
Dragon Age: The Quickening

Chapter 1: Respite

The boy's birth surprised everyone.

Of course, the events leading up to the moment had come as a surprise to everyone, human and elf alike. It had come as a surprise to the Men of Par Vollen that a humanoid race inhabited the lands on the other side of the Venefication Sea. It had come as a surprise to the elves that such a race existed to the north, one that seemed to live and die in the blink of an eye. It had come as a surprise to both sides that they were able to co-exist peacefully despite early initial violence. Even if the humans' lives were brief and inconsequential, even if they were nothing but a group of scattered tribes that would never amount to anything outside their so-called "Imperium", they had their worth as trading partners, and even as a curiosity for those inclined to the study of anatomy.

No-one had expected a coupling though. No-one had expected this.

Kumari breathed heavily as priests of Mythal, the Great Protector, did their best to ease the process of bringing…something into the world. It was cold comfort-their efforts were earnest, but childbirth was rare amongst an immortal people. Little reason to do so biologically, and when you had eternity before you, there was certainly no rush to go through the messy process that every other mortal animal in this world was a slave to. Unfortunately, Strenec was human. Unfortunately, Strenec would only live for a few more decades at the most before losing his life to mishap or natural courses. Unfortunately, one thing had led to another and before long, Kumari and her people had learnt that apparently, elves and Men were biologically compatible.

Of course, as Strenec held her hand, as he reassured her and kissed her forehead in his oh so mortal manner…infortune wasn't on Kumari's mind. Instead, she felt blessed. What was happening was a miracle. What was happening shouldn't have been possible. What was happening…well, as she pushed, as she gasped, as she heard the cry of an infant before her…clearly the pantheon had smiled on her.

"And thus new life enters the world," one of the priests intoned. "May Mythal watch over him. May Elgar'nan make him strong. May…"

"You…can keep going…" Kumari said, regaining her breath and taking comfort from Strenec's grip. "I…he…is alright, isn't he?"

"Fine…" the priest said. "Fine…"

Kumari could tell from her kin's words that not everything was fine. That while the priests cut the child's umbilical cord and wrapped it in a blanket before handing it to her, their minds were not at ease. But as they handed her son to her, as she looked down at her baby…she could barely see anything wrong at all.

"Your son," the priest said to Strenec, using the man's own language as best he could. "May you live long enough to see him grow."

"He will…" Kumari assured her kin, having picked up human language bar better than the priest before her. She looked up and smiled at her…partner, the term "husband" one that too many people of both kindreds might give umbridge for. "For what it's worth…we'll enjoy our time together."

"Of course," the priest said. "And may your son enjoy that time as well."

Kumari remained silent. Something was on the man's mind. Yet looking at the infant in her arms…flat ears, a face that was distinctly un-elvish, a body that seemed more like Strenec's than her own…it was strange how little he took after her. Or elves at all for that matter. Mules incorporated aspects of both horses and donkeys, but her son seemed to take only after one species.

Maybe that was how these couplings would work, the elf supposed. Perhaps they would be one or the other. Perhaps…perhaps she'd outlive her own son. It was a horrible thought, but as she stroked his face, as his tiny hand grasped her own…she cast those thoughts into the Fade. His life, whether short or long, was in her hands. And she would-…

"So…another human."

The elf looked up. Most of the priests had exited the nursery, but one lingered by the door. Dark haired, dark eyed…she looked more like a follower of Elgar'nan than the motherhood god.

"What do you mean…another human?" Kumari asked. "You mean Strenec?"

"No, I mean your son. Another human born to an elf and one of his own kind."

Kumari looked up at Strenec. If he understood the priest's words, he showed no sign. Maybe that was just as well. Because the woman's discomfort at Kumari's son and his father rang clear, even if it was lost in translation to one who didn't speak the language.

"Another one…?" Kumari asked. "But…there's never been a human and elf coupling until now. There's-…"

"That's what the leaders of our people want you to believe," the priest said. "But since you're in that group of elves who've been fucked by brutes, I may as well reveal that there's more than you think. You're not the first elf mother of a human child. You probably won't be the last either. You're simply the latest in a line of inter-species couplings that have yet to produce an elven child, ever."

Kumari stared, unable to believe the woman's words.

This…this isn't right…she told herself. More couplings? A human child every time? What…how is that even possible?

She looked up at her husband. He looked down at her and his son. With love, but she felt…uneasy about it.

And in her arms, her baby began to cry.