Title: Get the Salt
Genre/s: Horror, Supernatural, Romance, Suspense
Rating + Warnings: T + Scary (?) folklore creatures, mentions of gore (?)
Characters/Pairing: USUK + OC!Philippines
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia Axis Powers and all of the characters therein. They all rightfully belong to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Summary: America and England decide to visit the Philippines, both of them looking forward to quality time just to themselves- a relaxing vacation away from the other nations, politics and responsibility. It was so until weird, peculiar things start happening around them. Something was out there, they don't know who or what. But it was just outside the hut they were currently stuck in; waiting for them and they don't know for how long they could keep it that way. Philippine Folklore, Established USUK. OC Philippines.
A shame though... he won't be staying around much because I like my usuk sexy tiemz, too. We can't have fluffy smexy tiems when Phils is around... he's a prude. /slapped
America and England were curled up on the couch, lazying under the late afternoon orange sunlight streaming through the open window next to them. The air was pleasantly warm enough that they had opted to leave one window open to soak up the last of the warm autumn sunlight before winter in. Littered across the coffee table before them were open holiday brochures, one of which marred by the wet butt of a mug placed upon it earlier.
America had his arm carelessly thrown across England's shoulders, unconsciously running a hand through his boyfriend's messy locks as he examined a brochure of an "island get-way of your life at an affordable cost". He stared unblinkingly at the glossy paper, not really taking in what was written.
The past few months had been hectic, a flurry of paperwork, conferences, meetings and signings. Almost like someone had decided they wanted to dump a bucketful of work on America's face, leaving him cold miserable and drained in its wake and wanting nothing more than to forget about the world for a while and the responsibilities that went with it. And who but his adorable grumpy huffy boyfriend for company, right?
They probably hadn't gone on a date for months too as a result of the workload liberally dumped on their shoulders. Thus, they'd shared mutual sentiments of a quick vacation somewhere away from countries that could potentially ruin quality time.
America threw the pamphlet he held and pinched the bridge of his nose. None of the places were appealing to both of them and they've at least gone through three-fourths of the pack already. America sighed and pursed his lips, maybe if they settled on some country that was familiar to at least one of them and maybe somewhere they haven't visited in a while? That could narrow things down and maybe then they'd at least get somewhere before their allotted vacation time was up.
There was shuffling at his side as England fussed with a few more brochures. "How about the Philippines? I haven't been there in a while."
America blinked and regarded England with a questioning expression. "Did you have some where you wanted to visit? I mean, I guess it's a pretty country when you know where to go."
England's eyes furrowed thoughtfully as he bit his lower lip, "I've always wanted to see their festivals." England said as he absentmindedly examined another brochure before sighing and setting it down with the rest, "I heard there was this festival coming up in a few months."
America hummed, he did remember Philippines saying something like that. "Uh, yeah. It's one of the largest in the country, I think. Si- uhh... the Sinulod? Sinulog? Something like that. Somewhere in the Visayas." America regarded the ceiling for a few seconds before he mumbled, "I guess that's fine. I haven't been to the Visayas before. Everytime I visited the Phils it was always either in Manila or Boracay, pretty Luzon based if you ask me."
England turned around in his seat to proper face the American, "When is this? Sometime next year, I hope? We can spend the Holidays over at your place or mine."
America grinned, delighted that they were finally heading somewhere. He hadn't seen Philippines in a while and the little dude had always bragged about how awesome his festivals were. It was probably time he saw one. "Awesome! We can cross the strait and go visit the Chocolate Hills when the festival's over! And probably go to Leyte. They've got this huge monument set up for MacArthur over there, ya know?"
England returned the grin, "Oh? Your General back in World War two?"
America nodded enthusiastically, "Yup! He took up my example and became a hero, too!"
England snorted, "Oh hush, you." He stood up and stretched his arms above his head, "Can you give Philippines a call? He would know a few more attractions in his country and could give us a few suggestions."
"On it!" America said, hastily grabbing his mobile and punching in a few numbers and putting it on speaker. He waited a few seconds before a groggy voice answered the phone which, judging from the hissing, were random curse words and death threats.
"Sino ito? Alas-kuwatro pa ng umaga, ah!"
"Yo, Philippines! Mind helping out a bro in need?"
"... Amerika?"
"Hey, whatever happened to that word you always put before my name. The "Kya-kya!" Or something."
"Yeah, that."
A peeved sigh slithered through the phone, accompanied by the rustling of sheets, "What did you want so early in the morning?"
America blinked and ignored the glowering look England sent him, "Oh. Oops, I forgot about the- er, you can go back to sleep. I guess it can wait later."
There was a mutter of what suspiciously sounded like 'I thought so' before another sigh emitted through the phone's speakers, "No, it's okay. I guess I should just start my day early. What did you want, Kuya?"
America smiled sheepishly at that and started rubbing the back of his head, "Err, ummm... you know how you're always talking about your festivals and stuff whenever we have a chance to meet up?"
America grinned, "Well, England and I wanted to come see one next year!" He then replaced his arm over England's shoulders as the Briton replaced himself back on the couch.
"You will? Really? Because there's one on January if you do and it's the Sinulog, the celebration of Señor Santo Niño! It's in Cebu, though and I know you've never been anywhere other than Luzon and that sucks because the Visayas and Mindanao are beautiful, too! Anyway, the Sinulog is a pretty large celebration with dance parades, many colorful floats, and bright costumes and there are so many cultural shows to look forward to and.. and the short films! There are about … 10 finalists this year? And-"
"Whoa, whoa! Slow down, bro!" America chuckled, fully expecting the excited word vomit, "Yes, we'll come see you on January." He smiled at the person next to him, "England wanted to see one of your festivals and I like, want to see one too and then those Chocolate Hills you mentioned, and then go visit MacArthur and then maybe to Palawan after?"
"That's fine, I guess. Pero don't you want to stay in Cebu a few days before the festival? You can always go Whale Shark Watching while you're there. That's in Oslob, 6 hours' drive away from Cebu City proper."
America's eyes practically glittered, "Whale Sharks?" he turned towards England again and gave him his best puppy-dog eyes, "England, can we? Cause that'd be totally awesome, you know. I mean, WHALE SHARKS! Those big creatures are friendly!"
"Don't you have whale, though?"
"Whale's awesome, too! But England, whale Sharks!"
England and Philippines chuckled before the former cleared his throat and said, "Would it be alright, Philippines? I've always been intrigued with your festivals and your culture... folklore, too, perhaps."
"Oh! Why, yes, it is very much alright, Mr. England!" There was nervous shuffling at the end of the line before, "Ah, my folklore, it is rather intriguing. We are a very superstitious bunch."
"I see." England said.
America looked apprehensively between England and the phone before laughing awkwardly, "Your folklore? You still believe in that stuff?"
An eerie silence permeated the phone for a while, making America shift nervously in his seat and only relaxing when England twined their fingers reassuringly. If crazy vampire shit and magical dwarves pranced about Philippines' place on a regular basis, America would have to consider making re-arrangements. However, seeing as magical creatures supposedly inhabited England's place as well and he had yet to see one, America figured it was really no big deal and was just stupid legends that tend to predominate extra-superstitious countries.
What seemed to be a few minutes passed before Philippines finally cleared his throat and said, "My folklore is very diverse and although most of my people generally scoff at the idea of dwarves living in anthills or fairies dancing in forests, deep in their very beings, they somehow still believe in their existence. I embrace my folklore despite the fact that with modern technology, interest in it has diminished. It is part of who I am, my silly superstitions and my mythological creatures, and so as long as my people still pass them through word of mouth, it shall continue to be so."
America stared at the phone for a few seconds, not bothering to answer. He had never been comfortable with the topic of the supernatural, everyone knew that, and he was just downright terrified of ghosts, but dammit, America was a hero and no amount of scary stories or creepy creatures would scare him!
"Oh, uhm. I'm sorry, that was disrespectful of me." Philippines said after a short while of silence and America chuckled at the tone the other man had.
"Nah, it's okay, dude. No harm done. We're still coming in January, though, alright? Expect us!"
Philippines laughed, "Yes, okay. I'll take care of your hotel reservations and make sure that you have someone to take you to Oslob when you get here. I know just the person! Tell me when you're popping in and I'll come see you at the airport! Nothing is free of charge, though!"
"You cheapskate," America laughed as he grabbed the phone from where he had set it down on the coffee table, "But anyway, thanks though! I'll call you around the holidays!"
"Sure! By the way, should I rent two hotel rooms or ..." Philippines trailed off hesitantly.
America then remembered that Philippines had always been uneasy with same-sex relationships, but he never told anyone off or shoved his opinions down their throat, well, occasionally. But their friendship worked as long as America didn't hang it over Philippines' head all the time.
"Oh, err... Just one room would be fine, yeah. Thanks, dude."
"Err, no problem, Kuya America. Paalam."
Sino ito? Alas-kuwatro pa ng umaga, ah! – Who is this? It's 4 in the morning!
Kuya – Older brother or a term for addressing older males
Paalam – Goodbye
Ah, thank you for reading the first chapter! It's kind of a prologue… or not. /shrugs But hopefully you enjoyed and continue reading! *w* Please review! It only takes a few words to brighten up my day! Constructive criticism is much appreciated as well! I tend to mix up my tenses. TT-TT
Oh and… Philippines can get really skittish with the issue of gay marriage because it's an extremely religious and conservative country and as of May 2012, the House of Representatives has dubbed the PHL as 'not yet ready' for legalizing gay marriage. Nevertheless, I haven't seen gay couples getting shit so as long as they [gay and straight couples, alike] don't do lascivious acts on public. Some people will really turn their noses up at this sort of relationship (just like every country) but most will understand and respect people for their decisions and preferences.
However, I do not wish to delve deeper into this issue and get comments about how all Catholics think this way blah blah yadda. Because some really don't and truthfully wish that people can marry and be happy with the ones they love and believe that the Lord will still welcome them with open arms given that they have lived their lives to the fullest, led a good example to their kids and have done no harm to anyone. /ollies out