Okay so it's been…forever. I'm sorry! I know I should have come back sooner for the last chapter! But I guess life caught up with me! But here is the final chapter, I'm sorry if you're disappointed at all.

Her breath hitched, the world seeming to still at the three syllables he just said. Her heart was both a heavy weight in her chest and thumping at an irregular speed.

This has got to be another dream. She wanted to reason. But she wasn't waking up. She was still here. And he was still in front of her with his golden eyes lowered onto hers. Eyes that usually held such anger and aggression were looking on her just as they had a few days before while under that spell.

"Wh…what do you mean?!" Her voice suddenly spoke up again. His gold eyes glanced up to the sky, with a heavy breath of annoyance.

Gods, can't she ever listen to me and understand what I mean.

"I mean. That I want you."

"What about Kikyo? I thought you always wanted her? You've always made a point to chase after her when she was around." Kagome bit out bitterly, regretting it instantly.

Why did I tell him that?!

"So you were always mad! I knew it!"

"Everyone knew it you jerk! But if it's what made you happy, I wasn't going to stop you! Even if it did hurt."

"Why didn't you say something?! I wouldn't have always gone off if it would have hurt you!"

"You liar, of course you would!" Again they were in the familiar screaming match, both of their faces inching over each other. With Inuyasha looking down upon her, being a good foot taller, while Kagome's eyes were glaring up at him at her average height.

"I say again Inuyasha." She seethed behind gritted teeth. "If you want to go and be with her, go! I won't stop you. Don't feel obligated to stick around me just for the sake of that curse. You didn't mean it, I didn't mean it, let's just go back to the way things were." She turned to walk away from him in the direction of the village when his hand caught her forearm. Bringing her back against his chest, for his arms to wrap around her in a tight hold against him. She could feel his warm breath tickling the side of her neck, blowing aside the hair by her ear as to not move a hand from his hold.

"What if I don't want to go back to the way things were?" He whispered hotly into her ear. She wiggled around in his hold, not to break free, but turned to look up at him. His gold eyes looking at her tenderly. "What if that wasn't a curse for me? But what I honestly want to be like with you. How I want you to be like with me? Maybe not to cling by each other's side all the time. But to be together. I don't feel obligated to stick around you just for some stupid reason like that. I mean fuck Kagome, we've known each other for a while! Do you think that if I didn't care for you I would stick around?"

"Kind of, yeah." He couldn't fight the primitive growl that rose in the back of his throat before clamping his teeth back in the junction of her neck where previous marks remained. The gasped from the stinging pain and tried to pull him away when he only tightened on her. After a minute, he pulled away and lapped at any sight of blood along her creamy neck.

"Even under that spell, I wouldn't have allowed to mark you like that unless it was something I truly wanted. It would have disappeared by now, but it didn't. I only want you. And that mark proves it. And it's you that I will only have."

"What are you saying?" She whimpered out…her heart picking up speed. "I need you to say 'it' I need you to tell me the truth."

There was a hesitant pause. Before he lowered his forehead to hers. His eyes on direct level with her own.

"I love you." The two seemed to let out a hesitant breath of air as the half demon began nuzzling against her cheek, kissing it softly.

"I love you." He repeated, feeling a heavy weight release him.

Why? When? How did this happen to me? Has it always been here? No. She planted it here. These feelings are mine. She wasn't willing to throw me aside for herself. She never wanted me to change for her. I feel in love with that. I feel in love with all she has taught me. All that she has given me. It's true…I love her.

"I love you to." She whimpered, her voice was hitching and the smell of salty tears stung his eyes. Why was she crying about this? "I've always loved you. So much that it hurts."

Her arms wrapped around his neck and at that moment, he took her lips against his, kissing it sweetly. Both clinging to each other as if they were the only warmth in the world.

Meanwhile, a group of three was watching from behind a nearby tree, of course only intentionally coming after Inuyasha when he suddenly fled the hut. They originally came to greet Kagome back, but after hearing her speech, they decided to make it not be known they were there. Inuyasha seemed to have lost his sense of smell or hearing in his sudden state of euphoria.

"Kagome." Sango whispered, a beaming smile on her face at the happiness her friend was feeling.

"Do you think they'll go back and thank that old woman?" Miroku whispered down to them.

"Nope." Shippo muttered, not really all interest in how Inuyasha was simply going to hog Kagome more.

"I have to say, I thought this would happen after defeating Naraku." Miroku muttered.

"Yeah, I thought they would blush about this and agree they weren't on the same page and then blow their feelings off until then, or until they receive another intimate moment." Sango agreed.

"Weird, considering how they've hidden it so long for each other."

"I'm glad we did run into that old woman, it was getting annoying wondering when it would finally happen."

"Will you two shut up!" Inuyasha yelled. His happiness melting away.

"Oh, so you knew we were here." Miroku grinned cheekily.

"Of course I fucking knew you were there! So go the fuck away!" The half demon shouted, before nipping at the raven haired girl's neck, to divert her attention from them back to him.

"See! I told you he would hog her more!" Shippo exclaimed.

"What was that runt? She's mine, so it's not hogging if it's yours."

"Yours eh?" Kagome gasped. "I don't remember agreeing to that!"

"That's what the mark means, your mine." He stated as if common knowledge.

"That doesn't mean you can treat me like a possession."

"Uh, yeah I can."


"Can to!"


"Can to!"

"Cannot you primitive jerk!"

"Can to you disobedient bitch! Now pipe down!"

"Or what?!"

"You don't want to find out what!"

"Please you would never-" Kagome screeched when he pounced on her, pinning her to the ground of the path with him on top.

"You were saying?" He grinned triumphantly.

"Oh yeah, I remember, I was about to say SIT!" She blinked in surprise when his grin only stretched further.

"What? Don't you remember Kagome? You took those off yourself. You said love was all about trust. Well I guess you're going to have to trust now, that you are mine and mine alone." He murmured before capturing her lips again.

Okay well that's all for this story I guess. I'm sorry the ending was a disappointment, after waiting three years for a chapter. But good news is that it's finished. But I'm actually going to go back and edit and probably add a little bit more. This story was really lose plot wise, and I want to go back and fix the little kinks and even add a few scenes within the mind of Inuyasha and Kagome as they are under the curse, like trying to gain control over their bodies. Still, thank you all so much for staying with this story. And I'll probably be back in a couple weeks to fix some edits.