AN: This has been a story in my head for a while, in fact, ever since I had first played Touhou I had been thinking about it. And also, in my opinion I don't think anyone's ever thought of a story like this (If I'm wrong please correct me!)

No flaming, please, I hate flamers with a passion.

"Kayong mga gago kayo . . . , you actually chased me all the way across the south china sea!?"

A young man was surrounded by three winged figures, dark creatures from his homeland. The monsters were distinctly female, with attractive faces that were marred by their yellow eyes, long blood-red tongues and fingers-turned-talons. Worse still, from where their legs should have been, their intestines dangled about freely, as if their lower half had been ripped out. Lastly, leathery wings spread wide behind their back, constantly beating on the air, keeping them a float.

Nathaniel Diego B. Nardaa had been asleep under the roof of a run-down shrine late night, when seven of them had ambushed him. Half an hour after the fight began; only three remained, however, due to fatigue, as well as injuries he had received earlier, he was now on his last legs.

" 'tang ina, you assholes can't just let me go can you?" stated Nathan sardonically. "So, under whose orders are you under now, hm?"

Not bothering to answer him, the creature lunged at him with an ear piercing screech while brandishing its sharp claws.

Nathan lunge to the side, only to see the other two had flown behind him to corner him. Pivoting his body quickly, Nathan pulled out a hand full of dried leaves from his pocket, crushing them in his hands; the leaves were replaced by a ball of fire, which he hurtled towards the two creatures.

One of them flew upwards to avoid the flame, the other however, was not so lucky. Screaming loudly, the creature was consumed entirely by the flame, which had turned darker and darker as its body burned down.

"Tch . . . well shit, that's the last set I have" he murmured.

Speaking up for the first time, the creature jeered at the young man, with a strange and low voice, which echoed around Nathans ear in double timbres.

"What is the matter child, are you all out of tricks?" it said in a foreign tongue at the same time flashing long pointed talons. "Very well then, die!"

Screeching, both of the creatures dived at him once again. Gritting his teeth, Nathan pulled out a brass lighter from his pocket. Flicking it, a small flame came alive.

Close, two creatures swung their clawed arms in long arcs. Jumping backwards, he had narrowly avoided the attack, resulting in his shirt being torn and three light gashes on his chest. At the moment he landed down, Nathan blew on the lighter, the small flame on it expanded in size, creating a wide blanket of fire.

However, this flame was not as solid or as strong as the previous, so the two creatures simply flew through the flames, not even burned or hurt in the slightest. Once again they swiped their arms at him in an attempt to cleave his throat.

Unable to dodge in time, Nathan shielded himself with his arms, which the monster cleaved large chunks of skin out of. Mashing his lips to suppress his scream of pain, Nathan spun around to forceful kick on the creature, sending it flying to the side however, the other one dived in once the first one was out of the way, and rammed him a few feet backwards, Nathan heard a cracking sound, and felt intense pain in his rib areas.

"Ahahahaha! They're giving us a years' worth of fetus for killing a whelp like you!" jeered the creature "The standards of those Albularyos are surely dropping!"

"You can't really say that seriously after I've killed of five of your partners can you?" said Nathan, giving the creature the 'Are-you-stupid?' look.

"Besides, if anyone has low standards, it would be you Manananggal, who else would take a life threatening job for para sa pagkain?.' he said before switching to his home language. At this the Manananngal twitched.

'Also, you're in Japan, you can at least speak English, otherwise the locals can't understand you dumbass"

Already angry at the earlier insult the Manananggal snapped at the this, and flew high up with another ear piercing screech, her partner following her, and prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

"Damn it, if only I had my tools right now, I could kill these things no problem" thought Nathan.

Nathan was referring to his bag of tools and weapons, which had mysteriously disappeared during in the middle of his fight, right after he had killed a second Manananggal.

"This is bad . . ." he thought desperately "Fuck, its a waste but . . ."

As both creatures speared towards him, he pulled out a grenade, which had been especially hard to acquire and enchant, which had been hidden under his jeans, and strapped to his ankle.

Unpinning the explosive, Nathan cooked it in his hand until he hurtled the grenade at the pair of monsters.

"Wha-" began the creatures before being cut off by the a short popping sound, followed by the grenade imploding itself dragging the two creatures to it at full force, before suddenly exploding with much more power than a grenade should have and showering them with an unusual amount of shrapnel. The two Manananggals landed on the ground, lying still.

Nathan stared at the bodies for a while, before sighing and collapsing on the floor.

"Shit, I'm all be. . at . . ." he said before lapsing into unconsciousness.

While he was asleep, a small humanoid creature, only five inches long, who had been observing the fight from behind one of the nearby trees that surrounded the shrine, approaching slowly, the Dwende was surprised when a black hole opened beneath him, sucking him inside.

In a spur of the moment, the Dwende leaped inside as well.

Little did they, nor anyone from inside Genskoyo know that the little action of the creature would shake Genskoyo to its very core.

AN: And voila! It is finished!

I'm sure that I'll actually continue this story, to anyone interested. (Also, as long as anyone is actually interested!)

I'd appreciate tips, one of the biggest reasons why I don't update is 'cause i'm a bit of a perfectionist, and have a hard time submitting what I consider sh!t, I'm considering hitting myself as we speak.

Please comment and review, with snacks.