{'Tis was night, and for now I am the narrator who is telling this story because I am getting paid and keep complaining how Keroro and his platoon, have failed to invade earth... Anyway as we noticed there's smoke that could belong from a fire coming from the backyard of the Hinata's house full aware that it had belonged to Giroro who we all know is the red warrior frog. If you have no idea who Giroro is, then go watch the show called Sgt Frog because you have been missing out! For those who are aware of this awesome show shell we take a closer look?}

Giroro was sitting on a cement rock next to his fire holding a worn out brown journal, and if you listened beyond the crackles from the fire then you could hear the scribbles... And the way he looked, very concentrated... {Wait a minute... He's writing on... A journal!} as he was writing his thoughts down;

May 3, 20XX... 22:15... Today was the same as always, starting at 10:15 in the morning where Keroro made another meeting in the meeting room... The extremely excited Tamama sitting to my left and the sleeping Kululu sitting to my right... And to his right was the cardboard cut out of Dororo. Of course Keroro himself was behind his desk in front of us with some papers scattered around. Today's big idea for the invasion was a yard sale. A fu*king yard sale! Out of all the things he could of come up with he came up with a yard sale! I was about to blow up and yell at him until he interrupted me.

"Now don't you blow up Giroro, for there is still more into this yard sale. I have noticed that you guys have a lot of junk lying around and the best way to get rid of it, is to sell them and thus we can use that money for the invasion of Pekopon! See how thoughtful I am?" he praised himself. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"And what about your junk? You have so many Gundam's that you have no more room, why don't you sell that? We could use some extra cash" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Gunso, as much as I love your idea... What can I sell? All I basically have is snacks that I don't want to give away" he pouts {even though you live with a rich person} " What about Kululu? What can he sell? His curry? I don't think he's the type that would like to share his curry... Then theirs his inventions..." I shivered at the thought of a poor soul getting his inventions, don't get me wrong about the Pekoponians, I do hate them, but I'll feel sorry for them since most of his inventions are used on me...

"what's with all this complaining? We can be earning money with this yard sale!" Keroro threw his arms in the air. As the result he threw his papers that were on his desk flying towards us. One happen to land into my grasp, Tamama had to jump to catch his and Kululu's paper landed on his sleeping face. I took one big look at the paper and even had to read it twice. It was an ad for a stupid Gundam sale for tomorrow! It all made sense... It was for him to use our money to buy his toy and not even use a dime for the invasion!

"Gero! Its not what it looks like! Ok... Maybe a little bit... Who am I kidding, I just wanted to buy the newest toy! I promise I'll return the money back!" Keroro tried to explain. I in the other hand had no more patience... I left my seat, noticed that Keroro flinched knowing full aware what was coming his way... Instead I started to walk away not wanting to waste my energy beating him to a pulp.. Or even wasting my breath on him... I bet he was glad that I didn't lay a finger on him.

Giroro sighed as he was writing it all down. He shook his hand to get some blood flowing, after all he was holding the pen too hard as he expressed his anger on the paper. He took a deep breath and started to write again...;

As I walked up stairs to my tent to start polishing my weapons again... It was now 15:25... With my amazing hearing I heard the front door open, with soft footsteps coming inside. I can recognize those soft footsteps... My warrior princess... I put my semi clean gun down and went to check if I was correct. It was her, the one preventing us from moving forward of taking over Pekopon, and the one who stole my heart after the first day we made contact... Her beautiful pink hair, her brown eyes that I could get lost in them if I dare look too long... Her soft lips I have been dreaming in one day being able to feel them... Her figure-

Giroro snapped out of his daydream, he had to reread what he had written... He felt his face get hot.. Thank god for having red skin.. He couldn't have these things written down so he started to crossed out my warrior princess, the one who stole my heart to figure... This is the who knows how many times he had to crossed out stuff since he met her. It would be horrible if any of my comrades had found this.. Especially kululu... {He probably already knows..} But what if HQ wanted to confiscate it then he'll be ruin and the laughing stock of the whole Keron planet!

He noticed how his writing had been more neatly as he painstaking wrote it compare to what he had written previously;

The only reason I kept peeking at her was to check her out find any more weaknesses.{oh I see, he's crossing stuff out as he writes... Should I even be reading this? Duh! I have to so I can say random stuff and interrupt} So far she kept doing the same thing she always dose when she comes home. One is never noticed that I am watching her which I was grateful so I could admire her more wouldn't be caught. But sad that she doesn't noticed me she then goes upstairs to change out of her school uniform and into her other beautiful clothes. As always her younger brother Fuyuki, comes from school by the time she starts dinner. As always I retreated back to my seat and started to polish my guns. I couldn't blow my cover when he was around. He sometimes notices me unless he was glued to one of his paranormal books. I hope one of these days there would be just the two of us eating together... Not just sweet potato's but an actual dinner or lunch.

It was already 20:15 and I had started to roast the sweet potato's for her and hoped that the sweet scent of the sweet potato's would bring her here... 20:30, my warrior princess, Natsumi had already ate dinner, finished her homework and had arrive here just as I hoped;

"Hey Giroro, it smells delicious," Natsumi said

"h-hey... W-would you l-like one?" I asked without looking at her for I knew I was blushing. She sat down right next to me on the cement rock I had gotten just for her... As promised I gave her the sweet potato which she accepted. As she ate, we would stay quite for a while before she started to talk about her day. Most of the time we stayed quite and didn't say anything to each other which was fine by me I could care less as long as my warrior princess was with me. Whenever she did talk I would chuckle when necessary, nodded in agreement, and keep giving her sweet potatoes.

"... And of course I had solved that problem.." She proudly said. That didn't surprise me, I know she's smart since she's on top of her class with everything... "but the best part was that I ran into Saburo!"

I flinched at that pretty boys name. I'm also full aware that she has a crush on him. How I wish I could tell her to never see him again, not to love him, or even think about him! To love me instead! I had protected her! Risked my life for her! I would sacrifice anything for her... Anything... But if she wanted to love him and told me to back off... Then I'll do it... If she happy... What more can I do? I can give her much more happiness... A warrior is not a lover! I'm such a hypocrite.

"thank you for listening to me and for the delicious sweet potato's... Giroro..." she stands up and starts to walk away. "Good night" she says when she enters the house closing the door behind her not giving me enough time to respond.

"Good night my warrior princess" I mumble...

With being 22:25, I'm here writing everything down. I hope that when we return home they won't ask for this.. It contains to much of my personal info and my point of view. I don't want this to be found by someone else or read {except me of course!} And I'll make sure that I have this journal buried with me or burned...

Giroro shuts his journal and stands up. He starts to put the fire out and heads to bed. 'Time to wake up early to work out and go to tomorrows meeting and hope this time Keroro will think of a good plan...' he thought to himself. Before he enters his tent he takes one last look at Natsumi's window... "sweet dreams my love" he mumbled as he went inside his tent. Little did he know there was a bright green shooting star in the sky... {wait a minute! Since when had there been green shooting stars? I demand a scientist to explain it! The only explanation could mean... Another guest? Oh this is getting good}

The next day:

Giroro had awakened at 7:30 the same time Natsumi and Fuyuki would usually get up for school. But what surprised him more was that he didn't see Natsumi or Fuyuki as he usually would have, but he caught a glimpse at a note that Natsumi had probably left

'Gone shopping for lunch, Love 723'

"Oh, glad she left a note… otherwise I'd be freaking out right now," Giroro mumbled.

He kept his eyes and ears wide open as he started his usual workout so he wouldn't be caught off guard incase someone wanted to attack him. {The way he worked out would make the work out instructor look so bad and weak with the training he did. Must be so his skills wouldn't rust. If I ever did a work out like that I wouldn't be able to move for a whole week! Or dead...}

Giroro looked at the time and it was 9:50, the meeting was soon to start. He entered the house and started to head to the basement, to the meeting room. With all those twist and turns he had to make, it took him 10 minutes to finally reach the room. To his shock no one was here... He knew Keroro might be late.. Kululu would have been sleeping at his assign seat or listening to his loud music, Tamama would have been munching on his snacks and greeting him with a good morning but apparently they weren't doing that, they were simply gone... Heck even the Dororo cardboard cut out wasn't here! {That's saying something} Giroro noticed that there were some notes on everyone's seat, even on Dororo's desk. He jogged to everyone's desk and started to read the notes.

Tamama: went with Gunso!

Kululu: kukuku...

That made Giroro shiver...

Dororo; gone to the mountains with miss Koyuki

Keroro: went with Fuyuki to check out the green shooting star and afterwards going to the store and buy gundam! Incase your reading this Giroro is because we forgot to give you the message {or maybe you wanted to avoid the wrath of Giroro if you cancel today's meeting just to skip out...}

Giroro rips the paper into pieces and throws them up in the air, trying to control his anger. "he is so going to get a cherry bomb in his mouth again!" he grumbled. He started to make his way back up stairs. {after those twist and turns later..} He was about to enter the living room until he heard the front door open. 'A robber? Tch, great someone to take my anger out at...' As he went to combat mode taking out his gun, he leaned against a wall and walked slowly to the corner, slightly leaning over to see who it was. He lowers his gun and blushes a bit. His warrior princess had just come home with a bag full of groceries.

"Your footsteps had gotten a little loud from usual Natsumi" Giroro said as he made her slightly jump.

"Giroro! Don't scare me again! Next time I could punch you!" her face slightly got red from jumping. It melted Giroro's heart. "what do you mean my footsteps had gotten louder?" Natsumi put the bag down and stared down at Giroro who happen to look away avoiding eye contact.

"y-you forget, I have a-amazing hearing" Giroro said trying his best not to stumble on his words. "a-and I j-just got u-used to your f-footsteps so I w-wouldn't attack you if you were an intruder..." he turned around to be met by her soft smile. His heart stopped just for a second.

"your like our personal security alarm" she chuckled softly. Now that she noticed he was sweating a bit. Had he been working out this whole time? "Giroro must have been pushing himself to the limit in his training again" she thought.

Fuyuki had mention something about the stupid frog and himself are going to check the mysterious green shooting star that landed not too far from here. Along with Momoka, Tamama and Mois. Koyuki had invited her but she declined for she had to make lunch for Fuyuki if they came home early. Mom called earlier saying she would be home late... So she was all basically alone on a Saturday, with her partner Giroro.