Just Three Wishes

Wish #1: Prologue

I used to believe that there was no such thing as fairies, angels and genies. In short, I didn't believe in fairytales at all. Tell me, which guy believed in it? Granting me three wishes? You got to be kidding me. Angels didn't exist in reality!

Well, this was what I thought so.

Just right in front of me was a young and beautiful brunette. She was wearing a white and plain gown which went all the way down to her feet. Her long and hazel brown hair swayed beautifully in the air. She was smiling very sweetly at me.

Someone, please tell me that I was dreaming. That girl had just claimed that she was an angel who had descended from heaven and wanted to grant me three wishes.

Was she lying? She didn't have any halo and a pair of large angelic wings on her back.

That girl continued to give me that serene smile. She slowly reached out to me and brought me closer to her. I felt her lips pressed against my ear and whispered something to me.

I immediately pushed her away and glared at her. Despite that, she was still smiling.

I pinched myself desperately on my cheeks to make sure that this was a dream. That brunette walked forward and gently pushed me. I fell and landed on something hard.

Just then, my eyes flew opened. I realised that I was staring at a ceiling. I glanced around my surroundings. No doubt that I was in my own bedroom. I stumbled back on my own feet and rubbed my hurting back. It seemed that I had just fallen off my bed while sleeping.

Sleeping? Was I really sleeping? If so, that means what happened a moment ago was a dream! Thank goodness! It was definitely a nightmare.

"Natsume-kun! What happened to you?" my mother cried as she barged into my bedroom. "I thought I heard a loud thud coming from your room. Are you all right?"

I nodded and crawled back into bed, trying to get more sleep.

"Time to wake up or else, you will be late for school," she rattled on and left my room.

I scowled and stumbled out of bed. I got dressed and hurriedly left my house.

As I was walking to school, my head was replying those words which that brunette had whispered to me in my dream. It was not because I was interested in her, but I found her words weird.

This was what she said to me, "This is all a dream but I hope to see you again, Natsume..."

See me again? No way! How could she see me again? She was in my dream! Wait... Unless she wanted to continue haunting me in my dreams again, there was no way for her to appear in reality. To be honest, I was not a delusional person.

Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from an alley. I was startled by that sharp piercing scream. I looked at the alley and gulped. It was very eerie. Maybe I should ignore that scream and continue walking ahead. I didn't want to be late on my first day of school. So, I did.

Another scream echoed again. This time was much closer to me. I sensed something was not right at all. I turned around and looked at the alley once more.

This time I saw someone was running towards me. I squinted my eyes and I nearly screamed in horror.

That person was that brunette I had a dream about! No doubt about it! She was even wearing that long white gown too!

That brunette saw me and ran towards my direction. I stood rooted to the ground. That girl pounced onto me and both of us landed hard onto the ground.

"Hey! Watch where you are going, stupid!" I shouted.

That girl grabbed my collar and shook it violently while whining. At this moment, my head was spinning in all directions.

"Help me! A hound is chasing after me!" she cried.

Should I believe this lunatic? She must be a ghost who was trying to haunt me in my dream and reality. I swore I didn't insult my ancestors or gods to be this unlucky.

"Please help me! That mad dog is coming! I will die!" she shrieked.

I pushed her off me and said angrily, "Get off me, stupid. I don't see any dog chasing after you. Liar!"

I guessed I was wrong. I saw something brown and huge charging towards us. It was running on fours and it looked like a nicely shaven wolf. Was that a hound? Maybe it was. It looked ferocious and irritated.

If I ignored that mad dog, I could guarantee that my life would be over in seconds, together with that brunette.

Thanks to her, my life was on the line.

Hi guys, this is my second GA fanfic. Thanks for reading 'Just Three Wishes'. Please review. I don't mind criticisms but they have to be constructive. A simple review is more than welcomed! I wish to get at least 5 reviews before continuing to the next chapter. Thank you! :)

I hope you can also read my first GA fanfic 'I Like You, Mikan-sensei'! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own either Gakuen Alice or its characters, except for this story plot.