*Hey guys! Sorry there have been no updates lately! Anyways here it is…last chapter. Read and let me know what you think :) if there is anyone still reading that is haha*

Chapter 15

The week seemed to drag on forever for both Brock and Reba. Reba busied herself with work and housework but her mind kept wandering to the weekend. She wanted to know what he had planned. Even though she hated surprises, she felt anxious and excited.

Brock made his way up to the surprise destination on Thursday to get it ready. He made a trip to the grocery store making sure he got everything he would need. When he was sure he had it ready he headed for home and called Reba.

"Hey," Reba said smiling into the phone after checking the caller ID.

"Hey honey, how are you?"

"I'm good. How was your day?"

"It was pretty good; I got everything ready for tomorrow. The only bad thing was I didn't get to see you today." He replied making her glad she couldn't see him as her cheeks turned crimson.

"I miss you. I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Are you still good with heading out at noon?"

"Yeah, sounds good." She said stifling a yawn.

Brock smiled hearing her yawning and glanced at the clock. It was already after ten. "Alright I'll see you then, you go get some sleep."

Reba was about to object so she could keep talking to him but just then she yawned again. "Okay, goodnight." She replied deciding to listen to him.

"Goodnight beautiful." He said gently and hung up.

Reba lay in bed trying, for the millionth time that week, to figure out what Brock had planned for the weekend. She had even tried getting Cheyenne to give her some hints but she wouldn't say anything either.

When Reba awoke the next morning, a smile instantly tugged at the corners of her mouth. She rolled out of bed and checked her bag one more time to make sure she had everything Satisfied; she got herself ready for the day.

Digging through her drawers she pulled out a light blue scoop neck t-shirt and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. After pulling them on and applying a little bit of make-up she made her way downstairs.

"Wow. You look gorgeous mom!" Cheyenne said, sitting down on Van's lap.

"Yeah Mrs. H you look hot!" As the words spilled from his mouth he wished he could take them back. He felt Cheyenne's hand connect with the back of his head.

Reba chuckled, grabbing an apple from the fridge and taking a seat across from Van at the table. "So has your father called yet?" she asked casually taking a bite out of the apple.

"Just a little excited mom?" Cheyenne laughed, "No he hasn't yet." She finished while bringing her hand up again to smack Van's head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He exclaimed.

"Oh you know what that was for! I saw you staring at mom!" she snapped hoping off his lap and heading for the living room.

Van threw his hands out to the side. "I wasn't staring! I looked but I wasn't staring!" He yelled still watching Reba.

"Van it's alright. We all know I have the body of a twenty year old." She smirked and took another bite of her apple.

Van stood up to follow his wife. "Let's not bring that up again..." he groaned and left the kitchen.

Reba finished her apple and threw it in the garbage. She tapped her fingers on the counter and stared at the phone, trying to force it to ring. Giving up she walked to the living room and collapsed onto the chair. She was zoned out watching TV that she never even heard Brock enter.

"So are you ready to go Darling?" he said placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Jesus Brock! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She yelled as her hand flew to her chest. "Yeah I'm ready just let me go grab my bag."

"How much longer?" Reba asked, for what Brock was sure was the billionth time.

"Reba you are as bad as the kids! We are almost there, just another hour," he replied looking over at her. She was staring out the windshield, her hair with its natural curls down around her shoulders. She looked beautiful, but she always looked beautiful.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" she said glancing over at him.

"Well then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?"

"I hate surprises Brock! Just tell me! Please," she said giving him big puppy dog eyes.

"That's not going to work this time dear. Just wait we will be there right away."

"Ugh! You are so stubborn!" she said before turning on the radio, putting her feet up on the dash and crossing her arms over her chest.

He chuckled and turned his attention back to the road. The intro to Amarillo by Morning came on the radio and Reba leaned over and turned it up a bit more as she started to sing along. As soon as she turned her attention to the window Brock leaned over and slightly turned the volume down. When she didn't notice he turned the knob a little more, this time though her head snapped back towards him and she hit his hand.

"I just want to hear you sing, I love your voice."

"I'm not gonna sing unless you turn it back up," she replied reaching for the volume.

Brock grabbed her handed and entwined his fingers with hers. "Then I guess we are just going to listen."

She leaned her head back onto the seat and closed her eyes. "Fine with me,"

Brock tapped his fingers on the steering wheel 1…2…3 on cue he heard Reba's voice again as she softly began singing again. A smile tugged on the corner of his lips and he let out a happy sigh. He could listen to that voice for the rest of his voice.

This thought instantly made him reach into his pocket. He ran his thumb over the edges of the little box. Reba had fallen sleep leaving him with his thoughts and the quiet hum of the music in the background.

The wheels crunched on the gravel and rolled to a stop. "Reba, honey, we're here."

"Mmmm," she mumbled, pushing herself further into the seat.

Chuckling he leaned over and lightly kissed her cheek. "Darling, open your eyes."

Ever so slowly her eyes fluttered open. When she looked around them she was sure she was dreaming. She blinked repeatedly, before realizing she wasn't seeing things.

"Brock what is this? It's so beautiful!" She said, her eyes sparkling.

"This…" He paused, grinning as he grabbed her hands, "this is our cabin."

"Our cabin? You mean you own this place?!"

"No, WE own this place."

"Oh Brock! It's so beautiful!" she exclaimed as her eyes swept over the landscape in front of her.

Thousands of wildflowers painted the ground in countless colors. The area was enclosed with massive trees surrounding the space and blocking the view of people driving by on the road and just in front of the car was a rustic old cabin. Leaning against the front of the cabin was a wagon wheel, the red paint chipping away from years left out in the weather.

"Should we go check out the cabin?" Brock asks already hopping out of the car and walking to her door.

Grabbing his hand she stepped out of the car, still staring in amazement at the view around her. He slowly led her up the stone path to the few steps and stopping in front of the door. He slowly opened the door and waved her inside before him.

As she entered she felt her breath catch in her throat. There were roses everywhere: the counter, the table, the TV stand, and a path of rose petals on the floor. She glanced up at him and he nods his head, his eyes following her as she slowly tiptoed through the little kitchen. He followed her as she made her way to the end of the trail. When she looked up from the floor she saw a patio with two rocking chairs and a bottle of wine.

For a while she stood there speechless and Brock closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his nose into her neck. "Do you like it?" he asked, his breath tickling her neck.

She remained quiet for a minute before slowly turning around in his arms. "I love it. It's stunning." Her eyes had watered up and she leaned in bringing their lips together.

As they pulled apart Brock's lips traveled down her jaw and to her neck. Reba rolled her head back giving him more access and he brought his lips to connect with her skin once more before slowly trailing his nose up her neck.

"Why don't you go fill those wine glasses while I start supper," he whispered into her ear.

As she made her way to the patio he quickly slid the box out of his pocket and put it in one of the cupboards and grabbed the ingredients out of the fridge.

She walked into the kitchen and set a wine glass beside Brock on the counter before lifting herself up to sit on the counter.

"Stir fry again? You aren't going to burn it this time are you?"

"Me? Burn the food?! Never!" he replied getting a chuckle from her.

"Well I hope not because stir fry sounds delicious right now."

When he had all the ingredients in the frying pan he moved to stand in between her legs, his hands resting on her thighs.

"What should we do after supper?"

"How about," she said putting her arms around his neck, "we go sit on that patio and watch the stars?"

"That sounds perfect," he said before pecking her lips and returning to the food on the stove.

She grabbed her glass and took a sip. Holding her cup she slowly ran her finger around the rim, silence between them for a second before Reba spoke again. "Thanks for this Brock. I love it."

A few minutes later Brock slid a plate with the stir fry on it in front of her before setting his plate at the other side of the table. He quickly lit the candles on the table before dimming the lights and taking his seat.

They ate in silence for a bit before he spoke. "So how is it?"

"Well it's not burnt…" she trailed off breaking into a grin.

"Is that an insult to my cooking?!"

"Nooo, of course not."

Brock's face dropped in mock pain before he picked up a pepper off his plate.

"You wouldn't dare!" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh I wouldn't would I?" he responded as a sheepish grin appeared on his lips.

"Brock don't! It's great! The food tastes amazing!"

"For some reason I feel like you're lying to me," he said before throwing the pepper at her and landing it in her hair.

"Oh, so that's how you want it to be?" she quickly grabbed some colorful vegetables from in front of her and released them, leaving a greasy butter stain on his shirt.

"Oh you are gonna get it now!"

"No! Please Brock! I'm sorry!" she squealed, standing up from the table.

He grabbed a spoonful of butter before rushing after her. She led him through the little living room, off the patio, and to the small beach. As he got closer to her she threw her hands up in surrender.

"Awe, you don't want to go into the water?"

She quickly shook her head no and went into his arms as he held them open for her. As soon as she stepped into them he took the spoonful of butter smearing it into her hair then, quickly pushing them both into the water. Reba let out a shriek before throwing her fists into his chest.


"Awe, I'm sorry baby," he said pulling her close.

"Don't suck up. You're a butt!"

"Should we go dry off and change?"


"How about a kiss first?"

"Don't push it Brock. Let me up."

"Fineee," He groaned, slowly releasing her but grabbing her hand.

As they stood up he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her shoulder, and they made their way to the cabin.

After changing they refilled their wine glasses and made their way to the rocking chairs on the patio. Shortly after they sat down Reba focused on something in the distance and went quiet.

All of sudden Brock got really nervous. He could feel his hand start to shake and his palms get clammy.

"Reba, umm" he paused to clear his throat, "I love you…"

She turned her head to him, searching his face for the reason why he had said it like that.

"I love you too, Brock."

"As the father of your children? Or do you love me like you used to love me years ago?"

"Brock, I don't know what this is about. I love you. I love you as the father of OUR children and as much as I did when we were a couple. I will always love you. There is nothing that can change that."

"Good" he said, sighing in relief, "Because I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else. My love for you just continues to grow every day."

He reached for her hand and pulled her into his lap. He gently placed a kiss on his cheek before turning her head to meet her lips.

After a few minutes kissing she settled into his lap and they turned to watch the stars.

"Make a wish," she whispered as a shooting star streaked across the sky.

"My wish…" he replied in a hushed voice, helping her stand up. He turned them around and a look of questioning crossed her face before sitting back down.

Brock slowly knelt down onto one knee and reached into his pocket. "Brock," Reba whispered, her eyes glistening as they watered up.

"My wish, is that you will take me back. That you will spend the rest of your life with me and let me be there for you. To be your best friend, your significant other, the one that gets to hold you until you fall asleep. I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

There were tears streaming down her cheeks and a smile across her lips as she looked down at him. He popped open the top of the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring. A cushion cut diamond with smaller round diamonds wrapped around the band.

"Reba, will you marry me again?"

"I… umm, I… of course I will" she said allowing the tears to streak her face.

Brock slid the ring onto her finger before standing up and pulling her close. He kissed the tears from her cheeks, her jaw and then moved his mouth to hers. He grabbed her hips lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, continuing to kiss him as he carried her back into the cabin.