Finale (Chapter Twenty)

Fast Forward, Six Months Later

Kaisel sat down on the bed in the hotel room and took a deep breath, to try and keep her nervousness down to a minimum. She didn't know how she was gonna do it, but she had to. So, she just sat and waited for the door to open. It did open, about 15 minutes later, and Punk walked inside with John loudly.

"Never again will I be in the car with you only." Punk joked. "Who gave you your damn license?!"

"The DMV, where else?" John joked back. "You're just mad because I drive fast."

"Kaisel." Punk said, looking at her.


"Is going 90 in a 45 zone fast to you?"

"Yes." She said.

"Noo?" John said, defending himself. "No one else was on the street!"

"So what if a kid would have walked into the street?" Punk said.

John was quiet, and Punk and Kaisel began laughing.

"You got a point. But I drive fast, I can't help it!" John said.

"Whatever. Hey hey." Punk said, giving Kaisel a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey...uh Phil, I need to talk to you." Kaisel said.


"Alone." Kaisel said, looking at John.

John, who didn't understand at first, finally got what she was saying, and put his hands up.

"Okay okay, I'll leave you two to 'talk'" He joked, leaving out of the room.

"I can't believe I consider that dude a friend." Punk said, laughing.

"Sometimes, neither can I." Kaisel agreed. "But, I really need to talk to you babe."

He looked at the blank expression on her face. "What's wrong babe?"

"Um...I really don't know how to say this..." She trailed off.

"Please don't tell me you're breaking up with me." Punk said in a serious-like tone.

"What?" Kaisel said. "Hell no, I'm not breaking up with you!"

"Oh. Whew." He said, sighing with relief. "Then tell me what's wrong with you Kaisel."

"Um...okay. You know how I've been feeling really sick, and cramped up and nauseous lately?"

"Yeah." Punk said, not understanding it.

Kaisel thought that would make him understand what she was trying to tell him, but he still didn't get it. She sighed and shook her head.

"Speaking of friends," Kaisel continued. "A special friend of mines didn't pay me a visit this month."

"...Wait a minute." Punk said, a smile creeping on his face. "Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I think I need to go to the doctor." Kaisel smiled back.

Punk looked away to try and take in everything that Kaisel had just told him, and looked back at her, giving her a big hug.

"I'm about to be a father." He breathed out happily. "I can't believe this."

"Maybe." Kaisel cut him off. "Maybe, babe. I have to make sure I'm actually pregnant before we go singing the news out to everybody like canaries."

"How did this even happen?"

"What?" She laughed. "What do you mean how did this happen?"

"I mean I know howww." He laughed back. "I mean I thought we were just practicing. I didn't know we were playing the actual game."

"Phil, all the practicing we do? It was definitely bound to happen some time."

"...You got a point." Punk agreed. "But I definitely don't have time to wait for a damn doctor. I need to know now. So, I'm gonna go to the pharmacy real quick and get you a pregnancy test."


"You want me to tell Candice to come in here to keep you company?"

"No...I don't want her to know yet either. I'll wait for you to come back."

"Okay. I won't be long."

Punk gave her a kiss and left back out of the room, and Kaisel stood up. Her mind was running with anticipation and nervousness, but it was a good kind of nervousness. She began walking back and forth, thinking about the possibly that she might just be pregnant with her first child.

"I could be a mom..." She said lowly. "I could be a mom."

Punk had came back about 10 minutes later, and walked up to her, holding a bag in his hand.

"Do you wanna really wanna do this?" He asked her.

"I need to." She answered. "I don't want to put the baby in harm, if I am pregnant, by wrestling."

"Okay." He said, taking the box of the home pregnancy test out of the bag. "Here."

Kaisel looked at the box for a couple of seconds, and took it out of his hands slowly. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door, while Punk stood in front of it. It was quiet for a couple of minutes, and he was literally shaking with anticipation to find out what was going on.

"Babe?" He called out.

"Huh?" She answered.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just peed on the stick."

"Ew." He joked.

"Shut up." She laughed back. "It said to wait two minutes for a result."

"Ugh, two whole minutes?" He complained.

"Yesss baby, two whole minutes." She joked.

During those two minutes, which seemed like FOREVER to Punk, all of the possibilities of him finally being a father ran through his mind excitedly.

"Kai, did the result come up yet?" He called out again when the two minutes was up.

She didn't answer back, and he knocked on the door again. He suddenly heard sniffling, and opened the door slowly. Kaisel was sitting on the toilet seat, looking down at the pregnancy test in her hand quietly. She looked up at Punk and her eyes were sad, and on the verge of tears.

"Are you, or are you not?" Punk asked softly.

"...I'm not." She choked.

"Are you upset, babe?"

"About what?"

"About me not being pregnant."

The rest of the day had passed since Kaisel had broke the somewhat sad news to Punk, and she tried to keep her composure for the most part. But whenever she was alone, she broke down in tears all over again.

"Um...I'm not gonna lie, I was at first. The thought of me actually being a father really excited me..." He answered.

"I know...I'm sorry." She found herself saying.

"For what?"

"Gassing your head up like that...if I would've known that my cycle was just irregular this month, I would've never told you that I could be."

"Look, you didn't know, and I didn't know. Maybe this is just God telling us we're not ready for a baby yet."

"So you really wouldn't mind starting a family with me?" She asked.

Punk took her hand into his. "You're the only one I imagine myself having a family with."

"I better be." Kaisel smirked.

"You are, you are." He laughed. "But seriously, it doesn't matter if the pregnancy is planned next time, or not. I'd still feel the same way about it."

"Awww." She crooned. "The asshole side of you is slowly dying away."

"Ouch." he said, holding his chest again. "I hate when you say that."

She laughed and held his face, giving him a kiss. "Promise me one thing, Phil."


"That no matter how many time we may disagree and fight, you'll never intentionally do anything to hurt me."

He held her face too. "I'll never hurt you, babe. I put that on my life."


I just wanna say, that I am extremely sad that this story has ended :'( I had a blast writing it! And thanks you guys SOOO much for reviewing. Even the people who didn't review and just read the whole thing, thanks for taking precious time out of your day for doing so. This is definitely just the beginning though, I'm working on a sequel as I'm typing this! I have an idea about what I want the sequel to be about, but I can't come up with a good plot/climax at the moment. Boo. If you guys have any ideas about a good plot, feel free to hit me up and tell me your ideas! Thanks again babes! xoxoxo