I Have adopted this story from another author, I will edit his chapters and then continue where he left off, for now this story will only be a Crossover with Ben 10, eventually I will add a third show into the mix.

So... ENJOY!

S1E1: The Dark Hand

(POV: Ben)

Oh man today was going to be sweet! I'm in San Francisco with my Grandpa Max on Summer Break, he was going to visit an old friend of his from his childhood and I begged if I could come along, I had nothing to do in Bellwood so my parents agreed especially since I had a great time last summer. Especially finding the Omnitrix, now I'm a Superhero but it's too quiet for the hero life back home.

"How much longer?" I asked as we drove down the street to see an Antique shop.

Grandpa laughed, "We're already here Ben!"

"An Antique shop?" I asked in horror, maybe home wasn't so bad.

"Yes I called him on the phone and he told me that his grandniece was visiting so I thought that you could become friends with her."

"A girl? Eeeew gross!" I said with a face.

Meanwhile at the Store

(POV: Jackie)

Uncle had called my name. I went to him a right after I walked in. I said, "Yes, what is it Uncle?"

He said, "Come... give uncle a hug."

So, I went, open armed, hen all of a sudden he smacked me in the head with two of his fingers!

Then he began to 'complain', "You did not make coffee this morning. Coffee is the only thing that is keeping Uncle's ancient heart beating! You want dead Uncle? No? Then you make coffee!"

"Okay," I Replied.

Uncle proceeded,"One more thing! Max will be here any second with his grandson, change clothes!"

"Okay," I Replied.

"One more thing! You receive phone call from the university. They want to you translate parchments."

"Okay," I Replied.

"One more thing! I cannot read these inscriptions. Very old writing. I must go in back to get my journals!"

"Okay," I Replied.

Yet again Uncle spoke refering to a girl next to him. "One more thing," He begins to grow calm, "This is Jade, your niece. Her parents are concerned for her well-being... so she will live with you for a year, okay?"

"Okay." I replied automatically. Then I realized exactly what Uncle said and blurted out, "I hace a neice?"

(POV: Ben)

Grandpa Max laughed as we came to a stop in a parking lot before heading to the store.

"Welcome to Uncle's Rare Finds I am Jackie is there anything you need?" Asked a young man with a blue shirt, a girl with an orange hoodie was next to a counter with a few bags with her.

"Why yes, can you tell Uncle that Max Tennyson is here." Said Grandpa.

"Max!" An old man came out and it took all of my willpower not to call him a Billy goat.

They shared a short hug, "This is my grandson Ben!"

'Uncle' just looked at me, then he said, "You're grandson give's Uncle the willies!"

I looked at him crazy but he and Grandpa went to the back room leaving me with Jackie and Jade and I swear that Jackie was sweating nervously as he tried to talk to Jade ("Hello, I am Jackie") but got no response.

"Hm... No English."

Then he tried speaking some other language, Chinese maybe, It sounded like, "Ni hou ma?" but there was still no response so he turned towards me.

"So, Ben is it?"

I nodded, "Nice to meet you Mr. Chan."

"Just call me Jackie!"

I shrugged at that but then the bell rang and we saw three guys come in so Jackie went to greet them.

"Welcome to Uncle's Rare Finds, how can I help you?"

The one with the white shirt spoke up, "You're Jackie Chan, right? The Archeologist?"

Jackie laughed a bit, "I dabble in the study of past civilizations."

I rolled my eyes at that the job sounded like a nightmare.

"Well we've heard that you recently "dabbled" a shield from a Bavarian castle; our extremely wealthy employer is interested in purchasing that shield."

I saw Jackie narrow his eyes at that and I saw his foot kick a shield under the counter, "I'm sorry; I already donated that piece to the University."

"Really?" Asked the guy when he nodded to another guy with a black trench coat and a bandage over his nose.

He knocked over two breakable vases.

My hand went to my watch automatically but Jackie jumped over the counter and caught the two when the third guy with the orange sunglasses knocked over the third and the white guy knocked a fourth one.

Jackie kicked a pillow towards the third one and threw the first two in the air while I caught the fourth one.

Then he grabbed the three and put them on a table along with the fourth one that I grabbed and sat down like it was nothing.

Okay I was very impressed with this guy!

Everyone including Jade gasped at his skills.

"It would be in your family's best interest to undonate the shield Mr. Chan by this time tomorrow. Have a nide day..."

Jackie glared at him while my hand moved to the Omnitrix again; this time Jade saw my watch and her eyebrow raised in confusion.

As they left Uncle came out with Grandpa and asked, "Did they buy anything?"


"You terrible salesmen!"

"Watch the kids and hide the shield!" Ordered Jackie as he left.

"Where am I going to hide a big shield- I wonder where I put it!" Uncle muttered.

I laughed, "It's under the counter." I said before running out.

As I went outside I saw Jackie doing acrobats on rooftops following a white car before he went down a gutter pipe but it broke and he landed on the car then he laughed nervously, "That will bump right out."

Then the car started to speed up and figured that Jackie could use some help so I activated my Omnitrix and set it to become XL8, "It's Hero time!" I said for the first time in a year.

There was a green flash of light and I noticed that everything was bigger than me, I became Greymatter.

"Awww man!" I moaned.


I turned to see Jade and I knew that she saw me transform but that isn't what bothered me, "You speak English?" Then I remembered Jackie, "Hey can you give me a lift?" I asked.

She gave me a questioning look.

"I'll explain on the way!" I said

So as I rode on her shoulder we ran to the park where Jackie was fighting the bad guys with… windshield wipers? But when I told her about Aliens being real she said, "That is so cool! America might be better than I thought!"

But as we got there Jackie already defeated the bad guys but he turned to be knocked out by a guy wearing a black coat before he was loaded into a black van and they sped away.

"Uh oh!" Said Jade

A familiar beeping reached my ears and I jumped off of Jade's shoulders before I changed back.

(POV: Javckie)

I felt Groggy at first... then I woke up... to a face I haven't seen in a long time!

"Augustus Black? What are you doing here?" I felt a sharp pain on my head, "Ow, what am I doing here?"

He replied casually, "I'm afraid it's official business my friend."

Then I got suspicious, "I didn't think these were your pack-up singers. Where have you been? I don't hear from you for six years... Boom! You're in San Francisco saving my butt. Oh, those thugs must've knocked me out."

"Actually, I knocked you out."

I was shocked, "WHAT?"

(POV: Ben)

"Okay let's try this again!" I muttered before I noticed that the watch was red, "Oh come on really?"

We managed to find the car parked by an alleyway as Jackie got out only for a phone booth that he was using to go right into a wall, then Jade and I saw where the stairs were and then my watch glowed green.

"Alright! It's recharged and ready to boot!"

Jade got on a random motorized bicycle and drove down the stairs while this time I became XLR8 and followed her.

As we rushed down there Jade had Jackie and was trying to escape while they were trying to catch them, so I grabbed a guy before he could do anything and hung him upside down thanks to some rope before the bike crashed and sent Jade flying. I caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Put her down right now!" Ordered Jackie

Oh right he doesn't know about the Omnitrix I thought nervously

"Just thought that I could help!"

The guy in the Black Trench Coat held a gun to me, "Who are you?... What are you?"

I grinned under my faceplate, "I am XLR8! I'm a-!" My watch went off with the beeping and I was normal again, "Oh come on!"

"Ben?" Asked a confused Jackie.

"I can explain!" Jade and I said in unison.

"You speak English?" I could tell He was shocked by the mere fact that Jade could talk.

"Will someone tell me how our perimeters were breached by two children?"

"I'm not a child I'm Jackie's Niece!"

"Didn't know that you had a Niece." Said the guy in the black trench coat

"Join the club!"

"Where did you get the bike and how are you able to change into that thing?"

"I snuck it out of the garage!" Jade answered.

"I have an alien artifact." I said at the same time.

"We're busting you out!"

"No Jade and Ben these guys are my friends!"

"You're friends knocked you out and brought you to a secret government building?" I asked in shock

"Well yes."

"America is so cool!" Said Jade with excitement.

Jackie tried to tell us something about wisdom but I kind of tuned him out a bit so did Jade, saying, "Uh, my English must not be too good."

Then his cell phone rang and while he was talking Jade asked, "Did you get any of that?"

I shook my head, "Hey when my watch is recharged then I'll get us both back at the Antique shop as XLR8!" I offered.

She shrugged, "Sure why not!"

Afterword's Jackie hung up, "Between friends watch Jade!" He got into an elevator when my watch was normal and I went XLR8 and Jade and I took off."

"We're following him aren't we?" I asked through my faceplate, I picked up a helmet for Jade as well

"You know it!"

We easily beat Jackie back into the Antique Shop and looked around for that shield, we heard him talking about it and as we searched I turned back to normal but we couldn't find the shield anywhere, Uncle is good at hiding things.

Then Jackie got home and practically had a heart attack at seeing us, "How did you?" Then he looked at me.

I said, "Through XLR8."

"We're helping you look for the shield!"

Then Jade pulled something out of a pile of books, "Found it!"

"Thank you now go to your room!" Jade scowled at that.

"What about me?" I asked curiously since he wasn't the boss of me.

"Go to your Grandpa's RV!"

With that he closed the door.

"He wants me to go to the Rustbucket?" I said in exaggeration.

"Come on!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, "Change into XL8 and lets follow him!"

I looked at the watch, "I can't it's on the fritz! But I have something in the Rustbucket!" I ran in there while Jade waited outside when I came out with a skateboard with no wheels.

"How will that help it has no wheels!" Said Jade.

I smiled, "Gift from a friend it's a hover board!" I got on it and Jade followed suit and pretty soon we were following Jackie.

He came to the front of the building and Jade got off behind Jackie, "Uncles up there huh?"

"How did you get here?" His question was answered when he saw me with the Hover board.

"Gift from a friend and it was either help her or let her go by herself on foot!"

He sighed in annoyance, "Jade either stay here or you're on the next plane to Hong Kong!"

"Scouts honor!" After Jackie left Jade smirked, "Like I'm a scout?"

I grinned, she wasn't so bad…. You know for a girl.

My watch was still on the fritz and Jackie took my Hover board from me so we took the stairs and after what seemed like hours we finally made it to the door and Jackie saw us peek out the door and I pointed to us then to Uncle then to the stairs and he nodded.

Bet that he's happy that we're here now huh?

"Okey dokey you want the shield? Catch!" With that Jackie threw the shield

As it went over the Sumo wrestlers head Jade and I ran over, grabbed Uncle's hand and ran to the door, "Where's Grandpa?" I asked while we ran.

"He went to sleep early, something about a headache!"

I laughed it sounded like Grandpa.

After that I looked back to see Ninjas surrounding Jackie so I looked at my watch to see that it was green and told Jade, "I'd hang back since the Omnitrix is back to normal!" With that I went to go to Fourarms but I ended up with Stinkfly, "I swear this thing has a mind of its own!"

With that I flew towards Jackie, "I'm open!"

Jackie looked at me with a strange look for a second before complying, I forgot that he only saw XL8 before this so I knew that I had to explain when this is over.

I caught the shield and I flew off with some Ninja's chasing me so I shot some of my Stinksap at them sticking some of them to a wall.

They kept chasing me while Jackie was fighting some of them, I need to ask him to teach me some of that martial arts!

But as fate would have, it my watch started to time out and I flew towards Jackie knowing that I wasn't going to make it to the ground in time.

I turned back right as soon as I flew right in front of him.

"You really can't control that can you?" Asked Jackie as we ran.

"Once I find the Master Control I should be able to!"

Pretty soon we were at a ledge and I heard Jade shout "Jackie!"

So Jackie threw the shield at Jade when I thought of something.

"Don't you have my Hover board? We could've used that to get down!"

"Oh right!"

But I saw the Sumo guy walking away with the shield before Jackie could get it out.

Then Jackie's friend came down in a helicopter, "Honestly it's a research position!"

I laughed at that as we came down when the man turned towards me, "You have some explaining to do young man!"

"Yes Mr. uh?"

"Captain Black."

I nodded, "Yes, Captain Black!"

Then he turned towards Jackie as we landed, "I never meant for your family to be involved in this I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault the Dark Hand were after the shield!"

At that Uncle slapped Jackie upside the head with his fingers

"I told you shield is not importaaaaaant! The Talisman in the center of the shield is, that is where the magic lies!"

"Riiiight!" Said Captain Black; I smirked because I knew first hand that magic was real; "We'll look into that when we reclaim the Talisman from the Dark Hand!"

"Don't need to!" We turned to see Jade with said Talisman in her hand.

"Nice." I complimented.

"Admit it I'm getting wise!"

Then Uncle grabbed the Talisman, "One more thing! See the markings? Sign of the Rooster from the Chinese Zodiac, there are 11 more Talismans where that came from."

"And my gut is telling me that the Dark Hand is after them too!" Muttered Capt. Black, "You on board Jackie?"

Before Jackie could answer Jade said, "Absolutely!" I smiled at this.

Things just got a lot more interesting around here!