ZL98: Hey guys I know its been a while, like FOREVER. I would firstly like to apologize to all of my followers for not updating I do have several reasons that I will list below as well as updated for the following chapter I will be releasing soon. That all being said, here we go:
I have been having a rough time in school, as well as at work. They have both been taking up a large amount of my time but I'm taking easy classes this semester and my work schedule has stabilized.
I had to move home to take care of my grandparents. Over the last few years my grandmother has been battling cancer and its been a struggle to keep her going I will report she is doing much better.
As for the fanfic and updates themselves, they will start up again however they will more than likely be sporadic. I have gone back over my outline and the chapters I released and tbh they are fairly cringey to me, so I will more than like revise them and change the outline.
Again, the past few years have been rough guys and I know that's no excuse but I am back and I have no plans of leaving anytime soon. I love you guys and thank you for being so patient with me.