Hi readers. It's been a while yeah? Well I better explain. This year was my last in my school. I had A-Levels (OWLS of course) which were important to me because it decided where I was going for further education. These finished on the 10th of June. I know, a while ago. Since then i've moved house, applied to University and tried to get a job, all the while battling with mild depression. Apparently the energy I put into my studies means that when I stopped and had nothing to do, it affected me. I've been trying to write over this period of time but I found that my work was appalling and I didn't think you guys would appreciate it. Here is the next chapter and I hope all of you enjoy reading it.

A few notes on previous chapters. I've had some comments about slash themes in my work. I have not written in my description that this story is Harry/Tom and nor will it be. In my mind the dynamic between the two characters would not allow an actual relationship, of course adding to this that Tom is a total psychopath and therefore I don't think I would be able to write a relationship between them. However, despite this there are going to be slash themes. Tom manipulates people, let's just say that.

I'll remind you where we've got up to in the story seeing as it's been a while.

King's Cross attack. Order captures a Death eater. Voldemort is being pissy. Tom and Harry make a deal.

I hope that has caught you up.

Don't forget to review!

Order of Realisation: The Rewrite

Summary:AU 5th year onwards. Harry goes after Sirius to the ministry alone and when he is cornered by Voldemort hidden secrets are revealed, shocking all. "Well this changes everything." Voldemort finds out that Harry is a Horcrux and chaos ensues. A rewrite of "Order of Realisation"

Disclaimer: Characters and basic plot structure from beginning belong to J.K. Rowling, all else= mine.

Warnings: pretty clean actually, some swearing

"Harry, why should this world be ripped apart by war, why can't you see the sense in joining him," he paused again and looked at him with softer eyes "and me?"

Order of Realisation-chapter 11

The next morning the mood that hung over Grimmauld Place was unchanged. It was around 7 AM that most of the household lay awake in their beds, all reluctant to make a move and get ready for the day. For the first day of the summer, it was pretty grim.

Sirius Black was sitting downstairs in the kitchen, sipping on black coffee that had gone cold. After his talk with Victoria he hadn't even made it to bed, instead he remained in the kitchen, thinking things over and trying to avoid the nightmares that would plague him as soon as he rested his eyes. It was when he heard the movement from upstairs that he roused himself. Not even Molly Weasley's fake cheer could bring him out of his thoughts and he rather preferred to sulk in silence a little longer.

Tapping his coffee with his wand, he grabbed the now steaming cup and made his way upstairs to the drawing room where he knew he wouldn't be disturbed.


Mrs Weasley was bustling around at the stove when Hermione made her way into the kitchen after a restless night of sleep. As she sat down at the table that had been made larger to accommodate most of the Order, she turned around and offered Hermione a smile. It was strained and Hermione felt uncomfortable as she saw the stress she was under.

"You look a bit peaky Hermione, would you like a cup of tea dear?"

"Oh don't worry Mrs Weasley, I can get it!" Hermione replied, jumping up from her seat and hurrying around the table. She didn't exactly want to put the woman under any more pressure.

"Don't be silly dear-" she talked over her, waving her back around the table, and placing a spare pan over what looked like a newspaper, "it makes me feel as if I can do something!" she laughed a little and turned around quickly.

"Where's Mr Weasley." Hermione asked, trying to ignore the woman's comment.

"He's at work dear; the Ministry needs all the help they can get with the clean up at King's Cross. They are missing a lot of Auror's you see."

"Oh." Hermione offered awkwardly, wishing that she could say something right. That's when she noticed that the other woman seemed to be discreetly hiding something on the counter. Frowning, she raised her eyebrows when she understood that it was probably this morning's paper.

In the silence, both women knew that the tension had just doubled.

"What have they put on the front page Mrs Weasley?" Hermione asked quietly, noticing that she had stopped her movements at her question.

"I don't-"

"Morning everyone." Someone mumbled, interrupting as they walked into the kitchen, oblivious to the atmosphere in the room.

Ron slumped down at the head of the table to the left of where Hermione had just sat and let out a sleepy sigh. Mrs Weasley cleared her throat looking slightly flustered but smiled when Ron glanced up at her.

"Cooked breakfast dear?" she asked getting out a cup from the cupboard when the kettle clicked, dumping in a tea bag before turning back around.

"No thanks mum, not really that hungry." Ron said after yawning, missing the looks both Hermione and Mrs Weasley sent each other.

Without thinking, Hermione reached forward and put her hand on Ron's,

"Are you alright?" she asked warily, it was rare that Ron ever missed a meal. He blushed heavily, the tips of his ears going red and stuttered,

"y-yeah course 'mione, just n-not feeling great after yesterday." He got out, his eyes flickering over to the door as the twins arrived. They looked washed out as both Fred and George collapsed into chairs opposite Hermione and Ron. Mrs Weasley turned back to the kettle and passed over Hermione's tea before pouring out two coffees for the twins. Fred stood to get them from her and George glanced down at Hermione's hand before winking and offering her a smirk. Confused, she looked down and went red; realising that she was still holding Ron's hand.

Coughing awkwardly she looked up again and caught Fred staring at their hands. Feeling oddly guilty she let go as if Ron's hands had suddenly shocked her. Her cheeks burning, she didn't look at the twins again, missing the look Fred was giving his younger brother. George nudged him, eyes questioning, but he just shrugged, looking a little dejected.

"Sirius isn't looking too good." Fred said after they had all fallen into an awkward silence for about ten minutes.

"Oh?" Mrs Weasley looked over her shoulder as she continued to bustle over pans on the stove.

"Yeah-" George continued on for his brother, "we passed him on the stairs, looks-"

"Bloody awful." Fred finished. Mrs Weasley frowned but let the swearing slide, she turned around and put her hands on her hips, looking stern,

"Well what does the man expect, when he refuses to get a decent nights' sleep?!"

"That would be nice." Hermione muttered under her breath and noticed that Fred was smirking behind his mug of coffee before she gazed back at her hands again.


"More coffee anyone?" Fred asked loudly, over his mother, making them all jump when his chair scraped backwards over the stone flooring. "George?"

"Nah, too much of this stuff makes me all..."

"Yes Forge?" Fred questioned cheekily. Hermione frowned at them both and noticed that Ron's ears had gone red at the tips again.


"Ron are you sure you don't want anything? Do you want a coffee?" Hermione asked as she leant towards him, trying to catch his eye.

"No! No no- thanks Hermione. Although maybe some tea would be nice?" Ron replied, his ears going more red. Hermione huffed, not having a clue as to what was going on but stood up and moved over to where Mrs Weasley had put the kettle.

"Oh and Hermione-"

"Yes yes, three sugars, I know." Hermione interrupted and smiled a little, "seriously Ron after knowing you for five years I think I know how you like it."

"Shit!" Fred exclaimed as he split hot coffee over his hand after choking while pouring it out.

"Fred! Really now?" Mrs Weasley admonished.

"Sorry mum." he muttered gruffly, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Er- thanks Hermione." Ron said quietly when she turned around with a steaming cup in her hand. Her brow rose when she realised that the Weasley brothers were all looking some what awkward.

"What is it?" she asked, slightly annoyed, clearly missing something.

"Nothing Hermione." they all chimed together and Ron took a loud slurp of his tea. Smiling at the sight, Hermione sat down and put her hand on his forearm,

"If you need to talk- about all this- then we can, okay?" She reminded him quietly, squeezing his arm when he nodded.

"I don't feel that there's much to talk about." Fred suddenly challenged, looking at Ron for a moment before nodding at Hermione, "I mean we were all there- why drag out any soppy talks about how we failed Harry and that Voldemort is a nose-less white bowling ball who needs taking out."

George snorted.

"Well perhaps Ron feels the need to discuss such- as you say- soppy things because it releases some stress?" Hermione retorted, feeling slightly miffed at Fred's comment.

"I suppose only Ron can answer that then, huh Ron?" Fred asked his younger brother, his eyes burning into the younger brother.

"Err-well-i'm not really comfortable-"

"You see?" Fred cut over Ron before standing up and putting his mug on the counter next to the sink. "He doesn't feel comfortable with your soppy talks." and with that he left the kitchen, refusing to meet his twin's eyes.


"What the hell was that?" Ron asked, looking at George who just shrugged.

"Er- I''ll just- sorry about that Hermione, I'll go and see what has got his wand in a knot." he stood and washed both his and Fred's mug up in the sink before replacing them back into the cupboard, "Thanks for the coffee mum."

"No problem dear." She answered, patting his cheek affectionately.

When George had left the room the fireplace spluttered into life and Mr Weasley's face appeared in the green flames.

"Arthur? Is everything okay?" Mrs Weasley asked hurriedly as she left her cooking and knelt down on the hearth.

"Yes dear, it's just that I received a few letters from a Mr Longbottom and Miss Lovegood, I had-"

"Neville and Luna wrote to you?" Hermione asked, getting up and settling down next to Mrs Weasley.

"Well not exactly- they wrote to you, Ginny and Ron. Do you know something about this?" Hermione frowned and felt something stir at the back of her mind.

"They said on the train that they would get in contact if something happened in the papers or whatever." Ron piped up suddenly, moving to stand behind Hermione and looked into the flames at his father. "Have you seen this morning's paper?" he asked carefully.

"I have, but i'd rather-"

"Maybe you should just give them the letters dear." Mrs Weasley interrupted. Arthur looked at his wife for a moment before nodding.

"Okay well I'm going to set up a system where letters can be passed via floo okay? It's almost like those lettersquares that the muggles use-" He looked at Hermione "Right Hermione?"

"Sure Mr Weasley." he beamed and then seemed to grab at something behind him.

"There's another one for you Hermione but it has no name or return address. I think it's from your parents."

Hermione let out a sigh of relief,

"Yes, that's probably them."

There was a shuffle and then three letters fell through the fire and onto the hearth in front of Hermione. She tucked the unnamed one under her arm and gave Neville's letter to Ron so that he could look it over.

"Thanks Mr Weasley."

He nodded and then gave his farewells, a strained smile on his face before pulling out of the fire and breaking the connection. The fire returned to a fiery colour before snuffing out. It felt oddly cold after and Hermione shifted on her knees before grabbing at Ron's arm to haul herself up. Ron offered a hand to his mother which she took gratefully.

"I'm getting too old for all of this." she said in humour, but the comment seemed to echo around the cold kitchen, leaving both Ron and Hermione feeling unsettled.


Harry spent the remainder of that night and most of the next day in the cell he had been left in. It was cold in there and Harry's light school jumper was not keeping in the heat. Thinking back it to now, he wished that when he had left the school to go to the ministry that he thought to bring his cloak. In retrospect it probably would have been taken from him just like his shoes had when he had fallen asleep in Voldemort's office. His previously white socks were now brown on the sole from walking around Voldemort's manor and his antics at King's Cross. Harry wondered why he hadn't had his shoes returned to him.

"When prisoners aren't allowed their shoes it means that it is less likely that they will be able to get away quickly while on foot." A voice pierced the silence, making him jump.

Looking up from where he was sat against the wall, he noticed that Riddle had returned.

"Huh?" Harry said stupidly, still surprised to see the other boy in the cell again. He sighed, crossing over his arms and leant back against the bars; he looked much younger all of a sudden.

"Your lack of shoes is probably down to the fact that if in the slim chance that you can escape on foot from here, it would be difficult to be quick about it seeing as you have no protection on your feet." Riddle drawled, sounding bored. "Or perhaps it's just to humiliate you?" he added with a smirk.

"Were you just reading my mind?" Harry asked indignantly, ignoring the look on the other boy's face.

"I believe so, unless someone else in here was wondering about your dirty socks."

"How the bloody hell can you read my mind Riddle?!" he spat, getting to his feet and rubbing his hands together. Riddle's eyes flickered down at the movement and he tilted his head as if analysing the act.

"We have a special connection, you and I" he replied, his eyes meeting Harry's again with an intensity that made him shiver again.

"Such romance, Riddle." Harry sneered, annoyed that the other was clearly not going to answer any of his questions seriously.

"Well I have been told i'm quite the charmer." Riddle winked, his eyes glittering. Harry huffed and brushed the other boy off, walking to the corner of the cell and turning around again.

"Where have you been?" he asked curiously. Riddle raised his brow,

"Been missing my presence?"

"About as much as someone misses an infection." Harry deadpanned, shocked when Riddle let out a snort and pushed away from the bars he had been leaning on.

"I was taking a look around, and it seems that the Dark Lord requires your presence at dinner soon."

"Oh really?" Harry shot sarcastically. He wasn't sure what to expect the next time he met with Voldemort. He had tried to escape while he was on the platform and he seemed furious enough when he had thrown him in this cell to be 'taught a lesson' as he had put it. In reality, the cell had just brought home how much he was a prisoner here, and that any kindness from Voldemort could be easily taken away from him. He could not afford to relax at any time, despite Riddle's offer.

"Hmm." Riddle just murmured, his eyes scanning the rest of the cells that were next to the one Harry was in. "Regardless of your apparent enthusiasm, I would remain wary of the Dark Lord."

Harry snorted at the remark,

"I'll be on edge." he muttered sarcastically, yelping though when Riddle, who had suddenly taken a step forward, prodded him in the shoulder sharply.

"I'm being serious."

Harry brushed away his hand and looked away from his dark eyes.

"I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of the fact that he's probably still having a hissy fit over Kings Cross."

Tom smirked and crossed his arms over his chest again.

"Yes, now what exactly did you do that put him in such a foul mood?"

"Like you don't know." Harry muttered, feeling the chill of the cell. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms, thinking mildly about how it could be so cold when it was the summer holidays.

I'd probably be doing some gardening for Aunt Petunia if I was back with the Dursley's. Is it odd that i'm slightly missing the routine?

"Who are the Dursley's?" Tom questioned quietly, watching with peaked interest. He almost looked curious.

"Why would you want to know?" Harry asked warily. He didn't exactly like his family but he didn't want Tom to take interest in them, especially after what happened to Dudley last summer.

"No need to get suspicious Harry. I am merely curious, they don't seem to bring back fond memories for you."

Harry shifted slightly, not liking the tone in the other's voice.

"They are my relatives. I live with them in the holidays, when I'm not at Hogwarts."

"And the fat one is...?"

Harry snorted,

"That's Dudley, he's my cousin. His mother was my mother's sister." he replied quietly, trailing off awkwardly.

"I didn't kill you mother."

"In the future you did." Harry said quickly, not willing to let himself separate both Tom Riddle and Lord Voldemort just yet. Riddle just narrowed his eyes.

"In order for us to work together Harry, you're going to have to get over your pathetical sentiment." his voice was cold.

"Pathetic?" Harry echoed, incredulous.


"My parents being murdered by your future self must be forgotten in order for this to work?" Harry interrupted slowly.

"Yes, it'll weaken your ability to focus on what's important."

"What's important..."

"I'm beginning to believe that your brain has leaked out your ears. Yes- that's what I said."

Harry lunged at the other boy, satisfied to find him solid, and threw him against the bars, smiling when he heard Riddle's head clunk loudly upon contact.

"Let's get this straight Riddle." Harry growled, taking in Riddle's slight shock before it was masked behind a smirk. "This- thing. Whatever it is, is totally based on my desire to get rid of Voldemort and get out of here. No more, no less."

Riddle grabbed the arm that was pressed against his neck and dug his nails in.

"Of course." he smiled looking as if he wasn't getting his wind pipe crushed.

"I do not, will not, or will ever trust you. Got it? I don't care if you're not Voldemort now, but i've seen him in his youth and let me tell you that you're not looking very different right now. You're an arrogant psychopath with no concept of empathy or value of other's lives."

"Well thank-"

"You're not going to manipulate me, understand that now." Harry finished, wishing he could knock that smirk of the other's face.

Both boys stared at each other, Harry reining in his anger and letting go of Riddle. He turned away but a hand shot out and grabbed his wrist and dragged him around to look at Riddle. His eyes were glinting in the dark, his chest heaving after being released.

"Don't make me have to remind you Harry that you're under oath. I don't care about your teenage tantrums, when it comes down to it, you still owe me."

Harry tried to release himself but Riddle's grip was strong.

"I don't owe you anything!" he yelled, failing to keep a hold on his anger. Riddle just shook his head.

"Forgetful aren't you Harry." he murmured, dragging Harry even closer so that they were practically nose to nose. "The deal we made requires a favour from you at any time I choose. Do not delude yourself into thinking that I won't take advantage of that and make you kill one of your pathetic little friends."

Harry reeled back and Riddle let go of him, making him stumble.

They were interrupted when the cell door opened. Harry looked over and then back at Riddle.

"Dinner awaits."

Harry huffed slightly and moved towards the exit and the stairs that led him to the next floor. As he made his way out he realised absentmindedly that he hadn't felt Riddle's breath on his face, despite being an inch away from his lips. Frowning, he stored this detail at the back of his mind as he noticed the hallway was lit in a manner that led him to the dining room. The slight murmurs of many voices told him that he and Voldemort would not being dining alone.

"Great." he muttered, walking down the corridor and ignoring the feeling of Riddle's eyes on his back.

