Father-Son Time:
Chapter 1 of 6
Rating: T for caution, probable language in later chapters.
"My Dad and I rebuilt a '59 Chevy in our driveway two summers ago. One of his many attempts at bonding." - Blaine, "Sexy"
Summary: Five times Mr. Anderson tried to bond with Blaine, and the first time Burt succeeded.
A/N: I missed a couple of weeks posting, I was traveling a lot. I plan to write a LOT more on Parental Wisdom, and quite probably even a prequel about Glee Season 1. I also haven't forgotten "After the Slap," I owe at least one or two more chapters there. I am trying to stay within Glee Canon, which means I need to review the episode, and sometimes many episodes, to get the details right. As life shifts into summer, I hope I can make time to do that.
I'm disappointed to hear that Season 3 DVDs might not be out until September. I remember we bought the Season 2 DVDs in July or August, so that we were all caught up by the time Season 3 aired. On one hand, this means more time to review Seasons 1 & 2. On the other hand, it makes it harder for me to write accurate Season 3 stories.
Chapter 1: Boxing.
Blaine was 7 years old, the day he followed Mr. Anderson and Cooper out to the garage for Coop's boxing session. As their father started Cooper practicing punches on the large bag that hung from the garage rafters, Blaine found a seat on his red wagon to watch. After a few minutes, his father turned towards him.
"Blaine, come here." It wasn't a request, and Blaine knew better than to protest. He stood up and came over. His father knelt in front of him, so their heads were about even. Blaine moved to kneel too, but his father shook his head. "Stand up. One foot in front, the other back." He helped Blaine position his feet. "Turn your body to the side, so you're a smaller target."
Large hands held small ones, curling the fingers in, thumb outside. "Make fists, like this." And he moved the arms into position, "One hand up, to protect the face. The other arm lower, to protect the body. Now, block."
His father made fists, and moved slowly, pulling back most of the force. Blaine tried to block, but the 'punch' still got through. Even going light and slow, the bare hands were hard enough to hurt. Blaine winced at the pain, "Ow!"
His father looked at him sharply, grabbing Blaine by the chin and looking at both sides of Blaine's face. "You'll be fine. Come on, you try."
Blaine tried to hit his father, he really did. But his father was too good at blocking, he never made any hits. Meanwhile, Blaine wasn't able to block any, either. And for some reason, his father always made contact. They both moved slowly, it's not like his father was trying to beat him up… but it hurt. After a couple of rounds, Blaine threw up his hands. "I don't want to box anymore." He tried to walk back into the house.
"Blaine Everett Anderson, get back here right now."
Blaine didn't dare continue walking away. He turned back to listen, as his father pulled out Cooper's old inflatable target. "Here. If you won't box me, box this. He showed Blaine a couple of punches on the bag. "You work on those punches until I say stop."
Blaine didn't really want to learn how to box, until after the Sadie Hawkins dance. And he didn't really like boxing, until he found the boxing coach at Dalton. Somehow, Dalton's coach understood how to work with Blaine better than Blaine's father did.
A/N: Reviews are always appreciated! I did what some other Fanfic writers have done, and used Darren's middle name for Blaine's. If we ever find out a middle name, I'll come back and correct this.