Hello….welcome back….and we're about ready to get started….on some notes….the website is almost done just a few more things to go and we're set….well now for this chapter……we pretty much have gone further into the day….Sarah has come home and Zidane has something for her that surprises Sarah a lot….what could this be? Oh I don't know…read on as now I present to you

Chapter 6

Never Forgetting

"PAPA!!!!!!!" Sarah yelled beginning to run towards her father. "Hey there little kitten!" Zidane said spreading his arms apart. Sarah lunged forward into her father's grasped laughing a lot. "And how was your trip to the park?"

"It was fun!"

"Oh really?" Zidane picked up his daughter from off the ground as she began to laugh some more. "HEY!!!!!LEMME GO….HEHEHEHE." Sarah yelped out beginning to kick her feet in mid-air. "Oh no no nooooo Sarah. You're coming with me!" Zidane said casting a huge grin on his face. Zidane turned towards the backyard door and headed straight out.

Garnet strolled by beginning to look at the two, she giggled a bit and followed along.

When Garnet walked outside…she saw Sarah and Zidane standing next to the old cherry tree that stood fifty feet. The beautiful blossoms that appeared on each branch showed its true colorful red leafs as each one slowly began to fall to the ground. "Papa? Can we climb the cherry tree? Please? I wanna see the view!" Sarah yelped jumping up and down. Zidane looked down at Sarah as she stared at her father looking excited. "Sure thing Sarah...lemme hold you." Zidane said. He picked up Sarah while she wrapped her arms around her father's neck holding on very tight.

"Ready Sarah?" Zidane asked as he held Sarah tight beginning to bend his knees every second at a time.

"YEP YEP YEP!" Sarah chirped. "1" Zidane bent his knees once. "2" twice "3" Zidane jumped high onto a branch and continued jumping higher and higher onto the cherry tree. Garnet walked over towards the tree while watching the two ascending higher and higher, branch by branch. She began looking a bit depressed as she watched the two, for it brought her a bit of a bad memory…something she wished to never ever forget.

"Zidane...I'm worried…I don't think it's safe up there." Garnet spoke with a worried tone. "Dagger don't worry I know what I'm doing." Zidane said as he began walking towards the backyard cherry tree with baby Sarah in his hands.

            "Zidane…please I don't want our daughter in danger please be careful…don't go so high up."

            "It'll be fine I've done this many times, nothing will go wrong…I promise."

            Zidane jumped on top of a nearby branch of the tree jumping higher and higher from one branch to another until he reach the mid section of the tree and rested.

            "ZIDANE BE CAREFUL!!!!" Garnet yelled from the ground. Zidane sat on the branch he was standing on and wrapped his tail around it while rocking Sarah in his arms.

            "Mama is sooo worried about you Sarah…she wuvs you sooo much yes she does…she loves you a lot." Zidane coed at Sarah as she giggled a bit. He carefully let Sarah look at the beautiful sunset that seem to be descending over the nearby mountains as the sky turned from bright blue to bright orange.

            Sarah gazed upon the sunset with her delicate eyes, she seem to be enjoying the site but covered bits of her eyes with her tiny arms.

            "Like the view Sarah?" Zidane asked his small daughter.

            "Papa…" Sarah said. Sarah's first ever word she learned, papa.

            "Awww…Sarah…you said your first word again. Can you say mama?" Zidane asked. Sarah stared at her father with her little eyes tilting her head to the left in curiosity.

            "Come on Sarah…. you can do it…Ma…Ma. Can you say MA…MA." Zidane began trying to teach Sarah some simple words.

             "…………..Mama." Sarah softly spoke. Zidane took deep breaths of disbelief and was filled with joy.

            "DAGGER….SHE SAID HER FIRST TWO WORDS!!!!!" Zidane yelled facing downwards towards Garnet. Sarah's vulnerable ears shaken the little infant began to fidgeting in Zidane's arms.

            "Hey…Sarah…what are you doing? Sarah no…Sarah" with that Sarah fell out of Zidane's arms and began falling down to the ground.

            "OH NO!!!!!DAGGER!!!!!" Zidane yelled as he began standing on the branch and began jumping down. Dagger looked up and saw her daughter falling.

            "OH MY GOD SARAH!!!!!!!!" she yelled. Dagger began trying to stay under Sarah as she fell faster and faster towards the ground.

            "ZIDANE CATCH HER!" She continued while the Genome kept jumping from branch to branch. It seemed impossible for Zidane to catch Sarah as she drew closer and closer to the ground.


            "TIME FREEZE!" Everything freezes on Gaia….all movements were put to a halt however...Sarah was still moving around as she was in mid air and was twenty feet away from her nerve wrecking mother. A familiar face appeared next to Garnet as she held her arms in front in desperation to catch Sarah. Tsunami looked up towards the mid air infant and was a bit disappointed.

            "So Sarah? Decided to take flying lessons I see? Aren't you a little too young to be getting your license?" Tsunami said playing around a bit, she began lifting herself into mid air and appeared in front of Sarah's view.

            "Mind if I ask what you are doing dying on us? You know you have to do something for us." Tsunami softly grabbed Sarah and slowly decent back to the ground. "You know Sarah…it would better to be safe than sorry you know." Tsunami placed Sarah in the hands of her mother and nodded.

            "Just don't die on us Sarah….as I said in the past…your our only hope." Sarah curiously stared at Tsunami as she waved her hand at her and began leaving her view. "TIME START!" Tsunami disappeared.

            Garnet plumped forward as she stopped suddenly and looked down. "SARAH!?" she blundered looking a bit confused wondering how Sarah ended up in her hands. Zidane jumped down to the ground and walked over to Garnet.

            "Hey nice catch." He said. Garnet slowly held Sarah in her left arm and punched Zidane in the chest in anger with her right.

            "ZIDANE HOW CAN YOU BE SOOO IRESPONSIBLE!" she yelled in a enrage tone. Zidane rubbed his chest beginning to look worried.

            "Aw come on Dagger….she was shaking around in my arms, I couldn't hold her in." Zidane said convincing her it wasn't his fault.


            "Whoa hold on Dagger I didn't say it was her fault. I'm only saying I lost control of her."

            Dagger held tightly on her daughter still shocked at what just happened.

            "Zidane…I don't ever want you putting our daughter through this ever again! UNDERSTOOD!?" she stated giving him an anger face.

            "Ok Dagger…whatever you say. Hey I just wanted her to see the view that's all." Zidane said beginning to sweat a bit.

            Dagger nodded at her husband and began walking back towards the house. Zidane hung his head for a brief second and followed along.

Dagger began looking down at the large tree as a cold tear ran down her cheek as she remembered that day. "MAMA!!!!" a soft voice yelled. Dagger looked up as Sarah looked down from atop the tree smiling and giggling a bit. "YES SARAH!?" she yelled back.

            "MAMA COME UP HERE!"

            Dagger whipped the tears coming from her eyes and smiled at her daughter.

            "SARAH…COME DOWN HERE!" she yelled back. Sarah nodded and turned towards her father who was on another branch.

            "Papa…take me down please?" Sarah asked making innocent eyes. Zidane couldn't help but laugh a bit and nodded at his daughter.

            "Sure Sarah I'll take you down." He said. Zidane jumped from the branch he was on and landed next to Sarah, she wrapped her arms around Zidane's stomach as he picked up Sarah.

            "Going down!" he said.

            Zidane jumped down branch by branch until he reached to ground landing next to Garnet. "Here we are Sarah back at ground zero." Zidane said as Sarah giggled a bit. She let go of her father and ran towards her mother.

            "Mama!" she yelped. Garnet picked up Sarah while she wrapped her arms around her mother. "Mama, I love you." Sarah slowly said resting her head on Garnet's right shoulder, Garnet looked at Sarah closing her eyes half way and smiling.

            "I love you too Sarah." She softly whispered to her in her ears. Sarah's little tail began to curl around Garnet's left arm and softly rested itself on top.

            "Mama….I'm tired…I want to go to sleep." Sarah slowly said beginning to look tired.

            "Aw you poor little girl…why don't you take a nap?" Garnet suggested beginning to rub Sarah's back. Sarah's ears twitched as she began purring again.

            "Puurrr...purr…purrr…Ok." Sarah purred. She dropped to the ground and ran towards the house. Zidane walked behind his wife and hugged her from behind.

            "Dagger...sweety." he softly spoke resting his head on top of his wife's left shoulder.

            "What Zidane?" she asked.

            "Want to go out tonight?"

            "Go…out? Zidane…I can't…what about Sarah?"

            "Dagger…sweetheart…why don't we hire a sitter to look after her?"

            "…A sitter? Zidane I can't…I need to be with Sarah."

            "Don't worry...I'll look for one this time."

            Garnet turned around and stared at Zidane as he began looking a bit nervous. "Zidane you remember what happened last time right?"

             Garnet asked looking a bit worried. "Aw come on Dagger…your not going to have that little Blank incident get in your mind are you? Hey how was I suppose to know he couldn't help but accidentally step on Sarah's tail?" Garnet sighed and nodded.

            "Zidane…Sarah is easily hurt you know that right?"

            "Dagger I know…but why don't we not pick on my friends…it'll make it easier on her ok?"

            "…Okay…but nobody bad ok Zidane?"

            "No problems Dagger…well maybe I should go out and see." Zidane began walking back towards the house.

            Zidane walked through the back door making his way towards the living room hearing a soft purr. He slowly looked over seeing a sleepy Sarah resting herself on the couch curled up into a little ball with her tail on top of her arms.

            He couldn't help but lay a smile at the small genome resting away on the small couch; he began walking over towards her and slowly picked her up carefully.

            "You need a better place to sleep little girl." He said beginning to make his way towards Sarah's room. As he walked into Sarah's room Zidane slowly stared at his daughter still purring away in her sleep. Zidane walked over to Sarah's bed that was near a window that happened to have a view of the backyard garden, he carefully rested Sarah on top of her warm and soft bed.

            "There you go Sarah, doesn't that feel a little better?" Zidane asked as Sarah still slept away. She slowly turned her back on him and curled back into a ball, Zidane smiled at her and quietly walked away.

            Zidane walked back into the living room as he saw Garnet in the kitchen making her self a small bowl of chocobo soup. He couldn't help but walk over to her and wrap his arms around her stomach. "Dagger…" he softly said slipping her a kiss on the cheek.

            "Zidane…." She said kissing Zidane back on the cheek.

            "Little hungry?"

            "I guess….where's Sarah?"

            "In her room, I sort of picked her up from the couch and rested her there."

            Dagger smiled at Zidane and gave him a peck on the lips.

            "That's thoughtful of you." She spoke.

            "Hey Dagger….may I borrow your car?" Zidane asked.

            "What for? Why don't you take yours?"

            "Because I'm gonna go grab something to drink."

            "Okay…they next to the phone on your way out."

            Zidane slipped Dagger another kiss on the cheek as she blushed a bit, he headed straight for the door way area and picked up Dagger's keys and walking out of the door.

            "Well, better see if there's any good sitters over in the night club area." Zidane said walking towards Garnet's 2048 Nissan Maxima. He got in and started the engine, beginning to rev it up a bit then putting the gear in reverse and backing out of the driveway. "Maybe the boys got some good sitters." He said beginning to drive off.

            Night Club Row, the so called dark area of Alexandria full of night clubs and bars, not your average area but for fun and entertainment, it's the place to be…sort of. Zidane drove by a famous Girls Girls Girls Bar & Dance club. He pulled up into the back parking lot and parked near the back entrance; he turned off the car and got it. Zidane walked into the club which was full of people along with the poll dancers and possibly single men in the bar.

            "Hehe maybe I can find a sitter here instead…or Dagger will kill me." He said giggling a bit. He began making his way towards the bar when some familiar faces appeared.

            "ZIDANE OL BUDDY!" someone yelled over the loudness of the club. Zidane looked around as a familiar Blank yelled at him.

            "BLANK!!!??" he yelled back. "Zidane…been a while man! What you doing here?" Blank asked getting in front of Zidane.

            "Hey what are you doing here?"

            "Nothing much just kickin it…looking at all the babes."

            "Hey I wanted to come by here and ask around for a sitter for Sarah." Zidane said as he began looking around a bit giving Blank a startle. "A…a…sitter!?" he said nervously.

            "Yeah a sitter for Sarah."

            "Uh…no thanks man…I won't do it again."

            "Blank I'm not asking you to do it I'm looking for other people to baby sit her. That incident you made with her got her scared to death." Zidane began shaking his head a bit.

            "Zidane why would you go here to find a sitter? I wouldn't even think about coming here to look for one at all." Blank said with a bit of concern on his face.

"Uh maybe someone might be able to do this?"

            "Forget it man...these people forget it…they don't do that kind of shit…however."


            "I happen to know someone who might be up for the challenge of taking care of Sarah." Zidane shook his head a bit annoyed by Blank's comment. "Blank she doesn't have a problem with sitters…she's just afraid of that little incident you had with her."

            "Well fine then man let me at least tell you about this girl."

            "Ok shoot."

            "Her name is Ezuri Sabihato; she's this college girl over at UCA. I hear she's one of the best sitters here in Alexandria…other then that but she's one of a kind in sorts of knowing everything about kids."

            "Heh why is that?"

            "Because she's done over 200 babysitting jobs…and I'm no kidding around.

            Zidane blinked in disbelief.

            "No way?" he asked.

            "Yep…dude in emergencies like this I'd say nab her before she gets taken…otherwise your screwed man." Blank briefly explained.

            "Alright….how do I get in touch with her?"

            "Oh…leave that to me…I have my ways with…college girls."

            "Oh for crying out loud Blank…man I just want a sitter not a damn…."

            "No! NO! You heard me wrong man…I said I got friends over in UC who can get her to come over to your house and pretty much do the rest. Anyways what time do you want her over there?"

            "8 o'clock tonight."

            "Ah ok then…I'll see what I can do…she might call you so don't worry….so wanna have a few drinks?"

            "You betcha." Zidane said patting his chest and walking over to the bar stoles with Blank.

            "So anyways Beatrix…he's looking for a sitter." Garnet said leaning on the wall with the phone in her hands.

            "Again? Why is he going through this?" Beatrix asked sitting down in her chair.

            "He wants to go out together alone from Sarah…though I don't want to because I don't want to leave Sarah behind."

            "Garnet…isn't it bad for a mother to worry about her child too much?"

            "I don't know Beatrix…you know I still remember that day when Blank was babysitting Sarah…I feel so horrible for her after that day." Garnet began shifting tones from serious to sadness.

            "Well…tell me something…who is gonna baby sit Sarah this time? Hopefully not one of Zidane's friends." Beatrix said kind of giggling a bit.

            "Beatrix…" Garnet slowly said starting to sound serious again.

            "Garnet you know I'm only joking here…well who is gonna take care of Sarah this time?"

            "Zidane told me it was some girl name Ezuri…though I don't know her last name though. But from the sound of things…she could be nice."

            "And maybe smarter?"

            "Teehehe…Beatrix do you really think Zidane's friends are that dumb?" Garnet began giggling also reframing from laughing to hard and waking up Sarah.

            "Maybe…maybe not..hehe."

            "Well I should be off; he maybe could come in at any moment."

            "Ok well…good bye…call me tonight and tell me what happened."

            "Sure thing well good bye."

            Garnet hung up the phone and walked over to Sarah's room slowly over viewing a still sleepy and purring Sarah all cuddled up on top of her bed.

            "Sarah…I hope you and Ezuri get along…I still can't get over what happened to you." Garnet slowly spoke still being quiet. She slowly stared at a small ribbon on Sarah's tail near the end. Garnet began look sad as she stared at Sarah's ribbon.

            "Sarah!?" Rose yelled looking for Sarah in her home.

            "SARAH!?" Sniffles could be heard within the house as Rose slowly walked into Sarah's room who was crying on top of her bed, with her face was buried deep on the pillow.

            "Hey Sarah…what's wrong?" Rose asked walking up to Sarah. "Sniff…It hurts!" Sarah said still weeping in her pillow.

            "What does?"

            "..Sniff My tail hurts…IT HURTS!!! WAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Sarah cried out louder as Rose sat on top of Sarah's bed and began stroking her hair as if she was her sister.

            "Hey Sarah…what happened? I never see you cry like this." Rose asked still rubbing Sarah's hair.

            "Sniff…Well…uncle Blank stepped on my tail…and it hurts…sniff sniff"

            "Why did he do it?"

            "He didn't see it…sniffand now it hurts…" Sarah continued weeping in her sorrow still shocked about what happened to her.

            "Hey there there Sarah…maybe I can help make it feel better." Rose said trying to comfort Sarah as she look up to her best friend.

            "Sniff You can?"

            "Yeah…you see…I made something for your tail…and I wanted you to have it."

            Sarah lifted her head up and looked at Rose eye to eye. "What is it Rose?" Sarah asked tilting her head. Rose reached into her right pocket and pulled out a small red ribbon. Sarah's eyes glittered as she looked at the small ribbon, it was homemade and sparkled.

            "Rose…it's beautiful…I LOVE IT!" Sarah jumped with excitement but sat back down as her tail gave her pain again. "OW!!!!" she screamed.

            "Hey let me put it on you Sarah…maybe it'll make it feel better." Rose said as she carefully grabbed Sarah's tail making her shake a bit uneasily.

            "EGH…EGH!..Rose…EGH!" Sarah began mourning a bit. Sarah isn't the type of person to get her tailed pulled or touched at all…she's very sensitive when it comes to her tail.

            "Don't worry Sarah it won't be to long." Rose said as she noticed a foot mark on Sarah's tail.

            "Oh…that must hurt." Sarah nodded still feeling uncomfortable. Rose slowly wrapped the ribbon around Sarah's tail on the foot mark.

            "All done." Rose said smiling at Sarah. Sarah all of a sudden widen her eyes as she lifted herself up and began staring at her tail with the ribbon. She turned herself around and grabbed her tail, her mouth opened and hugged her tail. "I LIKE IT!" she yelped still hugging her tail. Rose smiled and looked at Sarah still hugging her tail.

            "What do you think? All better?" Rose asked.

            "UH HUH UH HUH UH HUH!!! I love it a lot…thank you Rose…I really, really like it a lot…it's so purty I wanna show it to mama and papa!" Sarah started kneeling on her bed and faced Rose.

            "Best friends forever?" Sarah asked extending her right arm towards Rose. Rose lifted her left arm and connected her hand to Sarah's. "Best friends forever" Rose replied.

            The two little girls giggled away…while Garnet was leaning against the door overhearing everything. She couldn't help but smile at the site that made her happy to know Sarah had a friend that could help her in need.

            "Zidane…are you ready?" Garnet asked while Zidane was in his room dressing up in his tuxedo.

            "Ready as ever can be Dagger." Zidane said coming out of the room in his spiffy black and white tuxedo with a black tie.

            "Zidane…hehe you look sooo handsome…almost gentlemen like. Teehehe." Garnet said snickering a bit.

            "Still with that dress Dagger? Your almost addicted to it then me and my clothes." Zidane said wrapping his left arm around Dagger's shoulders. "Where's the sitter? It's almost eight." Garnet asked a bit worried. "Don't worry Dagger she'll be here soon." The doorbell rang. "See?"

            "Zidane…please don't let Ezuri do anything that will harm Sarah…ok? I want them both to be safe ok?"

"Ok…just leave it all to her."

            Zidane walked over to the front door and opened it. "Hello….WHOA!!!!" Zidane jumped back as he saw Ezuri Sabihato…who looked some what perfectly like Garnet with short hair…only her eyes were a little smaller than Garnet's. "Hello…are you Zidane?" she asked bowing her head a bit. "I'm Ezuri Sabihato …I heard you were looking for a sitter." "Uh…yeah…I am….ehehe…uh GARNET! Ezuri is here!" Zidane yelled letting Ezuri in.

            Garnet walked from the hall and looked at Ezuri. "….Oh my…uh you must be…Ezuri…I'm…Garnet…a pleasure to meet you." Garnet said shaking Ezuri's hand.

             "Pleasure to meet you to…so where's the lucky child?" Ezuri asked kindly. "Oh she's in her room at the moment she'll be out in a minute." Garnet said. "Ok…thank you very much."

            "Oh not a problem…I left all the emergency numbers on the kitchen counter so…you should be ok."

            "Ok…thanks for everything…I'm sure everything will go well."

            "Sure not a problem at all…well we shall be off now."

            "MAMA!!!PAPA!!!" Sarah yelled from across the hall and running towards her parents. "Sarah…come here sweety." Garnet said extending her arms. "MAMA!!!" Sarah jumped into her mother's warm embrace given a hug. "Now Sarah…I want you to be a good little girl for Ezuri ok honey?"


"She's going to be your sitter while mommy and daddy are out."

            Sarah looked up towards Ezuri beginning to nervously shaking a bit. "Si…sitter?" Sarah slowly said. "Sarah…don't worry I promise you nothing bad will happen to you this time, ok?" Garnet spoke trying to comfort Sarah in a way of having her not be nervous. "…Ok…promise?"

            "I promise you Sarah…don't worry."

            "…Ok mama." Sarah kissed Garnet on the cheek while she smiled. "Okay mama…papa? Will I be ok?"

            "Sarah…of course you will...don't worry sweetheart…we'll be back for you like we always do." Zidane said reassuring Sarah's safety. "Ok…I love you."

            "Ok…I love you too." Zidane kneeled down and gave Sarah a peck on the cheek. Sarah released herself from Garnet's embrace and waved at them along with Ezuri. Zidane and Garnet walked through the front door and left off for their night out.

            "…You have wonderful parents Sarah." Ezuri said looking down at Sarah who disappeared.

           "…Sarah? Sarah? Where did you run off to?" Ezuri looked around and noticed Sarah hiding behind the sofa shaking.

            "Hey Sarah…don't be afraid of me…I'm very friendly you know…it's ok. I want to be your friend too." Ezuri slowly began walking towards Sarah but she began running around the sofa a bit avoiding Ezuri. Ezuri sighed and nodded in a depressing way.

            "..Just like the rest…" she said. The words all of a sudden made Sarah widen her eyes and curiously looked at Ezuri.

            "Well…I think I'll grab something out of my car…I have work to do anyways…why don't you go play with your toys or something." Ezuri said leaving through the front door.

            Sarah slowly walked into the middle of the living room as she stared at the door, she quickly ran into her room and closed the door for a moment.

            "…Silver…Silver...come here please." Sarah quietly yelled. In moments the tiny moogle jumped from behind Sarah's bed and walked up to her. "Sarah, kupo?" he asked.

            "Silver…I'm scared about the new sitter…what should I do?" Sarah slowly sat down with her legs positioned on her right side.

            "I don't see, kupo, why there's a problem with her, kupo."

            "But…I'm scared of sitters...I'm scared she my hurt me like uncle Blank did."

            "Hey Sarah, cheer up…she probably won't do that, kupo." Silver walked up to Sarah and she hugged the tiny moogle.

            "Silver…do you think Ezuri will be nice?"

            "Oh yes…she will be, kupo."


            Sarah let go of Silver and walked out of the room with Silver following from behind. As Sarah walked into the living room, she noticed Ezuri sitting on the couch working on her universal stars report for her college classes. She was busy with her homework and was not willing to stop for anything when Sarah noticed something behind the couch, it appeared to be a small notebook with the words "Triumph" on it.

            "Oooo…what's that?" Sarah asked herself curiously. She slowly walked over to the small notebook and opened it…she saw lots of writing in it, turning each page it was nothing but full of words.

            "Hey…where are all the pretty pictures?" Sarah moaned a little disappointed. She continued turning each page finding more words one page after another non-stop…it almost had no end to it.

            "…Wah…no pics…what book doesn't have cute pictures of butterflies, or pretty flowers?" Ezuri looked up from her papers and suddenly looked behind the couch.

            "HEY!!!" Ezuri yelled a little grabbing her notebook from Sarah's hands. "HEY!!! I was looking!" Sarah whined a bit. "Oh…please don't look at it…it's nothing really."

            "But Ezuri…what is it? Where are all the pretty pictures all books have?"

            "Pictures? Oh…your still a seven year old…I see it now…well you see, not all books have pretty pictures."

            "Why is that?"

            "Because…well you have to use your imagination for it."

            "What's imagination?"

"Here…why don't we sit down and talk a little."

            "Okies." Sarah nodded and ran around the couch and sat down while Ezuri did the same thing bringing her notebook also.

            "What's it called Ezuri? The word is too big…I can't read it…it's too big and hard." Sarah asked tilting her head at the book.

            "Well…it's actually a movie I'm working on…it's called Triumph. It's a sad story about a woman who's lost the love of her life…and is seeking the person who killed him." Ezuri briefly explained.

            "Oooo it sounds sad…tell me more Ezuri. How bout telling me the story I wanna hear it! PLEASE!!!?? CAN I!?" Sarah begged making an innocent smile.

            "Ok…well it all takes place far away from today…very far away."

            "How far?"

            "2000 years…that's long."

            "Wow…go on Ezuri."


            Ezuri began reading some bits of her Triumph movie…which seem to interest Sarah a whole lot. Unaware of their presence outside of the house across the street in the middle portion of a 30 foot tree…a familiar Gen. Masaki holding a Steyr Scout rifle in his hands using the scope spying on the two.

            "…Hmm…I wonder who that woman is…she looks like Garnet…but her face is a little different…what gives?" The General continued to observe the two with interest and couldn't stop taking his eyes on Sarah.

            "I wonder what the woman is reading her…doesn't look like any ordinary book she's reading." The Gen. continued his watch on Ezuri and Sarah keeping a close eye on them carefully.

            Ezuri finished reading some of the scenes from her movie…and Sarah seemed to enjoy it a whole lot. "Wow…I like it…I really really LIKE IT!" Sarah said excited. "…You think so Sarah?" Ezuri asked.

            "Ezuri that was the best story I ever heard…I loved it…Ezuri I love it a lot…so sad too…sniffIt's sad how Ezuri lost her love.sniff Makes me wanna cry." Warm tears began to come down Sarah's cheeks crying a little happily. "Wow…I never made anyone as young as you cry like this…"


            "Yes…you see...I've been writing this for a very long time...and…you see…nobody really liked it a lot…only a few but…not what I expected…"

            "But Ezuri…we all can't love things here and there…but you know…everybody might love it if you show them more and more…and have them show it to other people…it'll make them happy as long as you make them happy as well. I like it…maybe I'll tell my bestest friend in the world about this. She'll love it…I know Rose…she likes everything I like…it's like…having a sister."

            Ezuri looked into Sarah's eyes…the colorful greenness made her smile in a way making her happy. "How do you know all this Sarah?" Ezuri curiously asked. "My mama told me…and so did papa and Rose, and even Silver my moogle. Silver suddenly jumped on top of the couch in front of Sarah. "KUPO!" he said. Ezuri looked at the two as they both stared at her back. "Wow…a pet moogle? How thoughtful…I never could imagine a little thing like that becoming a pet." She said. "Teehee…mama said it was ok to keep a moogle as one…isn't he cute?" Sarah asked picking up Silver and holding him in her arms.

            "..Wow…you two like each other do you?"

            "Hehehe yep…we like each other a lot."

            "I see…so…tell me, who is Rose?"

            "Rose is my bestest friend I've ever had…she's so fun to be with…we do almost everything together...yep yep…everything.

            "Aw...that sounds so cute."

            "Yep…I like Rose a lot…I wanna be with her forever and ever."

            "Well…you two certainly have the joy of being together."


            "Yes Sarah?"

            "…You know…I...I was scared of you at first…but…now I like you too."

            Ezuri suddenly leaned back a bit and sort of was surprised at Sarah's words.

            "So…that whole time you were afraid of me?" Ezuri asked. Sarah nodded and looked a bit sad.

            "I'm sorry…but…babysitters scare me…I got stepped on my tail…see?" Sarah showed Ezuri the ribbon that had the foot mark left from her incident. "Aw you poor little girl…is it better?" Ezuri asked.

            "Yes...Rose gave me this ribbon to help me feel better." Sarah said wagging her tail a bit. "You know Sarah…to tell you the truth…you're the first ever little child that's ever said that to me."

            "Said what Ezuri?"

            "That they liked me…you see…I've always been used to baby sit kids once and then never ever call me ever again…and I'm afraid that might happen to me again." Ezuri began looking a bit down as Sarah crawled up to her and patted her on the back. "Cheer up Ezuri…maybe papa and mama will call you again." Sarah said smiling a bit. "..You think so?" She asked solemnly. "Yep yep…I promise she call you again…and maybe you can read me more of your Tr…tr…triamph." Ezuri giggled a bit. "It's…Tri..umph. Sarah…heh don't worry you'll be able to say it." "Okay." Ezuri couldn't help but wrap her arms around Sarah giving her a comfortable hug.

            It was fifteen minutes till ten o'clock when the front door opened and Garnet and Zidane came back from their night out. "MAMA!!!! PAPA!!!!" Sarah yelled and running towards her parents. "Sarah!" Garnet said spreading her arms out as Sarah jumped into her. "Hey Sarah…did you have a fun time." Zidane said patting his daughter on the head. "Yep…papa I like Ezuri…she's the greatest…can she come back again?" Sarah asked giving Zidane an innocent look. Both Zidane and Garnet both stared at Sarah a bit confused. "…You…want Ezuri to come back and baby sit you again?" Garnet asked. Sarah nodded and stared at Ezuri who was watching from the couch staring at the family.

            "Sarah wants Ezuri back?" Garnet thought. "Well…hmm…is it any problem with you at all Ezuri?" Garnet asked staring at Ezuri. "Oh…it's no problem at all…I enjoyed taking care of her…she's probably the best child I've ever had to baby sit." Ezuri said trying to set a good impression on how well everything went. "Ah I see…uh Ezuri can I speak with you privately?" Zidane asked with hand pointing to the door outside.

            "Um…okay." Ezuri said beginning to get up and grab all of her things. "Bye Ezuri…I'll miss you" Sarah said waving at her. "I'll see you again Sarah." Ezuri said waving her hand also. Both Zidane and Ezuri stepped outside in front of the house now and Zidane shut the door.

            Zidane stared at Ezuri as she did the same thing.

            "…I don't know what to say…I don't know how you did it but…your amazing. Ezuri I want to ask you if you'll be willing to baby sit Sarah whenever we need to...well you know…go out for the night and such." Zidane asked rubbing his head a bit.

            "Well…she is very nice indeed…she's one of my best clients ever...I never really saw anyone as good as her. She never did anything wrong at all. She must take after her parents very well." Ezuri complimented.

            "Heh why thanks a lot…you know she's kind of afraid of babysitters but well…now that we find you, I think she's not anymore. Ezuri…ok instead of giving you your normal payment." Zidane handed Ezuri 8000 Gil instead of 1000. "8000 Gil!? WHY!?" She exclaimed. "Ezuri…you're the first sitter Sarah ever didn't have a problem with. And I thank you for that." "Oh…well thank you very much."

            "Sure no problem…well I'll let you go and thanks again…oh and your phone number?"

            "Oh…that well here it is." Ezuri handed Zidane her phone number on a piece of paper.

            "Thanks…we'll call you again for sure…well thanks again…have a wonderful night."

            "You too…good night." Ezuri walked off as Zidane went back into the house.

            Zidane walked through the front door and heard Garnet putting Sarah to sleep. He began walking towards Sarah's room and stopped in front of her door. "Good night Sarah…pleasant dreams." Garnet said giving Sarah a kiss on the forehead. "Good night mama…I love you." Sarah said giving Garnet a kiss on the cheek. Sarah closed her eyes and rested her head on her pillow and began purring away in her sleep. Garnet quietly walked out of her room and met into Zidane. "Had fun?" Zidane asked. "Zidane…I don't know how you did it…but…now I feel safe about Sarah now…I can go away as long as she's with someone we can trust." Garnet said.

            "Dagger dear…I asked Ezuri if she could come back again if we ever go out. She said yes."

            "Zidane…thank you…thank you for finding that woman…I don't know what would happen if it were someone else."

            "Heheheh…well guess she's one of a kind…but hey…she's nice too. I think her and Sarah will get along just fine."

            "I guess…hmm shall we sleep also?"

            "How bout we sit together and watch the fire burn?"

            "Okay…I wouldn't mind warming up a bit."

            Zidane and Garnet slowly walked away from Sarah's room and headed for the living room. A familiar Tsunami walked through the door from Sarah's room and stared at the couple.

            "…How I wish I could tell you both that…your daughter…is in grave danger…tonight…it shall happen…protect her at all cost."

            To Be Continued…….

A/N: Sorry about the Silver thing….I wanted to dedicate this one to my best friend Ezuri…the reason is she's going through a tough time and I wanna help her get through it. So Ezuri I hope reading this chapter makes you feel better. Well for the next chapter as Tsunami said…great danger lurks Sarah…this is a must read chapter…well for no ta ta.

Final Fantasy IX is copyrighted © by Squaresoft and its original owners and writers. All Rights Reserved ® When Given Wings and it's made up characters is copyrighted © By me and All Rights Reserved® Line "She has your curiosity." He said happily. Was taken by permission of Sly The Eagle 12 from the story "Death of a Fairy Tale" © All Rights Reserved ® "Please Read it also, it's very great also."