
9:35:43 September 11th

"Oh shut up John, just shut up."

It was another irritably boring day for Sherlock, the distress on his face aching for another case to lighten his dreary spirits. Pacing up and down the living room, his hands crossed behind his back, the comfortable feel of the cotton navy blue bathrobe brushing against his skin, he glanced back at his laptop residing on the table, then checked in his pockets for his phone. No vibrations, no sounds, no new texts.

Sherlock started muttering to himself at an alarming speed. "She said she'll get me a case; she PROMISED me she'd get a case the 37th second of 9:30 sharp. Something must have happened… She's never late. It's like she can control time. Not that that would be even possible. But what happened exactly? What could possibly happen? Hmm…" He put his fingertips together, pushing against each other.

John, surprised and taken aback by Sherlock's sudden outburst, laughed. "My, my, my," He said in between laugher, "I don't believe you to act this human." ACT. What does he mean by "act"?

"Oh shut up, John. I'm worried about the case," Sherlock snapped back, irritated.

"And that's as human as you get." Sighing, John rose from his seat. "I don't suppose you are ever going to tell me about this 'she' hmm?"

No reply. It was as much as a rejection John could get from Sherlock in this state. "I'm going to buy some groceries; I'm going to assume you aren't accompanying me?"

Still nothing. Sighing again, "You should go out more. Act normal for once in a while. Can I borrow your credit card?"

"Take it, bedside drawer." Turning around, Sherlock continued his pacing. As John picked up the much neglected card from the drawer, and walked out of the apartment, Sherlock continued to be deep in thought.

Just as John descended the stairs, Sherlock shouted out, as if he just remembered, "Get me some wax for my violin! AND some vinegar! AND a gallon of coke. Maybe some chips and Mentos." Rolling his eyes, John memorized the list of Sherlock's groceries, not even bothering to ask what those were for. Over the months he had grew accustomed to Sherlock's wild experiments held at home at a rapid rate, and had learnt to do just what he said.


Sorry for the long wait, Mr. Holmes. I was busy.


I want my case, Miss Baker.

- SH

And here I have it. This case is going to be interesting.


And how so?

- SH

The murder hasn't happened yet.


Predicting in advance. I love it!

- SH

As I had expected. The files are being uploaded; the email will get to you at 9:43:48 sharp.

You know what's more interesting?


I wish you were here so I could observe you, so I wouldn't have to play these "guessing games".

- SH

I'm coming to London.