The first time he entered himself (what an odd thing to say), the younger of the two Once-lers cried.

It wasn't completely the pain of stretching; fingers had eased the access, somewhat. No, it was the sheer and utter sense of closeness that came with sex.

His older self was sitting, cross-legged, as Once-ler had gently lowered himself onto the opposite's member. He had gasped at the unfamiliar sense of his insides being stretched further than mere fingers; he allowed it to be completely sheathed within him, but begged his older self with pained eyes to wait. His companion had nodded, breath frighteningly shallow but heart racing at the fact that he was taking his own virginity.

It was a split second after the thought that the younger burst into tears, burying his face into the warm shoulder of his companion, enough tears to puddle in the crook and begin flowing down Once-ler's chest. He gripped at himself, pulling their bodies flush as he sobbed openly. The elder Once-ler felt such a beautiful completeness as his counterpart cried, a yearning sense of love and lust that didn't even consider waning as he coddled himself with soothing back rubs and gentle fingers combing through hair.

"I'm sorry," he finally muttered, still gasping for air at intervals.

"No, don't be. I cried my first time, too." Young Once-ler's head shot up at that, staring into those gorgeous blue eyes; they were so soft, corners wrinkled with so much more of a smile than his counterpart allowed.

"You did?"

"Mhm. I had never been with anyone before, and it just felt so…beautiful, you know? To finally join together with someone else. But, it didn't feel right?"

"It didn't?" Younger was shocked, eyes wide and bloodshot as he wound his fingers around his doppleganger's neck.

"No….not like this." Older smiled, both soft and suggestive. He rocked his hips back, then gently slid back into himself, eliciting a moan from the man in his lap. Fire blazing in the whole of his body, Once-ler kissed his past self.

"You're the only one who can make me whole"