native forest. It was a serene and beautiful, thick, lush woodland filled with a feeling of security and contentment. All Naav's life had been spent there, it was home. The consulate would snatch it up in a blink; sell the priceless timber of the greatwood trees to off world traders. Or so it seemed, Naav felt there was more to the upset on Ewajima than precious resources. They'd destroy the last place that had any memories of his family, besides the graves the consulate had oh so willingly dug. 

"Nyaane, if I'm not here they cannot kill me."

"Explain." He could tell by the slight tone in her voice she didn't like where this conversation was going.


She glared at the man from behind the electric field of her holding cell in the ships brig. 'Stupid jerk,' she thought venomously, wanting nothing more than to beat that guy to a bloody pulp. She paced like a caged tiger, seething and fuming wishing that she had been given another cell just so she won't have to look at him.

'I should have just let it go but no...' She'd let her temper get the better of her again, and they had almost ended up fighting right there and then, when the Captain showed up and had them both thrown in the brig for a few hours to cool off. Unfortunately his cell was directly across from hers. 

One thing that infuriated her the most was that this whole thing just seemed to amuse the insufferable jerk. Oh what she wouldn't give for some space and no eye witnesses, then she'd show him a thing or two, Pan a cruel smirking form at the corner of her mouth, one way or another he'd never forget the day he met Pan Son!


Quotes of the day:

He who waits for a roast duck to fly into his mouth must wait a very, very long time.

-Chinese Proverb


AN: Read and review! Responses are very much appreciated! ^_~!