Authors Note
I apologize for not uploading anything in almost a year. I did say I would be busy with school and moving. Though I have been out of school for 2 months now and we already moved about 2 months ago. The other 2 reasons I haven't been able to uploading is that the laptop I had been using is so cheap that we need a new battery for it and won't work without the cord. We bought a new cord for it but just two days ago it has pretty much stopped eorking for me. And my family is pretty much poor pso we can't afford a new battery or laptop yet.
Another reason all of my ideas for all my stories has been deteled by this website. So now I'm going to have to start everything over. And I have had a major writers block for these ladt few months because of school, family, , moving, and recent obession which kpop. Also since laptops are not working and my brother will not let me on his computer, I'm stuck until owe buy a new battery.
I hope it is soon though because school is coming up soon (my senior pictures are next week) senior year and afterwards is going be chaos. I'm currently writing this on my sister's tablet. And there was a oneshot I was working on so I can at least upload something but as you can see I didn't finish it before it stopped working on m.
The oneshot is called 'Of All My Confessions To You' it is a Lavi x Lenalee story, based off of a kpop song. Hopefilly I will be able to update, just very slowly. I don't when I will get the new battery for the laptop. So please be patient. I am not even thinking of quitting any of my stories. Though in the future I'm not doing anymore of these long stories and stick with the oneshots.
Pleaee don't review without reading the whole through. And I apologize again for the long wait. (and for yhe mistakes I made writing this I am really not use to touch screens.)
I hope you all have a great day.