Basic Information

Name: Rachel Hinamori

Ann: It seems as if she's also American…

Ichijio: Her last name reminds me of a manga I once read.

Ann: :\

Age: 17

D.O.B: March 3rd, 1995

Raven: We were born on the same month!

Nationality: American/Japanese

Headmaster: Kaien: *smiles brightly* Ah, it seems as if I got an American student!

Toga Yagari: She's part Japanese so I don't understand why you're getting so overwhelmed

Headmaster Kaien: *sad face* Toga-San…so mean

Sexual Orientation: Straight and slightly bi-curious, but mostly straight.

Ruka: You're bi-curios?

Ann: There's nothing wrong with that Ruka *slight glare*

Ruka: *glares back*

Height: 5'2

Ann: So you're a little lamb? *chuckles darkly*

Weight: 110llbs

Race: Human

Raven: She won't cause any trouble unless she's a fangirl.

Zero: How do you know?

Raven: Well she's not a *whispers* vampire

Level [if vampire]:

Powers (Optional):

Weapon: She's a black belt in karate and tae kwon do

Seiren: So it seems as though I have a person I can train with?

Family: Only child, her parents are divorced, but her mom remarried giving her two step sisters.

Ann: *yawns*

Family Status (Are you rich, poor, or middle class?)

Middle class

Personal Information

She is a really guarded person, she rarely lets anyone know how she really is. She usually wears a façade of a strong, stubborn, confident girl but she's pretty fragile.

Ann: Those personalities usually annoy me *sighs in irritation*

Raven: No need to be rude. If this is what she is then let it be.

History: Her parents met in the US fell in love and got married. When Rachel was 7 her parents divorced. Two years later her mom remarried a pretty nice guy, but his two daughters (12, 13) weren't as nice. They were kind of abusive (verbally), so she preferred being with her father. When she turned 16 her father decided to go back to Japan and Rachel decided to go with him.

Shiki: Reminds me of that old fairytell in someways

Rima: You mean Cinderella?

Shiki: *nods*

Personality: She's quite bubbly, sincere, she sometimes comes off as a bitch but she really doesn't mean it unless you truly deserve it. She's nice, outgoing, doesn't take crap easily. She says what she thinks to people's faces (if necessary). Artsy, quirky and sometimes just plain weird.

Yuki: You seem like a nice person :D

Aido: But almost like Kiryu

Kain: *sighs*

Interests: Music( alt. rock, indie rock, indie weird.. Think MGMT florence the machine etc.), Art, fashion and internet.

Ann: Your interest in music is charming; however fashion is a boring interest.

Ruka: To you it is.

Ann: *shrugs casually*

Likes: Cats, Food, old movies, walking around at night, star gazing.

Dislikes: Bossy rude people, not being listened to.

Yuki: I don't think you will like Zero that much *nervous giggle*

loves: Her family, art, the beach.

Kain: Art is an interesting subject, most people don't really like it though.

Ann: *drinks tea*

Shiki: I'm not a big fan of the beach since my skin burns easily.

Rima: *nods*

Hates: Being taken for granted, not being acknowledged.

Ann: *chuckles* How amusing~

Rido Kuran: Indeed.

Fears: Rejection, winding up forever alone with 80 cats. Cockroaches and dying in a fire or without air.

Raven: I'm not much of a cat person , I'd rather live with 80 dogs *starry eyes*

Aido: Why would you do that? Dogs are twice as large…

Raven: That's what she said…

Aido: *glares*

Sayori: Will you please stop holding up the application?

Love Interest: Zero

Yuki: Wow Zero, I didn't expect anyone to like you since you're rude! *surprised*

Zero: *glares at Yuki* Shut it! *sighs and looks away* Thank you for your feelings Rachel, though I fear I cannot accept them.

Ann: *blinks and bluntly mumbles* until you're on your time Kiryu-San

Zero: Tch.

Why?: He's interesting, he acts like an a-hole, but she's convinced there's so much more to him than his reputation and façade. She's willing to get to know him and besides he's really good looking.

Ann: See? No harm, now accept her feelings.

Zero: It doesn't seem I have a choice if she's going to be willing.


[If you decide to use an image; then you are allowed to skip the following questions]

Hair Color: Naturally light brown, but died auburn.

Shizuka: Why would you get rid of your natural hair color?

Rima: You do know that you will kill your hair by doing that don't you?

Hair Style: Slight curls, more like wavy beachy like, down to her mid back and wavy side swept bangs.

Shiki: Your hair seems neatly styled.

Eye Color: Blue-grey

Ann: *doesn't know anything since she's colorblind*

Raven: E-Eh ^^'

Make-up: Simple cat eye, some blush and chap stick.

Yuki: That sounds lovely *gentle smile*

Skin tone: Pale, ivory.

Dress style for winter: Stylish yet simple coat, skinnies, boots. Lots of different scarfs.

Dress style for summer: Shorts, sometimes skirt, sundress, tshirts, tanktops, flats, sandals.

Dress style casually: Skinnies, Cute baggy hindu style pants, vintagey blouses, blazers, sweaters, t shirts, boots, sneakers, flats.

Body type: Slim, slight curves.

Aido: Ah? To bad you like Kiryu-san *sighs disappointedly*


1) Today is your first day of Cross Academy, nobody knows you, and it seems nerve-wrecking for some reason. Taking a sigh you leave the taxi that had dropped you off and headed in the direction of the academy. What is your opinion of the academy so far...?...

"It's really big, creepy aura. I Wonder if there are ghosts here."

Raven: *sighs sadly* There is only one in the school.

Ichijo: You act as if it is a bad thing that you're the only spirit roaming around

Raven: I'm dead…*floats away*

2) Interesting...however that is your opinion, I have no room to say anything. You soon run into a short brunette who smiles and asks your name. Once that's been done she reveals her name is Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster and your guide. You also notice a silver haired male who seems to be ignoring your existence. Think/Say/Do

Gosh she's adorable!..too adorable. And hey there good looking.. What? "Hi, I'm Rachel" *smiles*

Yuki: "Nice to meet you Rachel! Let me show you around!"

3) He only shrugs his shoulders and silently trails behind you and Yuki. "Oh please forgive Zero, he's always like that" She tells you with a soft smile. You nod and continue your way to the academy. Screaming of girls can be heard and the closer you get, the louder it gets. Think/say/do?

4) "They're like this every day, get use to it." Finally! Zero just spoke to you, even though his tone was a little harsh. You wonder what Zero had meant, why were these girls here every day and screaming as if there was a professional singer. "Ah My fan girls are cheery as ever!" You here a voice say. The voices grew louder and you could see the annoyance of Yuki and Zero. "Get back!" Yuki yelled at the females. Zero only glared at a few of them, causing them to stay back. Do you help, or are you joining the fans?

What the...? I am NOT going in there!

Ann: Neh, I wouldn't either.

Zero: Stay back! *pushes fangirls*

Fangirls: Idol-Sempai! Wild-Sempai!

5) Whatever your decision, they stay in place. The voice you heard earlier sighed of disappointment and you turn your gaze to see a blonde-haired, blue-eyed male. He was beautiful, maybe to beautiful for a human. He turned his attention on you and suddenly brightened up. He ran in front of you. "Hello, im Hanabusa Aido. Mind telling me your blood type?" Think/say/do

"I'm sorry but..wait... What? Why?"

Aido: *smiles innocently* It wouldn't hurt to know~

6) Both prefects were to busy with the fans and couldn't see your situation. You tried to move, but with no oblige, Aido wasn't going to move anytime soon. A tall, orange haired male put a hand on Aido's shoulder and you heard a sigh escape his lips "Hanabusa, please don't give the new student any trouble. Last thing you want to do is upset Kaname-Sama" At the name, Aido flinched. "R-right" He mumbled, but he managed to wink at you before walking with the tall figure. Yuki managed to walk over to you and quickly give you an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I can't be a guide to you, these fan girls are really excited today, just see if you can find the headmaster's office" With that, she and zero chased after the fan girls. Think/say/do

Noooooo! "Sure, no problem" *smile*

Ann: Meh, I should've asked Raven to scare you.

7) Great. You were now lost in this academy. Unlike most schools you've attended before, you'd expect the office to be right at the entrance, but it wasn't. You could tell that this was going to be a long day since there were dozens of stairs and rooms. "Excuse me, do you need help?" Your eyes looked over to see another blonde haired male, except his eyes were green and somehow seemed kinder. Beside him was a male with short mahogany red hair with steel blue eyes. He gave you a bored look. Think/say/do

Awww he' so cute... And his friend is.. Cute also. What is it with this place and attractive people! I feel like I stepped into a magazine.

"That would be awesome please" :)

Ichijo: *smiles brightly*

Shiki: Why is she staring at us this way?

8) "Well I can show you the way! I'm Takuma Ichijo and this here is Shiki Senri" The blonde haired male, known as Ichijo said with a smile. Senri looked at you, but you couldn't tell what he was thinking since his face remained emotionless. "Thank you" you mumbled, but Ichijo just nodded. He, along with Shiki, walked you to the headmaster's office and left you at the door. "Nice meeting you" Ichijo said while Senri muttered a "bye" You walked in the office and was soon crushed into a hug. Think/say/do

Cool beanz, I'm here. Finally! But I did not expect being glomped to death.

Kaname: *watches from a distance*

9) "It's nice to meet my students!" you looked up to see a male with his blonde hair in a ponytail smiling at you. His glasses reflected, allowing you full vision of his eyes. You blinked at him, and then turned your attention to the other person in the room. This person had neck-length brown hair with captivating red eyes. He smiled at you. "I'm Kaname Kuran, and please forgive the headmaster, he treats all of his students this way" The brunette informed you. You nodded. "Ah! Here's your uniform, schedule, and a key to your dorm." Headmaster said, giving you a handful of stuff. Think/say/do

"Oh uh, It's ok" bad vibes man... Bad vibes from that guy. Wow stuff "Thanks?"

Kaname: *tilts head* Is there a problem Rachel?

10) "Sorry I can't fully talk to you about your schedule, im actually having a meeting with Kaname" The headmaster said, scratching the back of his head before pushing you out of the door. That was rude. He could at least ask nicely for you to leave. The only thing that runs through your mind now is, where is my dorm? Think/say/do

"W-wait! Which way do I go?" Seriously, Again!

Raven: *points to direction* That way~

11) "Ah thank goodness! Let me take you to your dorms" You saw Yuki run up to you, slowly panting in exhausting. You nodded at her and gave her a small, but visible smile. You are then walked to your dorms and you bid your farewells to Yuki. Hopefully tomorrow would be a good day. You walk into your room and finally relaxed onto the bed. Before you know it, you're being held down. Think/say/do

Worst... Day... Ever! "Let me go! M- F-!" Stranger danger!

Ann: You see, it's time like these that headmaster should use locks.

Headmaster: Eh? But there's a safety hazard not to!

Ann: Fine. Allow your students to been seen nude infront of others who randomly walk in

Headmaster: There's a bathroom.

Ann: Cheap.

12) Who is this person?

"Idiot." You look up to see Zero who stares at you with a blank face. "You forgot this.." He holds up a small mp3 device and your eyes widen. "How did I forget that?" He hands you the device and both of your hands touch. You slightly blush and jerk your hand back and he looks at you boredly before walking out.

What do you think of?

Zero Kiryu: I like him, he's ok. Mean but I think I can figure out why. Intriguing.
Zero: There is a reason why I am this way, please do not try to find out, it's best that you don't know.

Sayori Wakaba: She seems really sweet.

Sayori: *smiles brightly* Ah Rachel you seem kind too

Yuki Kuran: I liked her better as a Cross, but I can't blame her for what happenef, seems really nice though.

Yuki: *gentle smile* A lot of people liked me better as "Cross" However, I need to fulfill my duty as the Kuran princess.

Kaname Kuran: Bad vibes...

Kaname: *ignores*

Ichijo Takuma: Adorable, I could just glomp him! I'd like to talk to him :)

Ichijo: Ah!~ She's so nice! I would like to talk to her more.

Aido Hanabusa: Player, but funny.

Aido: I know.

Ruka Souen: I don't like her.. Stuck up b-.

Ruka: And I care what a pesky human has to say?

Ann: No, it won't change you anyway

Ruka: *glares* I'm leaving!

Akatsuki Kain: He's cool, he deserves better though.

Kain: *gives Rachel a warm but small smile* Thank you, but im currently happy how I am

Rima Touya: I think would get along with her.

Rima: I think the same

Shiki Senri: same

Shiki: You look tasty for a human..

Seiren: Don't really know much about her.

Seiren: *ignores*

Sara Shirabuki: No.. Just no.

Ann: That's why I made sure she didn't show up, she would ruin my mood.

Shizuka Hio: creepy as s-!

Shizuka: *smirks* It's nice to know you fear me child.


Congradulations! Welcome to Cross Academy.

It seems as if though you're a normal human who will not cause any harm to both night and day class so we accept you into our academy!