Just types a bit of this up do I thought I could go straight to training and start to get some good stuff in!

I'll still do a long Cato one some time this week!

Sorry for spelling or anything!

Only short!

Cato P.O.V

My hand rests on her face while the wind still flows through her hair.

She slaps my hand away from her face and then backs up a little bit.

"Is this some joke? Some sick joke for me to fall for before the games and hen you kill me in my sleep or something?" She says to me in disgust in her voice.

"Wait, What?" I reply, a bit shocked.

"You know what! This was why your up hear 'to get some quiet' that's lies. I don't believe you, like I won't believe the next career that will come along and talk to me and tell me they like me. It's. All. Lies."

" I really don't know what your talking about. If I really wanted to plane to kill someone I would flirt with Glimmer get her to help us and then kill her. She's obviously a stupid slut anyway! Why do you assume that I'm like this, we don't even know each other"

" Oh, C'mon. Your well built, good looking and I'm sure you could get any girl in your bed. Glimmers probably planning on how to anyway. You are careers, you win games. You cheat people. You're manipulative. Want me to name anymore? And Clove? It's obvious she has a crush on you. And you have not even stopped to notice because your probably to busy staring another girls as-".

My lips crash against hers and I put both my hands onto her face.

When I pull away I look at her face and see her expression.

She opens her mouth to try and say something but it won't come out and she doesn't really know how to reply.

I try not to smirk and her confusion because that's what broke it last time.

"You just... Em... No... You...me...16...NO! Just weird" she comes out with.

This makes me laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You, you look so confused! It's kinda funny" I smile a bit, but not a smirk.

"Hey! What do you expect, we were having an argument and you came up kissed me! I'm 13... Your 16... And we're going to die!"

"It's only three years"

"Three years too old"

"Fine, we will act like this never happened"

"Fine with me"

She turns to the side and leans over the railing and watches the people on the streets. I can't help but smile and and shake me head a bit.

"I don't think we've properly met" I say

She turns to me and frowns, "Yes we do, well kind of... Oh I get it now. Well then. I guess we have not"

" Cato, Cato Night. I'm from district 2, I'm 16,I have two younger sisters who mean the world to me. But I don't tell anyone that because I can't let people think I'm soft. I've trined ever since the ages of 5 years old. Clove is my best friend, and I do not like anymore than that her. She's a bit of a bitch sometimes. I've know her since I was a kid. We share the same birthday but she's a year younger than me, our family's are close friends and our fathers are good friends and work colleges and our mothers have been friends for a while"

She smiles a bit and takes everything in.

"My name is Primrose Everdeen, I'm from district two. My best friend is Rory and he's my sisters best friends brother. I love my sister a lot, my mother had depression. And my fathers dead" she pauses a bit and then carries on. "and if Katniss- my sister- didn't get us food. I would of staved to death by now".

There was an awkward silence before anyone said anything.

"You had no food?" I ask,

"Nope, nothing. We had no money and no home. We were lucky to get a little cabin after the explosion"

"Is that how your dad died?"

"Yeah? Something about air and bad gasses. And then an expiation happened"

"I'm sorry" I choke out.

I don't really come out who these sort of things.

"It's ok, I was young. I got over it along time ago". We both turn to look out r the skyline again.

"I'm still a bit pissed at you" she's comes out with.

I laugh a bit "we started again didn't we? And you cussed!"

"Oh, seriously!? Like you have not sworn before. You probably do it regularly" she jokes.

A smile spreads across her face.

Her face leans in a bit to mine and I lean in near hers.

Our lips touch, soft.

After a little while she pulls away.

"See you in training, Night!" she says while walking toward the door.

"Are you coming up hear tomorrow Everdeen?"

"I'll see" she disappears out of the door and I hear the elevator ding.

I shake my head and smile and walk towards the door.

"I'm actually going mad" I whisper to myself and smile.