Hey guys, here's a new one-shot i know its been a decade! The song is Starlight by Taylor Swift and this one-shot is set in the 1940's! I hope you enjoy and hope and can picture it well!



"Quinnie" my mother shouted, "Are you all un-packed?" she asked.

I went to the edge of my door of my new room, "Almost mother, just finishing touches" I hollered back.

I tucked a small strand of my golden blonde hair behind my ear and went back to my new cotton covered bed to un-packing my last box; I pulled out a yellow journal that had daisies on it, my favorite flower. It was my journal; I remembered starting it when my Daddy got drafted for the war. I was eleven then, but now I was seventeen and was going be a senior in the fall. Summer of '45 had finally come and the war was over, Daddy was finally home. He thought it would be a great idea to start fresh, so we moved to a little town called Lima in Ohio. I may miss Connecticut, but I was ready to make memories in Lima. After pulling out some other small thing my room was officially un-packed. Once I was down I went down the stairs and found my mother in the kitchen un-packing. I smoothed out invisible wrinkles on my dress and greeted her with a smile.

"Mother, would you like some help?" I asked.

My mother smiled shaking her head "No dear your fine, now I hear that school just got out around here, so why don't you go make some friends".

I nodded; I wanted to make friends I was just afraid I wouldn't be liked. Connecticut is awfully different from Ohio, I wasn't sure if the people around here would understand me. But I had to try sooner or later. "Okay, I'm gonna go for a walk" I said.

My mother stopped what she was doing and scribbled something on a piece of paper, "This is our new phone number. I want you to top at a corner store and call if you get lost, your father and I will come and get you. Oh and here is some money".

"Okay Mother, see you soon" I said taking the paper and the money and kissing her on the cheek and leaving the house being sure to take a sweater with me just in case it got a little brisk.


I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune"
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved.
The whole place was dressed to the nines,
And we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight
Like we're made of starlight

I walked and walked till I came upon a pop shop. I was a little afraid to go in at first but I was getting a little thirsty. I walked in causing the bell on the door to ring; the place was full of teenagers, luckily I saw a seat at the bar and got to it as fast as I could. Once I got there I ordered myself a root beer, the waitress nodded at me with a smile and went to go get my drink. As I waited a small brunette came up next to me and began to order.

"Dottie, can I get seven cheeseburgers, fries with those cheeseburgers and a round of root beers please".

"You got it darling" said the waitress.

"Thank you Dottie" smiled the brunette.

The brunette looked over at me and glanced down at my shoes, "I like your shoes, I have them in blue" she said to me.

"Thank you" I said being polite.

She continued to look at me, "Are you new? I don't think I've seen you before" she said.

"I am, I just moved from Connecticut" I replied.

She smiled big, "I've heard nice things about that place, so you must be nice".

I giggled, "I try to be".

"Here's your root beer darling, sorry for the wait. It's so busy" said the waitress.

"Oh don't worry about it" I said as I pulled out my money, but I stopped when I saw the brunette giving her money.

"You didn't have to do that, I had money" I said to her nicely.

"I know, but I wanted to. I'm Rachel by the way, Rachel Berry" she said holding out her hand.

I took her hand and shook it "Nice to meet you, I'm Quinn Fabray".

"Nice to meet you too, why don't you come meet my friends. I promise there all nice like me".

We walked until we almost reached the Negro area of the shop. I saw Rachel look at a certain table over there and smile with an almost unnoticeable nod. When I looked at the table Rachel nodded at I saw five people who seemed nice. I wasn't taught segregation like everybody else, my mother and father bout quietly agreed that everyone should have equal rights. I didn't quite like how we couldn't express it but my mother always says that 'the world isn't ready yet, but soon it will'. One guy at the table caught my eye, he had tan skin and dark hazel eyes; he looked so mysterious and I wanted to know about him. We reached what seemed to be her table and I quickly put a smile on my face.

"Guys this is my new friend Quinn" she said nicely, I waved at them mouthing the word 'hi', "Quinn, this is Kurt, Brittany, Blaine, Sam, and my boyfriend Finn" she said.

"Nice to meet you Quinn, have a seat" said Brittany.

I sat next to her and got to know the bunch pretty well, after awhile I seemed to stop listening because I couldn't stop looking at the mysterious guy. He was very attractive; I wanted to talk to him but how? If anyone saw us he would get in a lot of trouble and that's the last thing I wanted.


I met Bobby on the boardwalk, summer of '45
Picked me up late one night at the window,
We were 17 and crazy, running wild, wild
Can't remember what song he was playing when we walked in
The night we snuck into a yacht club party
Pretending to be a duchess and a prince

Before I knew it the pop shop was closing, it was already 10:30 and I haven't talked to my mother in hours. Before leaving I called my mother and told her I was fine, I then told her I was gonna stay out some more. She was happy because I made friends; I told her not to worry or wait up because Rachel and Finn would give me a ride home. She was okay with my plans and told me to have fun; I told her I loved her and hung up the phone. Soon after hanging up the phone Rachel grabbed one of my arms and Brittany grabbed the other.

"You ready to have fun?" smiled Brittany.

I nodded with a smile, "Yes, show me what you guys like to do".

"Well, we usually only do this on Friday's but since school is over we do it three times a week" she said. She then leaned over and began to whisper, "All us in the group weren't raised to believe in segregation, so we have friends we hang out with, but it sucks because we can't hang every night and we can't sit together" she whispered.

I smiled, "I'm glad you said that because I wasn't raised that way either" I said.

Rachel let out a breath of relief, "Thank god, because I was taking a leap of faith, no one knows that we do this. But I kind of had an idea you were on our team, I saw the way you and Puck were looking at each other" smiled Rachel.

I got confused, "Puck?".

"Noah, the guy you were staring at" said Rachel.

I began to remember, "Noah, his name is Noah" I said softly.

Soon we got into cars and began to drive to the meeting place. I rode in one car with Finn and Rachel while Kurt, Blaine, Sam and Brittany rode in another. When we arrived we were at an abandon lake house that had a lake in the backyard. Rachel told me it belonged to Blaine's father and that no one ever uses it or comes near it. We parked are cars next to two others and got out of the car. We walked straight back to the backyard area and were met with five excited people. A skinny colored girl ran to Brittany with a smile on her face hugging her while Sam laid a kiss on curvy colored girl. Rachel ran to an Asian girl hugging her tight while Finn gave an Asian guy a handshake. And then I saw Noah, or Puck I wasn't sure if I was allowed to call him Puck or not. He stood there with a smile on his face saying hello to everyone, and then he looked at me with his deep hazel eyes. I swear if I looked deep enough I would get lost; my heart was beating out of my chest. After hellos were exchanged Finn introduced me to the rest of the gang.

"Quinn, this is Mike, Tina, Santana, Mercedes, and Puck" he said.

"You better not ruin this for us" said Santana putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't worry she won't, she's like us; she doesn't like segregation" said Kurt.

"Well Quinn, just know it will take a while for me to get used to you" said Santana.

I nodded with a small smile, "I understand".

"Can we have fun now?" asked Brittany.

Everyone including me laughed, "Yes dear, we can have fun now" laughed Santana.

And I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune"
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved.
The whole place was dressed to the nines,
And we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we're made of starlight, starlight

Everyone appeared to couple off and enjoy their summer night. Music began to play from a little radio that they kept here and they began to dance around the fire that Mike started. Then suddenly I heard his voice, "Don't think I didn't see you staring at me at the pop shop" he said. I bashfully grinned, "What can I say, you were mysterious". He began to circle me and stopped his second time around behind me, "Do you like mysterious?" he whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but grin, I looked up at the sky and boy were the stars shining bright. I turned around to look at him and whispered, "Maybe". He chuckled as I walked away from him going the rest of the group.

The whole night we danced and danced, we even got in the water after taking off my dress of course. Now that I think about it, it was the craziest night I ever encountered, but it was fun and I loved it. I loved my new friends and I couldn't wait to spend three nights out of the week with them. If only the world was ready for our friendship.


He said, "Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change
You'll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way"
He was trying to skip rocks on the ocean, saying to me,
"Don't you see the starlight, starlight?
Don't you dream impossible things?"

Weeks and weeks passed in summer and three nights a week Finn and Rachel would come pick me up and 10:30 to go to the lake. The more and more I saw Puck the more and more I feel for him, every time I saw him my heart would race and he would give me butterflies. After seeing each other for the third night we finally kissed and boy was it magical. I could have sworn I was flying; his lips were so soft and amazing. After the kiss he said I had stars in my eyes, and claimed I was falling for him but he had stars in his eyes so that meant he was falling for me. One particular night when we were all at the lake I sat on a blanket on the floor with Puck and saw my friends having fun, I think laid eyes on Sam and Mercedes who laughing and joking around. Then I looked at Puck and I, why couldn't the world see how beautiful we were. Sure we were teenagers and are love may seem forever but it just upset me that we couldn't be in public together. I must have had a sad look on my face because Puck asked if I was alright.

"I just don't get segregation, I don't like that I can sit next to my boyfriend at the pop shop and I'm sure it bothers Sam that he can kiss Mercedes in public and I know it bothers everyone that we all cant got see a movie together" I said.

"I don't get it either, I would to take you out and show you Lima myself but the government doesn't agree" he said.

"But doesn't make you angry, don't you wanna punch something or kick something because we technically can't ever be together" I said.

"It makes me very mad but we can't worry too much about thinks we can change. Sometimes the only think we can do his pray to the stars above and hope that change will come" he said.

"Your right baby, but this solution has to begin with us, we have to make this change. We have to make a difference because baby, I know were not the only ones out there that feel this way. I know in my heart that there are whites out there that want to desegregate" I said.

He then kissed my temple and whispered "I know baby, I know".

Like "Oh my, what a marvelous tune"
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved
The whole place was dressed to the nines,
And we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we're made of starlight, starlight


Ooh ooh he's talking crazy
Ooh ooh dancing with me
Ooh ooh we could get married
Have ten kids and teach them how to dream

Summer would be ending soon and that mean that I couldn't only see Puck on Friday nights starting in the fall. As summer came closer and closer to an end I got more and more sad, it pained me that I could only see Puck once a week, but we had to keep up with it. If I only got one day I week I knew I was going to cherish it with all my heart. At one of her very last nights at the lake Puck and I began to talk about our future together.

"When we get desegregated I'm gonna marry you Ms. Fabray. I'm gonna make that vow and promise to love you with all my heart for the rest of my life" he said.

I gasp, "You mean that baby, you want to marry me?" I asked shocking.

"If I could, I would right now" he stated.

I thought maybe the August heat was getting to him but when I looked in his eyes I nothing but stars, stars shining so bright they made me smile big. A giggle escaped my mouth and I kissed him, "I would marry you took. And soon after we could have kids".

"How many kids does my baby want?" he asked holding me.

"Your baby wants ten, and when they come into this world were gonna teach them how dream. How dream about things larger than life" I said.

He kissed the top of my head, "I like that plan, I like it a lot" he said.

Oh my, what a marvelous tune
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved
The whole place was dressed to the nines,
And we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we dream impossible dreams
Like starlight, starlight
Like we dream impossible dreams
Don't you see the starlight, starlight?
Don't you dream impossible things?

On the last night of summer we all danced and danced till we couldn't anymore. And at the end of the night we all looked up at the stars as the shined bright in front of us. We all prayed that one day the world would accept and be ready for our relationships and friendship, because our dream wasn't impossible. And that night Puck and I sealed are summer of '45 with a kiss so magical it made the stars even brighter.



sorry for any errors!

