"Hey Teon! What's up?"

Teon turned her head to see Miki, her best friend. "Hi Miki…"

Miki poked out her pink lips and gave Teon a suspicious stare.


"You're lacking some major enthusiasm. What's on your mind, Tee?"

"It's…nothing to be worried about," Teon lied.

"Teon." Miki said in a demanding voice.

""My parents are divorcing!" Teon yelled and shoved her head on her knees, hugging her knees to her chest.

"O-Oh…I'm sorry…"

"It's fine…you were just worried about me…I get it."

"Well…it's not all that bad, Tee."

"They're forcing me to choose one of them to live with! I hate it when they put this much a weight on me! I love them both and this is complete hell!"

Miki hugged Teon for about five seconds. She whispered, "You'll be alright, Tee. I know it! You always pull through…"

Teon shook her head when Miki pulled away. "Divorce is so stupid! You marry someone when you know you love them! If you have a single doubt, don't even do it!"

"Sometimes people make mistakes, Tee. You can't expect it to be perfect all the time."

"I know…I'm just…hurt that they would do this to me…"

"Do you want me to spend some time with you?"

"Yes please."

They sat together all day in Teon's spacious room. The clock struck 11:30. Both of Teon's parents were home, it wasn't long 'til the arguing struck up.

"I've to go, Tee. Be strong."

"I will."

Miki said bye to Teon's parents and left.

Teon lit a candle. She said a prayer in silence. Her green eyes stared at the flame for a bit. She blew it out and went to bed.

"Why can't you just let Teon live with me?"

"I want her to have the freedom to choose!"

"I barely get to spend any time with her!"

"I still want her to have the choice!"

"You know it's hurting her!"

"Well, some choices are harder than others, Teo!"

"Meera, why can't we just split the year in half? I can have her for six months and you can have her for six moths!"

"That won't work for me!"


"I don't have to explain myself to you! If it doesn't work, than it doesn't work!"

Teon threw her pillow over her head, attempting to drown out the entire malfunction. She hated this. They were being so immature. Her father had a good idea, and her mother won't have it for reasons unexplained. They did this every night since Teon was eleven. Now she is a full blown teenager, and all of this is screwing her teenhood. Great. Even better, they never listen to her, until now. Now the decision is all on her. All of a sudden they want her opinion on something as serious as this. She couldn't take all of this. She fetched a sheet of paper and scribbled down a sincere and truthful letter to her parents, packed her most meaningful belongings, opened the window, and climbed out into the town overlaid in the night sky. She climbed down the steep sided home carefully, sliding down the last couple feet to the ground. She ran through the brightly lit town, passing every stranger by with no words. She came to Miki's home. She slid a note under her door. "Goodbye Miki…" She whispered and ran back on the trail to her final destination: the beach. The tides rolled in gently against the shores, named with grace. She unpacked the tough rope from her bag. She tied several thick branches together that she found in the forest on her way here. She tested the raft countless times to see it it'd float successfully. Several alterations later, it floated gracefully and sturdily. "Guide me to where my destiny lies." She said before stepping and sitting on the raft, pushing herself into the water and letting the waves and tide carry her away from this place, hopefully forever.

The raft carried her swiftly and gently, her homeland far from sight. There were ships and other things that passed her. She ignored the people on the boats the best she could. It had been days. She marked each one carefully on her calendar. She fell to sleep once on her travels. She woke up quickly once she bumped into something. A ship. She hit her head on the cold titanium, hurting excruciatingly. She quickly paddled the raft away. She fainted on the raft.

Teon's eyes shot open and she screamed a bit. She looked around on guard, a twin blade in each hand. She had surfaced on some random island. She stepped off the raft and to the land, abundant in fruit-bearing trees and shrubberies. She noted all the animals that lived there. Placing her blades at ease she rubbed her head, feeling a warm spot. She withdrew her hand and noted the blood. She must've hit her head or something…where the hell is she? Who the hell is she? Where did she come from? She dug through her bag for clues. She found a journal that read 'Teon' in big letters on the cover. That must be her name…Teon. That did sound frighteningly familiar… however…there was no last name. She must not have one. She flipped cautiously through the purple book and found her age. It was on a page she'd written on what seemed to be her date of birth. She found the name of her best friend; Mikilia, or just Miki for short. Mikilia was a year older than her apparently…and her parents…no names…just mom and dad…they seemed to be awful people. She put the book back; that might just be very important later, and pulled out a photo. It was of two people. One a man, the other a woman. They shared traits with her…they must be her parents. She put the picture back. "Hello!" She called. "Is anyone here? My name's Teon! I mean no harm!"

A small boy, around the age of…say…eight or nine, climbed down reluctantly from a tree. "Who're you, miss?" he asked. He had large, sparkling blue eyes, bleach blonde hair that was messy but neat at the same time, and a scar on his neck.

"My name's Teon…I think…" she said, walking up to the branch the boy sat on.

"You think? You don't know you're name?"

Teon shook her head. "I forgot everything about my life…I just happen to have this journal that has some information I wrote in it some time ago..."

"Oh! I don't remember anything about my past life, either! My name is Glee."

"Glee, huh?" "Seems fitting…" she giggled inside of her mind.

"Yeah. I've been living on this island for four and a half years."

"How old are you, Glee?" Teon asked, climbing up and sitting on the branch next to him.


"Looks like I had a pretty good guess." She thought.

"How old are you, Teon?"

"17, I think."


"So…you say you've been here 5 and a half years. How'd you get here?"

"Not sure."

"It was just fate, huh?"

"Yep. Do you know how you got here?"

"Well, according to my journal, I got here by raft to get away from my parents. It seems from what I wrote I didn't like them too much."

"Oh…I don't remember my parents."

"Me either. I'm lucky I have what I wrote…and a picture of who I think is them."

"Glee, what are you doing?" a handsome male asked. He looked around Teon's age. He had dirty blonde hair that was in a purposely messy-looking style. His slim eyes were of the prettiest blue. He carried a string instrument on his back. He wore a worried expression.

"Hi Kyu!" Glee greeted joyously.

"Who is this? Who are you talking to?"

"This is Teon! She just arrived here! She's really nice!"

"Glee, we know nothing about her! She could be a bad guy!"

"I'm not! I just arrived here on this island…I think I have amnesia because I can't remember anything about myself…"

"Yeah! She's got this book that she wrote in before she lost her memory and it tells her all about herself!"

"A book?"

Teon held up the book to display what Glee meant.

Kyu sighed. "Come down from there."

Glee and Teon climbed down the tree to the sandy surface.

Glee put his sandals on.

"Do you mind?" Kyu asked as he put his hand on the book.

"Not at all."

Kyu took the book and flipped through it. "Ah. I see. Sorry for snapping earlier. We're the only ones who live here, and I got concerned about my brother. My apoligies."

"It's okay. I probably would've done the same thing."

"Well…I see why you're here…that's a really brave thing to do. Our story's a bit similar." Kyu mentioned.

"Would you mind telling it?"

"Not at all. Come back to our home and I'll tell you all about it, Teon."