A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while huh? (over a year … whoops :P) So you're probably all demanding an explanation. There were multiple factors regarding my hiatus, the main ones being clinical depression and my transition into University. The depression part was a real shocker to me (I'm still slowly recovering). I was diagnosed with clinical depression last winter which was probably the main reason in my lack of updates. I was also transitioning out of High School and into University, which certainly did not help with my depression! :P Plus I'm registered in an Engineering Undergrad program which is very demanding in terms of course work so I haven't had time to write either. Well that's pretty much it! Try and be patient with me as I'm still in University and still recovering with my depression... and I promise that isn't an excuse to make up for the bad writing that's sure to come below XD. Well, enjoy guys, hope you like it :)

Chapter 11: Don Krieg

As Luffy stepped outside, Don Krieg's massive ship split in half and began plummeting into the dark depths below. Luffy grinned and looked out to see a small boat beside the ship. "So he's finally shown himself," he said.

"Big Bro!" He looked into the water to see Johnny and Yosaku. 'Nami must have dumped them overboard and already made off with the treasure,' he thought.

He raised his hand and sent them flying out of the water and onto the deck. "Nami... She... She stole this ship!" Johnny screamed as Usopp, Kuro and Zoro came outside.

"What!?" The three of them yelled. Luffy stood there calmly and planned his next course of action.

"All of you, take Johnny and Yosaku's boat and follow Nami, she couldn't have gotten far," he said.

"It's him!" They all turned to see Zeff looking out in the same direction where the boat was floating. Zoro immediately turned his head and saw a figure sitting in the boat. His heart began racing and pumping adrenaline into each and every muscle.

" 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk!" Zoro said through shaky breaths. His entire body was shaking with anticipation and anxiety.

"We'll deal with that later, we have to follow Nami," Luffy said.

"Just let it go Luffy, that woman just spells trouble," Zoro sighed.

"No, I refuse to have anyone else navigating this ship." Luffy looked Zoro dead in the eye, laying down his authority as Captain.

After a few short moments Zoro sighed. "Man, what a pain in the ass... Alright Luffy you win. Let's go, Kuro, Usopp." Zoro walked over to the boat where Johnny and Yosaku were waiting. "Aren't you coming Luffy?"

"No, I have unfinished business here."

"Watch yourself then... Things here are abnormal." Zoro once again glanced over to the boat out in the water.

"Yeah, I will."

The small little boat came further into view as it slowly made it's way towards Don Krieg's ship. Zoro readied his swords, preparing for the fight that he'd dedicated his entire life to. He jumped onto the debris, making his way over to the group of pirates where Mihawk was. He saw a pirate shoot a gun at Mihawk, the latter of which had gracefully deflected the bullet with his sword.

"I've never seen such graceful skill," Zoro said as he walked up to the edge.

Mihawk eyed Zoro, "A sword with power alone is not powerful."

"Then I take it that this ship was also cut into pieces by that sword?" he asked.


"It's clear then, you're the strongest. I've been sailing the sea to find you." Zoro took the bandanna off of his arm and wrapped it around his head.

"What's your mission?" Mihawk asked.

"To be the best."

Mihawk grinned at Zoro. "Fool."

Zoro unsheathed his katanas and pointed them towards Mihawk. "You've clearly got time to spare. Why don't we duel?"

"Duel hmm? Don't make me laugh." Mihawk jumped off his boat and onto the deck of the destroyed ship. "If you really were a fine swordsman, you'd know the gap between us... Challenging me, are you that brave, or just reckless?"

"This is for my own ambition!" Zoro put wado into his mouth. "And to fulfill a promise to a fallen friend."

"Very well then." Mihawk took off his necklace and removed the cross which was revealed to be a small blade.

"Are you serious?" Zoro asked.

"I'm unlike those fools who use all of their strength to hunt for rabbits. This is the weakest of Seas, East Blue. Unfortunately I'm carrying nothing smaller than this blade, but it will do."

"Whatever, just don't regret it when you die!" Zoro charged at Mihawk. "Oni-Giri!" He slashed at him but all 3 of his blades were stopped mid-strike by Mihawk's tiny dagger.

"There's no way that you're this far above me!" Zoro charged at him again with more slashes. Mihawk kept on dodging and blocking them with ease. Zoro lunged forward at him and Mihawk side-stepped causing Zoro to lose his footing. Mihawk striked him in the back of the head, disorienting him.

Flashbacks of Zoro's life went by. His promise, his dream, all came rushing back to him, strengthening his resolve.

Before he completely fell, Zoro regained his balance and faced Mihawk, breathing heavily.

"Why do you seek the ultimate power despite being so weak?"

Johnny and and Yosaku got angry when he called Zoro weak and were about to leap into the fight but Luffy held them down. He kept on staring at the duel with a calm demeanor as he held them both down.

"I can't afford to lose!" Zoro stood straight. "Tiger... Hunting Prey!" Zoro lunged forward but was soon met with a dagger to his chest. Blood began seeping the wound immediately.

"Do you wish to have this go through your heart? Why do you not step back?" Mihawk asked.

"I don't know... I'm not sure myself. But if I take a step back now, all those important oaths, promises and many other deals until now would all have gone to waste and I wouldn't be able to stand before you, ever again."

"Yes that's called losing."

Zoro chuckled. "That's why I can't step back."

"Even if it means death?"

"I'd prefer death!"

'What strong will... preferring death over defeat' Mihawk thought as he backed away and sheathed his dagger. "Boy, what's your name?"

Zoro formed the hilts of his swords into a triangle. "Roronoa Zoro!"

"It's been a while since I've seen such strong conviction, Roronoa Zoro. As a gesture to another swordsman, I will wield the black blade, the most powerful sword in the world, to end your life." He took the blade off of his back.

"I appreciate the gesture." Zoro began twirling his blades. "Three sword-style secret technique... One Thousand Worlds!" Mihawk and Zoro both lunged forward. There was a brief pause and then both of the katanas in Zoro's hands shattered as blood began seeping out of newly formed wounds on his chest.

'I guess I lost... So this is what it means to hold the title of the world's greatest swordsman.' Zoro thought as he sheathed Wado and turned around, leaving his front side wide open for Mihawk.

"What now?"

"Wounds on a swordsman's back are the greatest shame." He grinned.

"Magnificent." Mihawk slashed him across the chest, leaving a deep wound that immediately began gushing out blood. He cried out and fell into the water.

Luffy's eyes began glowing blue after seeing his friend gravely wounded. Johnny and Yosaku both jumped into the water to save their friend.

Luffy unsheathed his katana and shot off the railing, creating a Sonic Boom. Mihawk barely had enough time to dodge before he was met face to face with Luffy, eyes glowing blue and giving off strong waves of Haki.

"You're the young swordsman's comrade? Thank you for not interfering until now." Luffy still continued to eye him, katana in hand, ready to go all out. "Rest assured, your friend isn't going to die." Luffy calmed down and his eyes went back to their normal blue colour, the waves of Haki slowly dissipating. However, he still didn't let his guard down, still waiting for an attack. When he saw Johnny and Yosaku emerging from the water, his anger turned into relief.

Johnny and Yosaku managed to get Zoro back onto the boat. Where Usopp and Kuro immediately began applying pressure to his wounds while Johnny and Yosaku got bandages.

"It's still too early for you to die. My name is Dracule Mihawk! Find your true self, your true world, and become stronger! No matter how long it takes, I will await you in my strongest form! Surpass this sword! Surpass me! Roronoa Zoro!" Mihawk turned to Luffy. "Kid, what's your mission?" he asked.

"Pirate King." Luffy replied.

Mihawk grinned. "That's a difficult path, even tougher than surpassing me."

"Like I care about that... I've already decided I'm going to be Pirate King."

Zoro raised his sword in the boat. "Luffy... Can you hear me?" he said through shaky breaths.

Luffy smiled. "Loud and clear buddy."

"Sorry for worrying you... If I don't become the greatest swordsman in the world, you'd be in a dilemma now, right...? I'll... I'll never... I'll never lose again! Until I defeat him and become the greatest swordsman in the world... I'll never lose!" Zoro said as tears streaked down his face. "Any problems with that... Pirate King!?"

"Hehe, none at all."

Mihawk turned to Luffy and said, "Good team. I hope we meet again." He turned around around and began walking away.

"Hold on Hawkeye! Didn't you come for my head!? The king of East Blue?" Don Krieg jumped onto the platform.

"I did, but I've had my fair share of fun."

"You may have had fun, but I'm not finished my bit." He grinned as his armour opened up, revealing guns hidden beneath. "Die before you go!" He fired away.

"Fool." Mihawk turned around and unsheathed his blade.

There was a huge explosion and Mihawk went back to his boat where he set off and went back to sleep. Luffy took this opportunity to launch himself back over to the Baratie. He landed on the railing and turned towards the boat where Usopp, Zoro and Kuro were. "Oi Usopp! Kuro! Get going!"

"Right! We'll get Nami back! You just make sure that cook becomes one of us! Then we'll head out to the grand line!" Usopp yelled back as they began sailing away.

Luffy turned to Zeff. "Yo, old man. If I get rid of these guys, will we call it even?"

"Do as you wish."

Luffy grinned. It was time for a fight.

"Men! As long as we have that ship, we'll be able to sail the Grand Line with ease! It'll be better than sailing in disguise as Marines!"

"But Don, even if we can get to the Grand Line, what would happen if we meet someone like Hawk Eyes again?"

Don Krieg gritted his teeth in anger. He shot the pirate that said that and he went flying into the water. "What are you all still afraid of!? Do you think a normal person could split a ship in half like that? It was obviously a Devil Fruit! Zeff obviously used some kind of strategy to have stayed there for a year with all those monsters. A strategy that he must have written down in his journal! Do you understand now men!? Let's get that ship!" They all gave a battle cry.

"Sounds like they're all riled up." Luffy grinned.

"Go into the control room and bring up the 'fins'. We can't have the inside of the restaurant turning into a battleground." Sanji said to one of the chefs. The chef nodded and hurried inside.

The pirates began charging, jumping across the floating debris.

"Here they come! Finally, I was getting bored." Luffy grinned and jumped off the railing, down towards the sea.

"Oi, wait what are you doing!? You'll be a sitting duck in the water!" Sanji yelled at Luffy. However, when he went over the railing to check up on him he was surprised to see Luffy standing on the water.


"Devil Fruit! Shishishi" Luffy laughed. Sanji decided he'd get an explanation later after all this blew over.

Luffy unsheathed his katana. He swung and slashed the water below him, creating a wave that grew in size and speed as it traveled towards the oncoming pirates.

"What the hell, where'd this come from?" The pirates yelled as they were all blown away and knocked back onto the debris, some of them falling unconscious.

"You're the asshole that decided to attack this place even after they fed you when you were about to die. I'm gonna kick your ass." Luffy walked towards Don Krieg.

"Listen kid, I don't know what kind of Devil Fruit that is, but even with that power, I know you won't be able to beat me."

"We'll see about that." Luffy grinned.

There was a loud rumble, as the water beneath the Baratie began rippling and then 2 large wooden decks emerged onto the surface, creating a deck for everyone to stand on.

The pirates quickly took this opportunity to rush onto the deck and begin an assault. The cooks, who were used to fighting pirates, tried to resist but they ended up getting beaten and pushed back.

"Oi, what's with you guys! You're used to fighting pirates, how'd you lose so easily?" Patty yelled at them.

"Don't compare us to those other lowly pirates. We're Don Krieg pirates, the crew of the King of East Blue."

"I don't give a shit who you are, you're not coming anywhere near this restaurant!" Patty yelled as all the chefs gathered their weapons and once again charged at invaders.

There was a large burst of water as a man jumped onto the deck, clad in iron plates.

"Who's this clown?" Sanji asked.

"It is I! Pearl, the iron wall of the Krieg Pirates. I've won all my battles without spilling even a single drop of blood. I'm invincible!"

"You won't be invincible after I knock your ass out with these feet." Sanji said.

Luffy was looking back towards the Baratie. "Man what a weirdo."

"If you have time to look elsewhere then you should be able to dodge this!" Don Krieg swung a mace at Luffy. However Luffy had already foresaw this coming and the mace phased right through him.

"Wh...what!? How did that not hit you?" Don Krieg had a vein popping out of his forehead.

"I'm a water-man. Your weak attacks won't even touch me."

Meanwhile, the cooks were caught off guard as Zeff fell to the ground. Behind him was Gin pointing the barrel of a gun at his head.

"Sanji, please leave this ship. I don't want to have to kill you," he said.

Sanji gritted his teeth. "There's no way in hell that I'm leaving."

Pearl suddenly jumped up behind Sanji and smashed his two shield against his head, discombobulating him. He continued punching Sanji while he was still stunned and finally managed to knock him down.

"I'm... I'm the one who stole everything from that old man... So that I could live... his power... his dreams. This restaurant is the old man's treasure... If I don't place my life on the line as well, I won't be able to repay that shitty old man!"

Luffy's anger rose as he heard everything. There was nothing he hated more than people running over and ruining the dreams of others. He shot himself back onto the deck of the Baratie.

"Stop it! Don't interfere!" Sanji yelled at him.

Luffy chose not to listen. He unsheathed his katana and coated it with a thin coat of water. "Mizu Mizu no Katto!" He swiped his katana and destroyed the deck of the baratie.

Everyone was shocked and stood there with their mouths agape.

"Waiter boy! What the hell are you trying to do!?" Sanji got up and yelled at Luffy.

"Sink the ship."

"What the hell!? Are you mental?"

"But if I sink the ship, they won't get what they want."

"Do you have any idea the debt I owe to this place!?" Sanji grabbed Luffy.

"So you're gonna die for it? Are you retarded? Dying won't pay him back!" Luffy grabbed Sanji's suit jacket. "He sacrificed his life to save you and you're just gonna go and disrespect that by dying anyways! Only someone weak would act like that!" He lifted him up.

"Then what the hell do I do!?" Sanji yelled back.

"Now now, don't bicker. Fighting amongst yourselves at a time like this is laughable. Though you can't do anything as of right now since we have a hostage in our hands. How unfortunate for you that you have to face us Don Krieg Pirates." Pearl began laughing.

"Shut up." Luffy shot a supersonic water blast at him, breaking his armour and sending him flying back into the water.

Everyone was taken aback, unable to believe what they witnessed.

"I'm tired of playing around, it's time to get serious." Luffy's eyes began glowing a bright blue and he sent waves of Haki in every direction. He began walking across the water while all the Don Krieg pirates went unconscious.

"W-what is this power!?" Gin asked as he was barely able to remain conscious.

Sanji wasn't being affected by the Haki because Luffy wasn't directing it towards him, but he could sense, intuitively, the power coming off of Luffy.

Don Krieg was barely staying conscious, as Luffy approached Don Krieg, agonizingly slowly. The aura coming off of Luffy was so strong he could almost see it.

"Do you know why you're still conscious?" He stood over the armoured pirate. "Because I want you to witness all your dreams and ambitions being ruined, just like you've done to others." Luffy swiped his katana down and destroyed what little remains there were of the galleon.

"You... You're a monster!" Krieg said through shaky breaths. Luffy sheathed his katana and lifted Don Krieg up by his neck.

"No... I'm a pirate." Luffy grinned and pulled his leg back. "Aequoreus Populatus." He sent a supersonic kick to his side, breaking his ribs and sending him flying off for miles.

Luffy launched himself back onto the Baratie and stood in front of Gin, eyes still glowing. Gin felt like an ant in his dominating presence. "I hope you realize you're no match for me." Gin lowered his head. "Yes I know... do what you will."

"Hehe, then join my crew."

A/N: Well that's all I have right now! Sorry for the super long delay, but my exams are coming up soon so you probably won't hear from me again until May(ish)! Thank you guys for being patient with me and sticking through, you da real MVP 3. Well anyways I will see you all later and hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please review and tell me how I did :P See ya :)