Hello my amazing peoples! Here's another one-shot. I found this one very fluffy.

P.S: It's a year later, so Ethan's about 16, and very, VERY handsome. Not that Matthew wasn't handsome in the first place, he was a HUNK, but yeah. Oh, and it's kind of based off of Mirror/rorriM

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of this like the characters, sadly. But, I do own MY idea and MY writing.

It's the story of a girl, a vampire no less, who falls in love with a human. He's willing to fight for her, give up is life for her, but all she wants is for him to live his life to the fullest. Or, in this case, it's the White Chapel Musical.

The Morgan family entered the Auditorium of White Chapel, smiles on all faces, except Ethan. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets, as he shuffled and glanced around for his friends.

"Ethan, sweetie, go get ready." Samantha Morgan told her son, shooing him backstage.

Ethan nodded and dashed off backstage, greeting the rest of his cast. "Has anyone seen Benny?" Ethan asked, glancing around the dressing room.

"Benny!" Benny announced as he appeared at the door behind his best friend.

Ethan rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Hey Benny."

Benny smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder. "Hey, good luck out there. Knock em' dead! Not literally though." With that, Benny left the room, leaving behind a nervous Ethan.

Ethan found his script on the table next to him and started to practice. That is until he heard giggles from the girls across the hall, and sighed. He stood from his chair and made his way over to the girls dressing room.

"Hey, you girls are supposed to be - "

His protest was cut short when he saw Sarah, surrounded by girls who were admiring her pink and white satin dress for the performance. Sarah's hair was curled and she had a light pink shade of makeup.

"Oh, hey Ethan. You look great." Sarah smiled, walking towards the seer.

"H-Hey. S-So do y-you." Ethan stuttered, blushing oh-so-slightly.

"Well, good luck out there." Sarah replied, walking back into the girls' dressing room, shutting the door behind her.

Ethan stood there, his mouth open as if he was going to speak, then decided to shut it and walk back to his dressing rooms.

Act One

Ethan, dressed up as Shawn, walked out on stage with his backpack and made his way towards the prop that was supposed to be his locker.

Sarah, dressed up as Jasmine, walked from the other side of the stage, accidentally bumping into Shawn.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jasmine apologized.

"No worries. Nothing's broken." Shawn replied, giving a light chuckle.

"I'm Jasmine." Jasmine smiled, clutching her books to her chest.

"Shawn." Shawn held out a hand, which Jasmine quickly shook.

"So, are you new here?" Shawn asked, closing his locker.

"No, I've been here for a while." Jasmine responded.

Shawn nodded his head and they walked off to class. A few more girls walked out on stage, passing Shawn and Jasmine. One of them sent a wink towards Shawn, and Jasmine growled.

Act Two

Jasmine's evil twin sister and ex-boyfriend appeared, warning Jasmine to leave town. Jasmine stood her ground and bared her fangs. What they did not know, was that Shawn was watching from a bush beside them.

"I smell a human." Alexander smirked, taking a long sniff of Shawn's scent.

Jasmine could smell it too, and she was starting to get worried. As Shawn appeared from the bushes, Jasmine's eyes got wide. "What are you doing here Shawn?"

"I, uh, followed you." Shawn replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Who is this Jasmine?" Alexander asked, pointing towards Shawn.

"This is Shawn, my friend from school. Why did you follow me?" Jasmine asked, her voice reaching an octave in shock.

"'Cause, I thought you'd like some company. I don't know." Shawn shrugged.

"So, you brought us snack?" Helen, Jasmine's evil twin, smirked and took a step towards Shawn, who took one step back.

Jasmine hissed and stood in front of Shawn. Shawn almost screamed, but he held in his questions and shrieks until the end.

"Oh, protective are we?" Helen asked, her smirk still plastered on her lips.

"What do you two want?" Jasmine asked, her fangs still bared.

"Just the usual." Alexander replied. "You gone, this town in ruins, all the humans enslaved to us."

"Not if I'm still here." Jasmine growled, and the fight began.

Act Three

"So, you're a.." Shawn started, as Jasmine kicked Helen onto the ground.

Jasmine turned to face Shawn, her fangs still bared. Slowly, the began to fade away and Jasmine nodded. "Yeah. You're not gonna freak out, are you?"

Shawn shrugged and cracked a small smile. "Actually, it's really cool." Shawn smiled widely, and then collapsed onto the ground.

Jasmine sighed and carried Shawn back to his home, where she set him on his bed. Shawn fluttered his eyes open and lightly smiled.

"Hey there." Jasmine retuned Shawn's smile.

"Hi. What happened?" Shawn slowly sat up, holding his head in his hand.

"Well, you collapsed after you found out I was a vampire." Jasmine chuckled. Shawn looked as if he was going to fall back again, so Jasmine quickly readied herself.

Thankfully, it never came. Shawn took a moment to think, and then smiled. "I'm cool with that."

Act Five (It was a long play.)

"It doesn't matter Shawn, I'm not going to do it." Jasmine protested, stomping to the left.

"Why not Jasmine? I've always wondered what it's like to be an undead creature of the night." Shawn chuckled and followed Jasmine.

"Because, I don't drink humans. It's wrong." Jasmine stated, folding her arms.

Shawn sighed and took Jasmine's hand in his own, causing Jasmine to look up at him. In an instant, Shawn pressed his lips to Jasmine's, in one quick movement.

This wasn't any ordinary stage kiss, not for Ethan and Sarah at least. For Shawn and Jasmine, sure.

Fireworks and all those cheesy romantic feeling erupted inside of Ethan and Sarah, as Sarah wrapped her hands around Ethan's neck, Ethan's making their way to her waist.

Quickly, Ethan pulled away and got back into character. "Was that wrong?" He gave a slight smirk.

Jasmine shook her head, leaning in for one more kiss.

The End

The crowd applauded and stood on their feet. A few whistles in between, some probably coming from Benny in the audience. Ethan and Sarah broke apart rather quickly, both blushing madly.

"That was… very convincing. Great job." Sarah said, avoiding eye contact with the seer.

Ethan nodded and took a deep breath. "Yup, you too."

"I'm gonna… go over here." Sarah pointed to a random direction, walking that way.

Ethan nodded once again and walked in the opposite direction.

Both grabbed their scripts, flipping through the pages until they reached the end. Sarah searched through the script, and found nothing of a kiss. Slowly, it began to register that Ethan had kissed her freely. It was very unlike him, and completely out of character.

Ethan smiled and sat down in his chair, reading through script. Then, he wrote a check mark next to the place he edited the script.

"So, you were the one who changed the script?" A voice made Ethan jump. Looking towards the doorway, Ethan saw Sarah in her dress, with her script in her hand.

"What? I didn't change the script." Ethan replied, hiding his pen behind his back.

"Oh really?" Sarah smirked. "Because in my script, it doesn't say anything about a kiss."

"Neither does mine." Ethan shrugged, chuckling nervously.

"So, then why did you kiss me?" Sarah asked, walking into Ethan's dressing room.

"H-huh? Well, I-I just did what the script said." Ethan responded, shifting in his chair.

"But you just said your script didn't say there was a kiss." Sarah stated, pointing towards her script.

"O-Oh.. I-"

"Ethan…" Sarah dragged out Ethan's name, folding her arms and standing in front of him. "Did you, or did you not change the wording on your script so you'd have a reason to kiss me?"

"Okay! I did! I'm sorry. It's just, I've wanted to kiss you for a long time now, but I wasn't sure how to, so I took this opportunity to-"

Sarah dropped her script onto the floor and wrapped her hands around Ethan's neck, smashing her lips onto his. Ethan responded by wrapping his hands around Sarah's waist.

Seconds later, they pulled away gently and smiled towards each other.

"To answer your question Ethan, no it wasn't wrong. I'm glad you went out of character and changed the lines." Sarah said sweetly, causing Ethan to chuckle softly and both of them leaned in once more.

Sorry it's been so long! A lot has happened, and I promise to make it up too you. Please forgive me! I promise to make more oneshots! I swear! Please don't kill me!... lol.