Chapter 2

Well hello there fanfic fans, it is I Soren your friendly neighborhood budding writer, to tell you a few things about this chapter before you go into it.

First off, the Harem/Multi pairing/Orgy situation females and counterpart have already been decided.

Second this chapter will start off with Naruto and Harry meeting, some things are revealed, explained and given. And then they are going to train.

Third, The poll is still going if anyone actually wants to input on which world I'm going to start in. Otherwise I will just decide myself or flip a coin.

Fourth, If you have a problem with Hermione being a bitch, tough, my fanfiction, my rules. Besides there should be a hint in the previous chapter to show why that was.

Now without further ado, Chapter Starto!

The Plane of Omniscience/The Joint World

A Man looking to be about 25 years of age, was looking out over the area of his home.

The area itself was a beautiful landscape, a 10 miles wide by 10 mile long circle of green grassy plain surrounded by Mountains. One half of that Grassy Plain ended in a Dense Forest The Third fourth of the area was a grassy field, while the last fourth which was where the man sat had a cottage next to a medium sized lake in the shape of a Bulls head.

The man himself was lying on a lounger of his own design made of soft wood, with Hard wood bracers allowing him comfort and stability. He had a book on his lap entitled '101 ways to cook eggs' and a small table next to him with a can of Irish Coffee Monster. (Don't know what that is, look it up, its delicious) He watched as the Dusk started turning to night when he felt the sensation of a disturbance in a timeline. He knowing that it was a minor thing, shrugged it off deciding to look into it later. However he then felt a much stronger disturbance in a different timeline which then was reciprocated with the previous one becoming much stronger.

Now worried he decided to get up and enter his cottage. He looked at the panel that showed the disturbances in timelines. Most of them were minor and wouldn't affect anything in the timeline too much for him to look into it. However there were two that were blinking bright red meaning a major disturbance. He saw that Potterverse 1313 had a disturbance that destroyed a couple bond setup for one Hermione Granger, and that universes Harry Potter. The other disturbance seemed to be from Narutoverse 2614 in which a dimension hole went awry and took both the Naruto of that universe along with the intended target.

Seeing that he would have to intervene in both the timelines to correct them, less the universes get destroyed or worse. He would take a couple of seconds to go through a few ideas. However deciding that he should bring the two heroes here, he would change the location of the dimensional hole for Naruto to be sent here. While he in turn activated a fail safe in the programming of Potterverse 1313 in case something did go wrong. The man muttered to himself "goddamn 13, knew that universe would cause problems eventually."

As the two heroes appeared, Naruto with his arm outstretched still in the air. While Harry was still sitting down with his knees to his thin chest. Naruto would land on his face on the lake, while Harry was next to the lounger. The splash alerted Harry to turn his head to see a blond haired boy, who was a little older than him come out of the water and say "いったい、私はどこにいるの?" [What the hell, where am I; Thank you Google Translate] Not being able to understand whatever language he was speaking would push his pain away and try to help saying "Excuse me, do you need any help?"

The blonde would look over to Harry with a confused expression saying "あなたは誰ですか?"[Who are you] Naruto getting out of the water would look over at the other person there. He noticed that he had on black robes, with a white collared shirt underneath a grey cotton vest. He also seemed to be sporting a burgundy and gold tie. Naruto looking over the boy's appearance would see short black hair that seemed to be disheveled. While he then notices the kid's glasses, but what caught Naruto was the kid's eyes. They were an emerald green, but what he saw in them was a burst of familiarity. Pain, suffering, and anguish that Naruto knew all too well. However the kid seemed to not really hide it as well as Naruto could.

Naruto would not bother with his wet clothes as he crouched low and was about to speak when a voice ahead of him said in a somewhat distorted tone "Well you two, it seems I get to have a new project to invest in" (Said in Japanese and English)

Harry turning around as heard this, would say "What project, what is going on, Who are you?" Naruto saying something that sounded like an agreement but in a different language. As they said this, the two of them looked at the man's appearance. He was a little over 6 feet tall, had short blonde hair which seemed to be a little messy. He also had a muscular figure that to even the heterosexual boys they could tell he had a handsome visage with strong cheek bones and jaw. He was clothed in a short T-shirt that said 'I'll be your Huckleberry' with a picture of a Huckleberry underneath the word. The man also had on some faded black jeans. Though that is where all the casual wear ended, for instead of sneakers or sandals he had on dark grey metallic greaves and boots. He also had on wicked looking metallic gauntlets that seemed to be custom made. His shoulders also had on pauldrons that were slightly flared but seemed to give the man full range of movement.

The Man would give a small smile and say to them both "First before introductions, let me make one slight adjustment." He would then point a finger at them both and send a beam of energy at them both. The one hitting Naruto was light blue in color, while the one that hit Harry was dark red.

Naruto didn't really feel all that different, while Harry felt that he just had a brain freeze. However after a couple of seconds the numbing pain started to wane, and soon he felt even better than he had before.

Naruto being the first to recover would say in surprisingly English "What did you just do?" Naruto hearing him say something other than Japanese despite understanding what he said as about to exclaim something but was cut off as The Man would smile at Naruto and say in now a normal voice "I just changed the linguistics part of your brain, so that you will still think in Japanese but will be speaking English and even understand it."

Harry finally recovered from the brain freeze like sensation asked "What happened with me?" The Man looked at Harry with a sombre smile sighing "Yours was a little more difficult, the ma...thing that killed your parents left a piece of his soul in that scar on your forehead. It put a connection to you both and also put a huge drain on your magic. So I removed it, by lethally draining the magic from it so the connection severed and the part of the things soul went into the ether where it belongs."

Naruto being incredibly confused would say "What part of the soul, what's magic..." being a couple of the questions asked. The Man would shake his head with an amused smile as he said "All in due time, now for introductions, you both may call me Soren. Now would you like to introduce yourselves before I explain everything?" The teenage boys nodded, as Harry being calmer would say "My name is Harry, Harry Potter" holding out his hand. Naruto would look at the hand outstretched, remembering an odd custom in a far off land that he and Ero-Sennin visited. He would shake Harry's hand saying "The name's Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo"

Soren nodded as the two Heroes finished their introductions "Now that introductions have been completed I will explain why you both are here. You see, you both come from different dimensions and different universes. My job is to maintain the balance in those universes and correct any malfunctions that appear. And a major malfunction happened with both your worlds/universes." Turning to Naruto he would say "Naruto, you let your anger and rage take control of you, and blindly rushed into an attack by your sensei meant for the Akatsuki member. This jutsu or technique for you Harry, opened a rift in your world. This would normally send you to some empty space. Are you following me so far?"

Naruto would look confused saying "What are dimensions?"

Harry seeing the confused expression on Naruto's face couldn't help remembering a similar expression on his ex-friend's face. The sent him into a small emo trip while Soren finished up with Naruto.

Soren would sigh inwardly thinking he had his work cut out for him. However he would reply "Do you know about sealing scrolls?"

Naruto nodded saying "Hai, Ero-Sennin taught me how to do them when we were on my training trip"

Soren would smile and say "Did he explain where items go when they are sealed inside of the scroll?"

Naruto crossed his arms and thought a bit before shaking his head

Soren would then reply "The items that are sealed go to a different dimension, or what would be considered a pocket dimension within the scroll. To explain better so you can understand, think of how you make ramen."

Naruto would do so, but instead of thinking about making ramen, he just thought about ramen. Drooling a bit as he thought back to how long ago he had a bowl of ramen.

However his thoughts were interrupted when Soren yelled "Focus!"

Naruto immediately shook off the thoughts and returned from his daydream as Soren continued "Now when you make ramen you have noodles, broth, and seasonings. Now a Pocket dimension is similar to an empty ramen bowl, their is nothing in it just empty space." To better explain, he conjured a medium sized empty ramen bowl.

Soren would continue afterwards by putting his hand in the bowl and waving it around saying "See, nothing is in it except the bowl, which you can think of the amount of space created in a pocket dimension. Follow me so far?"

Naruto hesitated, but eventually nodded as he got through the explanation.

Soren smiling would then say "Now think of this as an empty sealing scroll, there is nothing sealed into the sealing scroll thus nothing is in the pocket dimension that it provides. Which is represented by the empty ramen bowl. Understand?"

Naruto nodding a bit faster as he was catching on, would make Soren sigh in relief thanking Jiraiya for at least giving him something to work with. Continuing he would say "Now, the empty ramen bowl is just that empty as I explained, so when you seal say a kunai into a sealing scroll." Soren would then conjure a small kunai and place it into the ramen bowl. Soren noticing that Harry came over and was listening in as well. Soren would then say "Now as you can see the kunai is inside the ramen bowl. To take it out you would have to take it out of the ramen bowl, which would be in representation take it out of the pocket dimension. You Naruto would do this by unsealing the kunai from the scroll by taking some of your blood and doing the unsealing jutsu over it."

Naruto nodded, Harry was a little confused by the terms but figured that he would get a better explanation later, however he got the general concept easier.

Soren believing that Naruto had gotten it would ask "So do you know where you are now?"

Naruto looked blankly at Soren and would ask "I thought you were teaching me to seal ramen in a scroll?"

Soren sighed heavily, wondering how stupid can one kid be...then Soren realized the key to why Naruto was so stupid or at least the idea. What he realized is that their must be something interfering with how Naruto thinks, Minato Namikaze his father wasn't stupid hell he was a genius. His mother, although had a bit of addiction to ramen was still an incredibly smart woman. Both of his parents pretty much had at least part of Naruto's upbringing so his life shouldn't have affected his mental state.

So with his idea still in his head he would walk around Naruto using a subtle scanning technique for any foreign energy signatures. He found to his astonishment a Mental Process Suppression Seal, a Chakra Control Suppression Seal, an even a Negative emotion aura seal which would take chakra from Naruto and have people near him be effected by negative emotions.

Soren would nod to himself and at Naruto and Harry's expression would say "Well to put a long story short you have a lot of things placed on you that made you suck as a ninja."

"What, I'm the best Ninja in the world, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

Soren raising his eyebrow would smirk and say "Oh, and how many times have you had to fight ninja stronger than you?"

"A bunch of times, I took out a Kenkai Grunkai user who used ice, I took care of a prodigy with another Kenenkai Gokai, and took care of a Sand Monster that Gaara had." Naruto gloated

Soren would sigh and say "First off its Kekkai Genkai, second the Sand Monster is a bijuu just like the Kyuubi inside you, and thirdly if you were the best ninja around you wouldn't have to fight those people. Instead you would just be able to take them out swiftly. But Last but not least, real ninjas don't wear orange on missions!"

Naruto jumping up from where he was seated would shout "Whats wrong with orange?"

"Nothing, if you aren't trying to be stealthy, wearing orange when your not on a mission is fine. But during a mission it just shows that your an idiot. Even though you have some black on your jumpsuit, its still dominated by Orange. Dark colors are your friend."

Naruto submitting to Soren's lecture started grumbling. Soren would then sigh and say "Well now that, that is out of the way, I can fix you. However let me check to see if Harry has any problems with him, then I can package the process together."

Naruto and Harry looked at each other and shrugged. Soren taking this as acceptance would scan Harry this time.

As he did so, he would sent some commands to his assistant, to bring out two devices that would help him take care of everything.

As his assistant was preparing in a disclosed location he knew about, he began to speak toward Harry and Naruto "Alright Harry you seem to have a tracking charm, a blood ward siphoning charm, plus a Loyalty and a Minor Mental Suppression charm. The tracking and Loyalty charms are all straight forward all with the magic signature of one Albus Dumbledore." Soren could visibly see the warring of emotions on Harry's face as he would reply "And the other two charms?"

"Well the blood ward siphoning charm actually is kind of dire to get rid of, because along with the thing I took out of your head which was taking about 50% of your magic from you. The blood ward siphoning charm, actually takes another 25% and every time you go back to your relatives it takes the 25% and keeps that amount locked until a year goes by in which you would have that magic back. The Mental suppression charm though a minor one makes you tend to be something similar to having a High Functioning Attention Deficit Disorder. Which means in laymans terms, you had 10% of you mental focus gone, your memory retention is shot to hell, and your intellectual creativity is down."

Harry look down pissed and thinking how things could have been different if those charms had been on him when he was doing the Tournament. Soren seeing this, and the confusion on Naruto's face would get to the point quickly "Alright here is what my little refresher will do for you, it will eliminate all foreign magic charms from you Harry and any seals other than the Shiki Fuuin Seal that contains your tenant Naruto. It will also pretty much restart your bodies from the ground up, you will still have your memories and what not, but because both of you have had incredibly abusive and neglectful childhoods it stunted your growth both mentally and physically. So after the refresher is complete you will still have the vague memories of what happened but they won't haunt you anymore and you will have the bodies and minds you would have gotten if you grew up in a normal environment. Though you will still retain your true personality."

Soren would then walk toward where his assistant was at, the other two would follow after a glance at each other. They would follow Soren a good way around the house till they rounded the corner to see something that was completely out of place in the natural setting.

They saw Two machines with dark blue machinery going into the ground and seemed to be humming with energy. They saw that a woman of about 25 in age with bluish-green hair, with a firm bum that both teenage boys tried to not notice. The woman was turned around but as they traveled up they saw that she seemed to have a skull helm made of what looked like bone on her head. The woman herself seemed to be dressed a black T-shirt and a pair of tight fitting blue jeans.

The woman seemed to be working on the machines, getting them ready and checking something on a chart in her hand. As the woman turned around, they couldn't help but blush embarrassingly as they saw that she had an hourglass figure and an impressive bust. The black shirt seemed to be stretched taut outlining her bust, and showing off a hint of midriff and had the words "Child-like doesn't mean immature, just happy". They also saw that she had a gorgeous yet innocent face that was framed by her bluish-green locks of her shoulder length hair. She also seemed to have black eyeliner around her eyes and what seemed to be a red mark across her nose that went underneath her soft greyish-golden eyes.

Still staring at the woman as if they couldn't understand someone who could look so innocent and beautiful at the same time. Their Testosterone indulgences were halted when they heard Soren call out to the woman "Ah Nell, how's the setup going and will we be ready soon?"

The woman noticing Soren, and the other two teenagers vaguely she would greet Soren with a loving smile and would say in a melodious voice "It is going very well Soren-kun, it seems that it will be ready in a few minutes. If you could allow me to due a few more adjustments we can proceed."

"Great work as always Nell-chan, it seems we may be catering to two hormonal teenagers for a good bit of time so I'm going to be setting the time nexus up for the correct amount. So if you have anything to take care of outside, you might want to do so after we fix these two up."

Soren nodded smiling back to Nell as he went over to help with the preparations to get the show on the road. Harry being the less mentally noticed that while the two beings worked they seemed to have perfect teamwork their movements flowing naturally. They also seemed to have something going on with them, the smile the now known woman Nell gave Soren was not lost in meaning to the normally oblivious Potter heir.

After a few moments, Soren and Nell had completely setup the devices that the two otherworlders had been trying to figure out since they saw them.

"Alright, now you two get into the Shower machines one each." Soren would say as he got a bit of a glint in his eye known to most as the mad scientist.

Harry speaking for the two of them would ask "Why do you call it the Shower Machine?"

Soren grinned widely as he would say "I'm glad you asked" Nell however chuckle as she shook her head saying "Hope you don't need to go to the bathroom for a while"

Soren sent a pouting glance at Nell for making fun of him but recovered and decided to get the ball rolling "Well, to put it simply these machines pretty much scan everything that is wrong with you. Well and problems that a natural person with your DNA shouldn't have. So these Shower Machines notice all the things that seem to be incorrect and fix it, it will also take care of broken bones, hindering surgeries and botched healing and what not. It will also like I said before take care of all the seals foreign charms that are either could be used to harm you or spy on you."

Naruto Stage whispered to Harry "Not very simple" Harry nodded, while Soren continued unhindered "Now the actual reason I call these beauties the Shower machines, because it was the only labels that fit without sounding morbid. I mean The Cleaner is an old mob term for someone who takes care of bad employees and make them disappear. Then I tried the Tardis but that is taken, plus its a time machine/spaceship so can't use that. So when I was ironically taking a shower I realized that most people take a shower to clean themselves, and thus I had a name. So now you two choose one, and we can start. Oh and you might want to remove anything you might want to use again afterwards including clothes."

Harry reluctantly would start depositing his wand on his respective table along with his Hogwarts robes. He also didn't want to be seen in his thin body with an attractive women nearby. However the very woman came over to take the belongings from Harry's table. The woman would gently lay a hand on his arm, which Harry slightly flinched at, but Nell would just say "You have nothing to be ashamed of Harry-san, whatever is wrong with your body will be corrected including your eyesight. So as they say back in your country, chin up old boy" Harry blushed at that and nodded gratefully as Nell giggled a little bit.

While this was going on, Naruto was taking out all his ninja equipment, his jumpsuit, orange pants and headband until he was just in his boxers. And while he still had a muscled frame it was still a bit on the short side as Soren helped take Naruto's belongings. He heard Naruto grumbling and after depositing them in a box would ask "Ok what's the problem Naruto?" Looking up at Soren, Naruto would say "I am just thinking, what could have been, and who I should blame."

Soren would nod and say "Well, you can blame the civilian council and the village elders for putting the seals and making everyone treat you poorly. But don't worry there Naruto, you will be so much better at being a ninja after I finish with you. So much so that you could give Tsunade or Kakashi a run for there money."

Soren would give a grin, which Naruto after the words penetrated his brain started to grin widely and had to force himself from jumping the gun for once in his life.

After removing their belongings the two heroes would pick their respective Shower Machine and get into it. Upon doing so, Soren and Nell would go over to a panel on each and push the button to bring the glass from the top of the machine down to the bottom closing the two heroes off. (Think Megaman X armor capsules)

After pressing a few buttons on the machines, the two people not inside the machines would step back a couple of paces. Nell with one holographic remote, and Soren the other. In a synchronized motion they both pressed a big red button on the remotes.

The entire dimension seemed to get dark and stormy as the Shower Machine's hummed with energy engulfing the two heroes. Soren hoping to keep the two calm would say "Don't worry boys the machines are just scanning you at the moment. After a couple of minutes it will stop then it will start correcting you. Don't worry you won't feel a thing."

Nell would look over at Soren and say "Well they will be unconscious the whole time." Naruto having heard this as soon as the light stopped shouting "NANI?" Soren trying to get the scan done before Naruto or Harry interfere would quickly press the next button on the two remotes.

Thankfully for Soren the machines produced a knockout gas and a chair for the now unconscious teens to lay on. As the machine started doing its job, the humming getting higher and the light inside the machine getting brighter. Until the two heroes could not be seen from the outside.

The intensity of the light was so high, that both Nell and Soren had to avert their eyes. After about three minutes of the humming, light show, and lightning coming down to strike the machine every now and then the machine started to cool down.

With a unlocking sound the glass retreated back up and smoke pillowed out from inside the machines.

Author notes:

Harry and Naruto meet, find out they have been bent over a desk by the person or village that they trusted/protected and now they have get a new chance with un-abused bodies and minds. What do they look like now? Find out next time on Drago...Multiverse Moth!

Harem Spoiler: Naruto will get three females, and Harry will get three females.