Me:So,Claire,where did you buy fluffy?
Claire:Harry gave me it as a birthday present.
Me:Let me guess,he got it from Hagrid.
Myrnin:Claire,why did your brother give you a vampirized ninja unicorn?
Eve:Yeah,who does that!
See A VIW to understand this joke of mine.
"Who's Fluffy?"Eve asked.
"My vampirized ninja unicorn!"Claire responded"He went missing yesterday!"
"Where's your stake?"Shane asked
"On my desk."Shane shook his head.
"It isn't!"
Suddenly,Myrnin burst in."AARRRGGGHHHH!THIS UNICORN'S TRYING TO ASSASSINATE ME!"He yelled,as a pink fluffy unicorn burst in,fangs down,holding a silver stake high.
"NOOO!"Yelled Myrnin,continuing with his point was that they could still see him.
"Oh yeah,Fluffy likes to drug people through they're drink,nothing serious,just slows them down a bit"The unicorn pinned Myrnin down stake held high above his head."Or a lot..."
Myrnin rolled out of the way just in time but the stake went through his hand."Damn."He shouted.
"Fluffy,get your butt over here you bad unicorn!"Claire unicorn slouched over.
"What?"It said ,harshly.
"Say sorry Right now!"
"Sorry."It sulked.
"Claire,my hand."screamed yeah,it's silver,he can't get it out on his walked over to him and pulled out the gave a sigh of relief."I hate anti-vampire unicorns."
"He's not anti-vampire,"said Claire."He's just anti-you!"
Me:So,he's anti Myrnin.
Claire:Guess so.
Me:Can Harry get me a birthday present.
Harry:Sure,what do you want.
Harry:You seem to have forgotten that I am a boy.
Me:Are you?
R&R!Get ready for the sequel,Ninja Myrnin!