Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or anyone in the DC universe.

"Okay, who's up first?" Robin stretched his arms above his head, preparing for the first sparring match of the day.

Artemis cracked her knuckles, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Me."

"You sure you want to do that, Arty?"

The blonde scowled. "And you think you could do better, Baywatch?"


"And what makes you think that?"

"'Cause you're a girl and I'm a guy. A guy and a girl fighting first

thing would be way mismatched."

"Wait a second." Artemis put a hand on her hip, gripping her bow in her other one. "So you think since I'm a girl and Robin's a guy that I'm outmatched by him?"

"Um, yeah pretty much."

"YOU SEXIST SON OF A $!#%*!" The archer went to stand next to M'gann. "You know what, let's settle this right here, right now. Girls versus guys. Winner gets tomake the other gender say they were wrong."

"Artemis that is not necessary." Aqualad said calmly.

"It is totally necessary, Kaldur! If Kid Idiot thinks that men are so superior, then let's prove it!"

"But two girls on four guys is unfair anyway you cut it." Robin pointed out.

"M'gann, do you want to fight?" Superboy asked his normally pacifistic girlfriend.

"Yes! I totally agree with Artemis."

"Okay then." The boys moved to one side of the room, while the girls

moved the the other side. "Go!" And both sides rushed each other.

"Say it."


The headlock tightened. "Say it!"

"FINE! I was wrong!"

More tightening. "And?"

"Ow ow ow! Okay! And both genders are equals!"

Artemis released Wally's head and pushed his back with her foot,

sending him sprawling. "Thank you." She threw an arm around M'gann's shoulder as the duo walked out of the room, leaving the four badly beaten boys on the floor.

Robin climbed slowly to his feet, rubbing the back of his neck. "Dude. You just got your butt whooped by a girl."

A/N: Just a stupid little thing that popped into my head during Latin class. Don't even know where it came from. Anyhow, please review and please check out the message on my profile! Stay asterous!