"Hi everyone and welcome to the Truth or Dare Show of DOOM! My name is Zerra! This show is being published on my first official, day home from my summer job as a celebration, so happy summer! Here's how the show will work; you (the readers) will send in dares or truths in the form of reviews, and I'll do my best to make the victi- er, I mean, characters follow them! Now, lets meet our guests!" Said a red headed girl with freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. She grinned out at the audience.

*Zim, Dib, Gaz, Gir, the Tallest and Tak all fall through a random black hole in the ceiling*

" What? Where are we? !" Zim yelled.

"You, Zim, are in a place in which there is no escape." Zerra chuckled at the last part, looking forward to the part of the show where he'd attempt to escape.

"You cannot hold the all mighty ZIM anywhere!" He yelled, pronouncing his name very proudly.

"I can if you don't wish to be sprayed nonstop by water. See all the possible exits? They're all loaded with water guns that go off if opened, and to make sure no humans leave, there's an endless abyss right behind the door as well. Go ahead, try it, I dare you." She gave them a malicious grin. No one tried anything, other than stare at her in horror. "No takers? Okay then. Now, on with the show. As the title of this show says, it is a truth or dare show. The readers will send in truth or dares in for any of you to do, including myself so I won't get bored as well." she explained to the cast.

"So, you're going to hold us against our will until who ever decides you've had enough of torturing us?" Dib asked the hostess. She smiled at him kindly and nodded.

"That's just stupid." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"And what if we don't wish to do the dares and refuse?" Tallest Purple asked.

"Oh, nothing bad, just even worse torture from me and my little remote that hangs off this little bracelet." Zerra held up her arm so the cast and audience can see the little remote that was chained to her wrist.

"What do they do?" Tak asked.

"Well, for you Irkens, it pummels you with steaming hot water balloons until you agree to answer or do the dare. As for you humans... I won't even get started there. I'll just let you know it's excruciatingly painful."

"Such as?" Dib asked arching an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know, jut the usual pepper spray, listening to annoying artists, nightmare inducing shots, you know. Anything I'm fairly certain is illegal." All the humans stared wide eyed at the hostess.


"You're going to kill us, basically!" Dib exclaimed.

"Oh, don't worry, those where only the ones I use in a bad mood. If I'm in a good mood, then you'll get slapped over and over again, poked into submission, or pretty much annoyed into doing it." She smiled at them.

"Okay, any more questions?" She sent a death glare to the guests, so they won't ask any questions. They all shrank back into their seats.

"None? Okay! Now, press that little blue button down there, and send in your dares or any questions you want the truth about. Good luck to all the cast, and if since I'm very cheesy, may the odds be ever in your favor!" She finished this last sentence off with a chuckle, and brought three fingers to her lips, kissed them, and held them out to the cast who seemed very perplexed by the gesture.

"Seriously, read the Hunger Games and you'll figure it out...that's such a sad series..." she started ranting about how she hated how they killed her favorite character, Finnick as the curtains came to a close.