Back with Humphrey and Kate.

Humphrey and Kate were doing almost everyone wish. Flying down an empty, dark freeway in a bright red Ferrari. They were getting close to home, the extra speed narrowing the 4 hour jorney down to about 2 hours. Kate was acting very sluggish but happy, because Humphrey and Kate had some real 'Alone Time'.

"Love, are we almost there?" Kate asked.

"About another half hour, lovely" Humphrey replied. Kate yawned and rested her head on Humphrey's shoulder.

"I'm gonna go asleep" Kate yawned.

"See you in the morning, goodnight, Love" Humphrey said, kissing her head. The car was acting a little louder than normal because of being ran at such high speeds for hours on end. Humphrey shifted from fourth to sixth, effectivly quieting down the engine and transmission. Sood Humphrey heard that Kate's breaths were now very faint, indicating she was asleep. He wrapped his arm he used to change gears around Kate, and started slowly rubbing her side. She gently moaned in her sleep, but nothing loud enough to wake up their beautiful pups. Humphrey smiled very widly as he looked in the rear view mirror, and saw his whole family surrounding him. They have been constantly cruzing at 150MPH, but it seemed so slow to Hummphrey, him being surrounded by the ones he loves, and the ones that love him back. He exited on the old farming highway, the road that leaves them back home, and more importantly, Humphrey's parents and sister. Humphrey noticed the entrance to the area of his family's graves, and he gently slowed down, and turned onto the dirt and gravel road, stopping and parking the car, stopping and halfway turning around on the road. He left the vehicle, leaving the door open. He walked over to the three graves, kneeling in the middle of the three graves shaped in a triangle. He begn hushly talking, all while shedding a few tears. Kate woke up, because her head bent further than Humphrey's shoulder was. She opened her eyes to notice the car stopped, and he 'Door Ajar' light on, along with the overhead light. She looked out her window, and noticed Humphrey kneeling on the ground in front of three crosses. She quietly exited the car, and walked up behind Humphrey to hear Humphrey mumbling words, inaudible and some in a forigen language. She kneeled down beside Humphrey,frightening him. He just looked at her aand continued to speak. Now that Kate was lower, she noticed Humphrey wasn't just talking, it sounded like he was having a conversation, mostly in latin, and some in english. Humphrey stopped talking, and now was just kneeling.

"I'm sure they are proud of you, love. You have a beautiful mate, you helped so many, you have been so seccsessful, look at these cars, your pups, your house, the whole community. I bet they are here know, looking don at you and smiling, noticing how sucsessful you are in this game called Life." Kate said, gently.

"Te amo omnibus. Occurret etiam adhuc spero et quantum accepi et ingressus plus animi off dedisti mihi, quam aedificavi valete nunc carissimi familia" Humphrey said to the sky, before getting up, assisting Kate, and getting in the car, and leaving the graves. "I Love you Kate" Humphrey quietly spoke. Kate smiled.

"I love you, too. Humphrey"

The End? Well, I think not to worry, because Part II will be coming, starting 12 years from the day this story, Part I ended. I can garuntee you, that we will be going through some fun and dangerous adventures, sad moments of loss, happy moments of a new beginning, lots more speed and lots more cars! Part II will begin shortly, within the next few weeks, so, be prepaired! Goodbye for now!