"What do you mean this story is getting cancelled." Naruto yelled at bigdogneversleeps. "I'm still only like, 5 in this story! Don't you have big plans for me and stuff?"

Bigdogneversleeps nodded solemnly. "I apologize, little Naruto Uzumaki, but I am just not interested in writing these stories as much as I once was, and have less time. But I do not want to abandon all my stories, so I must let some of the loose ends go. I had hopes for you story, but it was just a small idea I didn't plan enough."

Naruto looked as if he was going to cry. "Does this mean you will delete me?"

Bigdogneversleeps shook his head. "Of course not. "

"Will you mark me as complete and leave me forever?"

"No. I want to put you up for adoption. There are tons of writers who can't think of good ideas, and a story with promise such as yours should be greatly desired."

"But what if no one wants me?"

"If no one wants you? Well. I guess it means their loss doesn't it?" The sorry writer replied.

"It will be lonely again. Won't it?"

Bigdogneversleeps nodded. "Don't lose hope. Another writer will help you grow up to be the great man I wanted you to be."

Naruto hung his head. "Bye, writer."

"Goodbye, lil Naruto."


Message me if you want to adopt this story. Are you just going to leave lil Naruto all alone, lost in this world forever?