Do Not own One Piece or Pirates of the Carribean for that matter. First story, will try to leave out OC, but will be moments where they are OC.
Prologue: Black Sails
A young thirteen year old girl, wearing a beautiful white gown, stares boringly into the thick grey fog. She pushes the bangs of her bright orange hair that falls to her shoulders away from her eyes, and leans against the brown wooden railings of the navy ship. The Navy soldiers behind her shout orders to one another, as they try to guide the ship through the thick fog.
"Idiots," The orange hair girl mutters under her breath listening to the soldiers. "I told them if we kept heading north we would be lost in this fog. But do they listen to me? Of course not."
"Oh great," The girl named Nami sighs in irritation, and turns around to face a blonde headed boy only one year older then her. "What is it Sanji-Kun?" Nami asks sweetly a forced smile on her face. The boy called Sanji in front of her, wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, takes Nami's small delicate hand and goes to one knee. Nami forced smile falters, turning into a frown, as she waits for the curly eyebrow boy, with his left eye covered by his blonde hair to speak.
"My dear Nami-swan, I was asked by your father to come and keep you company, as he thought you could use it," Sanji said, staring directly at Nami's chocolate brown eyes. As Nami stares back, she could have sworn that his one eye was shaped like a heart looking up at her, but she ignores this hearing what he said she pulls her hand away.
"Genzo-san is not my father," Nami states turning back around to look at the vast blue sea and the thick grey fog. "And I do not need any company, so you may leave." If Nami would have been looking at Sanji when she said this, she would have seen his eye that she thought had turned into a heart when he looked at her, be torn apart.
Instead of leaving her though, Sanji stood up to stand next to her at the railing of the ship. Noticing this, Nami was about to tell him to leave again, when he spoke first. "Just wanted to also tell you Nami-swan, that I had tried to get that old fool to listen to you when you warned him about this fog, but as you can tell it didn't work." Nami eyes widen at this news and a small smile grace her lips. She knew that Sanji was not lying to her, for she has known the boy for almost two years now, and while he was annoying at times with the way he acted around her, or other beautiful women her age and older she knew he would not lie to her for he was that kind of friend.
"Thanks Sanji-kun," Nami says, and Sanji smiles back at her. If Nami was being honest, she was a little lonely out on the deck and was glad Sanji was now out here with her. Being the 'adoptive' daughter of the mayor of Cocoyasi town, she was not allowed many friends, nor had the times to make friends. But she did have a select few of nakama, with Sanji being one of them, having met him during a formal party. Sanji was also adoptive by a respected man, the commodore of Cocoyasi Navy, and also the highly respected head chef of the famous restaurant, the Barati, 'Red-Leg' Zeff.
Zeff is well respected by the mayor of Cocoyasi, Nami's adoptive father Genzo and was chosen to form the crew that would take them to the town Fushaba, where Genzo was needed to form trades with the town's mayor there. Nami, much to her displeasure, was forced to come on this journey, while Sanji was at first, supposed to be learning from Zeff on how to run a Navy ship, along with cooking for the crew, but now by Genzo orders to keep Nami company. They are now on their way back to Cocoyasi, only to be caught up in this thick fog.
"Yohohohoho," Nami and Sanji jump from where they stand, turning around to see the navigator that was selected by Zeff to lead them to Fushaba. "Such a thick fog, Yohoho," The very tall upper middle-aged man said. Wearing a small top hat, that does nothing to cover his large black afro, glasses with dark lens, wearing a black suit, with a blue under shirt. He stands at over seven feet tall, with his afro adding quite a few inches. In his long arms sit a small violin, as he walks over to the two children.
Nami remembers the name of the man in front of her called Brooke. Having not talked to him, for he had creep her out with that weird laugh of his, and also the things he would say around some women. "Yeah, well we wouldn't be in this fog if not for you and your shitty directions," Sanji speaks out at Brooke.
"Yohoho, you have a potty mouth there, young chef," Sanji grits his teeth as he thinks Brooke is mocking him. "Ah, but this is not no normal fog, something else entirely it is." Brooke leans against the railing next to Nami, who stares at him curiously.
"What do you mean? Did you not notice the change in air?" Nami asks him.
"Nami-san, you will be an excellent navigator when you get older," Nami chest feels with pride at Brooke's complement. "But, you must learn that not everything is what it seems."
"Nami-san, have you ever heard about a ship with black sails?"
"You mean a pirate ship?" Nami says a hint of disgust in her voice. She has a severe hatred to pirates, especially after an incident involving her past, an incident that only a few know about, and one she has not talked about in a long time.
"Yes, but not just any pirate ship," Brooke appears to either ignore or not notice Nami's tone when she said pirates. "A ship that is Captain by a man, that even the devil himself fears."
"A ship that does not exist, Mr. Brooke."
The sound of wood hitting wood is heard as Nami, Brooke and the forgotten Sanji turn to the voice of Zeff. His blonde mustache sticks straight out, along with his short blonde hair, wearing a white Navy coat and pants. Nami stares at his wooden leg, which she does not know the story of how he lost his leg, but believes it somehow involves Sanji, remembering how Sanji got a farawa His blonde mustache sticks straight out, along with his short blonde hair, wearing a white Navy coat and pants. Nami stares at his wooden leg, which she does not know the story of how he lost his leg, but believes it somehow involves Sanji, remembering how Sanji got a faraway look in his eye when she first asked him about it.
"Yohoho, of course, of course Captain," Brooke laughs, seemingly not intimidated by Zeff's glare he is receiving.
"Now, why don't you do something useful and get us out of this damn fog!" Zeff voice rises, causing the children to flinch.
"But Captain, this fog will not disappear, not until the ship you say does not exist disappears," Brooke holds back his laugh, as he feels the anger coming from Zeff.
"What is all this commotion?" A new voice enters the scene, this one belonging to the mayor of Cocoyasi, Genzo. He has on a formal wardrobe, a white dress shirt and brown coat. The one thing standing out being the hat he wears, that has a pinwheel connected to it. Nami for the life of her could not understand why he chose to wear the stupid hat, thinking he just wore it to embarrass her.
As the adults start to argue, with Sanji joining in the fray, Nami decides to turn away; going back to what she was doing which was staring straight out into the thick fog. She pushes aside the conversation she had with Brooke, choosing to believe it was just him being his crazy self. As she stares out into the water, something in the sea catches her eyes, and she gasps.
"Everyone! Theirs someone in the water!" Nami's voice draws the adults and Sanji over to her and they look over to see that she was right. In the sea, a body hangs limply onto a floating barrel.
"MAN OVERBOARD!" Zeff shouts and the Navy soldiers hurriedly work to bring the body to the ship.
Moments later, the body is pulled aboard, with Zeff, Genzo, Nami, Sanji and Brooke all gathering around. What they notice at first is the patch of what they think is green algae, but it turns out to be short hair, belonging to the boy who appears to be around the age of Sanji and Nami. He has on a white shirt, and a blue coat, with brown pants and black boots, all of his clothes being wet from the sea.
"Is he alive?" Nami asks, being the first to speak.
"Yes, barely," Zeff states seeing the slow rise and fall of his chest. "I wonder what happen-"
"Captain! There is a ship starboard, on fire it appears to have been attacked by pirates!" A Navy soldier shouts to the Captain, a telescope in his hand. Zeff quickly jumps to his feet, and along with Brooke and Genzo head to the front of the ship, but not before telling Sanji and Nami to keep watch on the boy they saved. Nami and Sanji decide not to argue, and do as told. Nami using this opportunity to get a closer look at the boy.
"Careful Nami-swan," Sanji warns her, as they do not know if the boy is dangerous or not. Nami apparently ignores him, getting closer to the green hair boy, who she now notices has three earrings on one of his ears. She sees something showing under his white shirt, and as she reaches her hand to pull out whatever the object is, she gasps grabbing a gold medallion, with a skull jolly roger in the center. If anyone was looking at her eyes closely, they would see that they look like Belli signs. Pulling the Medallion, it easily comes off his neck. Placing the Medallion in her bosom, she is about to stand, when a cold wet hand reaches out to her.
"Who-Who are you?" The voice of the green hair boy whispers at Nami.
"Uh, Nami," Nami answers hesitantly. "And you are?"
"Zor- Zoro," The boy answers her, before closing his eyes and passing out again.
"Don't worry Zoro, you're okay now," Nami says to the unconscious boy standing back up.
"What he say?" Sanji asks Nami, and Nami detects a hint of anger for some reason in Sanji's voice.
"His name is Zoro," Nami tells him, shrugging off his attitude. Sanji just nods his head turning away from her, and Nami is about to ask him what's wrong, when something out of the corner of her eye catches her attention. When she turns her head, the thing she thought she saw is gone, but Nami suddenly cannot stop trembling.
Sanji notices her discomfort, and getting over his anger issue, asks her what is wrong. "Oh, nothing," Nami answers him forcing a smile, but a cold shiver works her spine as she thinks of what she saw. 'That ship, did it have black sails?'