Chapter Three

How Far Did the Apple Fall from the Tree?

If you think that the world is a boring place, you have never seen me eat. It is the most amazing and beautiful sight to ever cross this earth. With how delicately I place the chicken in my mouth-


And how gently I drink from my glass-


I am a true lady indeed.

Everybody was watching me, in awe of my eating skills. OCD Lord had his mouth hanging open, Maka and Soul were taking bets on which meal I would finish first, and Black Star was sulking in a corner because I could eat more than him.

"Woah, Flyk," Maka said, "You eat really fast,"

"Likeaboss," I repeated. Everyone sweatdropped. I sighed, not really feeling into it that day. Crona was nowhere to be found, though I didn't actually know what I was going to say to him, the thought didn't cross my mind at the moment.

"Flyk?" Maka asked, "What's wrong? You look kinda down," She frowned. I quickly put a smile back on my face, waving my hand up and down.

"Oh no, I'm fine. By the way, have you seen Crona?" I motioned around for emphasis. Maka shook her pigtails.

"Nope. Though I think he might be at the library, he's recently taken to that place a lot- FLYK! WHERE ARE YOU?"

I learned that day that I could run very, very fast.



"Come on, you're absolutely perfect-"

"No means HELL NO! PERVERT! RAPE!" I always hated science. Now I have yet another reason.

Pervert, a.k.a. Dr. Stein, has this creepy obsession with dissection. Just my luck to run into him, and find out that I'm 'perfect experiment materiel," I didn't even bother taking it as an insult.

I scrambled away from him, wondering how I always managed to run into the weirdoes in the hallway. I mean, what was wrong with a room full of witnesses? At least something I can justify my horror on.

"Come on, little library, where are you?" I wondered out loud. My brain didn't think at the moment that I never knew where the library was in the first place, but that wasn't the problem at the time.

Maka and Soul said that I was going to have to meet my real parents soon. My heart sped up with the thought. Would I? With all that's happened here, I couldn't really shrug off the thought. They might be here, in Death City, waiting for their daughter to come home. Did I have a sister? A brother? They probably had a dog. Or a cat. Those would be nice too-


Yes. I bumped into someone.

"O-oh! I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and- oh, it's you!"

There. Is. A. God.

"C-Crona!" I said happily. He smiled a cute little smile.

"H-Hello, Flyk," He said softly. The moment was amazing until Ragnarok popped out of his back.

"Hey, bitch!" He said, "Move it! Stein will try to experiment me again if Crona and I are late! Now vamanos!" He moved his hands in a shooing motion. I glared at him, holding up my fist.

"Trust me, you are enough of an experiment already!" I yelled, trying to hit his face. Ragnarok stuck his tongue out and pulled my blue pigtails, only to get whacked by my fist.






"I'm sorry Crona…" I said. He looked at me and shakily smiled, sweatdropping.

"I-It's alright, Flyk, I never knew you could hit that hard,"

I sighed with depression as I placed the icepack on his cheek.

"You wouldn't have had to if you hadn't moved,"

"W-Well i-ironically enough, I was moving so I wouldn't get hit, hehehe…" He nervously chuckled. I laughed with him.

"So, how's life for ya?" I asked. Crona looked at me, blushing a bit. I had no idea at what though.

"It's been a lot better, actually,"

"Oh get a room!" Ragnarok yelled. I glared at him and the large whelp he now sported on his nose…er...thing.

"Shut the hell up, Ragnarok," I said, turning back to Crona. He laughed a little at my comment.

"Crona," I started, taking the icepack off, "I was wondering, when I go to meet my parents, could you come with me?" I really hoped he would. Crona was the only person at this school I could really trust beside Maka.


I cheered, "YAAAAA BITCHES! I GOT THE LORD OF PINK TO COME WITH ME, TAKE THAT!" I pumped my fists in the air. Crona looked scared of me. Wouldn't be the first time.

"Flyk?" I heard Maka call. I turned around, seeing the familiar meister and her weapon.


"It's time to meet your parents,"

"I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this," That amazing mantra was repeated by yours truly the entire ride to my parents house. To tell the truth, I was scared out of my wits. What if they were bad people? Secret drug dealers? Mafia? But then I calmed myself down by thinking that Maka and the others wouldn't take me to them if they were bad.

"Well, we're here," Maka said, getting off the bus. Why we didn't just use one of her fancy portals, I don't know.

"I can't do this," I said. Crona looked at me, smiling gently and taking my hand.

"I-It'll be alright, F-Flyk," He said. Somehow that wasn't very comforting.

"I hope," I muttered.

Crona led me to the front door, all the while I was trying to think of good escape plans.

"I think you should push the doorbell, Flyk," Maka said. I gulped, shakily reaching my finger up to the button. Just as I was about to pull back and say "I can't, you do it," I lost my balance and fell on the doorbell.

Not. Happy.

"It's now or n-never," Crona said. I got up, squeezing his hand tighter. All the while pictures of what my parents really looked like flashed through my mind. I didn't know which one to pick.

The doorknob turned.

The door opened.

A person emerged through the door, dressed in beige. My eyes widened.


"F-Flyk?" She asked warily. I couldn't breathe. Crona lightly patted my back, giving me a sympathetic look. I smiled. Everyone was trying so hard to cheer me up. I couldn't let their efforts go to waste.

"It's me, m-m-mom," I said, taking a step forward. She gasped, tears coming to her eyes. I quickly did an analysis of her looks:

Black hair with white streaks running through it, and icy blue eyes that were watery with even more tears. Chocolate skin like mine, with small, frail hands. I smiled even more. Mother.

"Please," she said, "Please don't let this be a joke, or a dream, or anything else!" All of the sudden she shot forward and hugged me. Now I couldn't breathe for another reason. This woman was strong.

"H-Help," I managed to Crona and Maka.

They both just stood there with T.T looks on their faces.

My mom pulled back and took a deep, calming breath. I thought she was about to start talking normally when I suddenly heard,


And now I see which tree the apple came from.

"H-How did you even know I did that?" I asked, still in shock. Mother clucked with her tongue.

"You think they didn't send me a report of your actions? Honestly, that school was dreadful but you could have at least left in a more normal way, then again, you aren't a normal girl," She grabbed my hands, "You can still turn into a dagger, I presume?"

"H-How do you know that?"

"I'm your mother, sweetie, I've known ever since I found you hanging on the brick wall, when I was playing with you, threw you a bit too high, and you panicked, so you thrust your arm out and turned it into a tiny little dagger, strong enough to penetrate brick and keep you there until we got a ladder,"

With every word my jaw got lower and lower and lower.

"I…" My voice squeaked, "In the brick wall?"

She giggled, "Yep,"

"Oh dear God,"


"So, where's dad?" I questioned. Mom sat there, after everyone had left.

"He'll be home from work in a couple of hours,"

"What does he do?"

She looked at me, smiling like she was about to say the most normal thing in the world,

"He's an Undertaker,"

"An Undertaker?"


"Uh, mom," I started, one hand up like I was asking a question.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"You see…" I nervously scratched the back of my head, "…THAT'S TOTALLY AWESOME! THANK GOD HE'S NOT A STUPID ACCOUTANT OR SOMETHING! YEAH BITCHES!"

Now normally you would think she would stand up and tell me not to cuss, but instead….

Mom stood up from her knitting, giving me a high-five, "HELLY YEAH! DOUCHEBAGS CAN SUCK IT!"

I had the best mom in the world.

The Next Day:

"H-Hello Flyk," Crona said as I walked beside him. I smiled back, happier than ever.

"Heeeelooooo Crona," I said, grinning like an idiot. Ever since I had come to Death City, my life had been ten times better than heaven.

"H-How's your day been?" He asked. I shrugged, keeping my books pressed to my chest.

"Okay, I guess, Mr. Stein tried to rape me in the name of science again, but other than that…great!"

Crona sweatdropped, looking nervous again.

"R-Rape you? Flyk that's terrible!" He fussed over me, nervously stuttering and all that. Now it was my turn to sweatdrop. He thought I was serious?

I laughed, putting my hands up, "Dude, chill. I was joking. Anyway, today's actually really big for me, wanna know why?" I leaned in. Crona turned red for some odd reason and stuttered again.


"Apparently I'm the only weapon at this school without a meister. They want to pair me up as quickly as possible and get started on 'training me'" I put air quotes up then gagged, "Makes me sound like a frickin' toddler,"

To my surprise Crona actually started laughing! And not the cute little chuckle he always does, but a full-blown cackle! Now, of course, it was the prettiest tune I had ever heard in my life, but still! Damn the boy had surprises.

"I-I'm s-sorry," He gasped, clutching his stomach, "S-Something about th-the way y-you said that was so funny!" He stopped after a while, brushing away tears.

My eyes were as wide as the pancakes Mom made for me (Those thing were HUGE!) as I looked over Crona. He gave me a cheerful smile, then walked along to class, like everything was normal.

All the while, the only thoughts in my head are Oh shiz nitch, I'm in love with a pinkette!


I entered the classroom like any other normal day. Any other normal day where I didn't just hear Crona laugh, just met my mom, found out why I have no fear of heights, etc.

"Flyk, please take your seat," The teacher said to me. She pointed to a seat in the middle of the classroom, where everybody could see me, "Today is the day we pick a meister for little" Twitch, "Flyk here. Will Crona please come up to the chair?"

My face was one of shock. How much luck was I going to have today? It was really starting to freak me out, considering karma and all that…

"B-But, I already have a weapon!" Crona weakly said. My mood went down a little.

"True," Teacher (she will not be named…sorry ^_^) said, "But you need a human weapon as well. Someone who can understand other's emotions a little better,"

At this Ragnarok popped out of Crona's back, "Hey! I can understand plenty!"

"No you can't," Was the class's entire response.

Crona looked to me, smiling weakly. My mood went down even more. Did he not want me as a partner?

"Hey, Crona," I said once class was over, "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Crona looked at me, nodding.


When everybody had cleared, I looked him in the eyes, "Crona, do you not want me as a weapon?"

Crona's eyes went wide before he rapidly shook his head, "No! I would love to have you, Flyk! I just am worried a-about d-disappointing you, you know?" He twiddled his thumbs and looked up at me. I gulped. I couldn't fall much more for this guy. Last time that happened, it didn't exactly end well.

I shuddered. No. I wouldn't think of that.

"Flyk?" Crona asked, looking concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I said, running a hand through my hair. Crona looked relieved.

"I'm s-sorry anyway for confusing you, but…" He looked at me. I gulped again.


"…Would it be alright…if I gave you a hug right now?"

Must. Not. Marry. Crona.

"O-Okay, but why?"

"P-Please don't ask why, but thank you," He said, wrapping his arms around me. I was shocked when I felt the tiniest bit of definition in his chest, like a kind-sorta worked out. His arms were a lot stronger than the petite look they gave off.

The bad thing was, this was only the second time I was ever hugged by a guy. The first- I shuddered again. Don't think of it…

I wrapped my arms around Crona all the same.

"You are by far the weirdest boy I have ever met,"

Author's note:

So I haven't been working on this story very much lately, mostly because I was having so much fun with another one (makes it sound like I'm cheating on them,) But anyways, if you have ANY ideas at all for the story, send them to me and I promise I'll consider them! Review, or I won't update! Sorry Crona was so OOC in this chappie, it just kinda came and went!~

Also, ideas on Flyk's undertaker dad?