High school sucks Gohan and M. Trunks Super natural, adventure, & friendship

Authors note :Miari came back after his mom died in his timeline. Now he is staying at capsule corp. Gohan and Miari are both 16. Gohan's been training since the cell games in secret, only Bulma, Miari, and Piccilo know. He wears a necklace that makes his ki seem as though he isn't training, Gohan built his own GR that can go up to 50,000,000 times earths gravity Miari can only go up to 9,700,107 G's in SS4 while Gohan can go to 18,000,000 G's in SS6. Vegeta is still SS and is pissed about it ; ).While Goten has yet to become a SS, Trunks isn't SS either. Only their tails grew back the other saiyans never got their tails back. Gohan is staying at Capsule Corp. to stay closer to school. Gohan and Miari acts more like Vegeta, they always pull pranks on the Z-gang epically Vegeta. Sometimes they call him Veggie head. NO ROMANCE for Gohan and Miari I hate it. Videl falls for Gohan but only sees her as a weak baka human like her father. No Saiyaman! I hate how they made Gohan so lame. Miari and Gohan will become the Gold Fighters. Plus they can read minds and move stuff with their minds. They also share a bond. Non yaoi just a strong friend ship between the two. I know this has nothing to do with this story, but Gohan became a SS on namek

Disclaimer: I do not own dbz or the characters. Sad I know.





Chapter 1: First Day Part 1

"And no beating anyone up because they look at you wrong, got it ?" Bulma ranted. Miari rolled his eyes but nodded anyway scared to get hit with the frying pan. Gohan snickered remembering what happened last time someone looked at him wrong. He sent that guy to the hospital for 3 months in a body cast. The doctors said he'd never walk the same again. ( I just came up with that idea)

Gohan looked over at the clock and saw that the two half breeds were going to be late if they don't hurry up. "Come on, were going to be late if we don't hurry it up." Gohan says standing up revealing his black longs sleeve shirt with black jeans and black jacket that says bad man on the back. Miari stands as well in a outfit similar to the one he came to the past, the only thing was that his jacket was dark blue. Nodding both demi's leave not before shouting their goodbye's to Bulma. Taking off into the air they fly at a moderate pace to the end of their lives. Looking over to his black haired friend Miari asks," so if some one does look at us wrong, we are going to hurt them, right?" Gohan just chuckles and nods. They fly into an ally when no ones looking, then walk the rest of the way to school. On the way they hear gun shots and see a bank robbery happening. "Come on lets help, it looks like they need it." Miari says running into the ally again, with his best friend behind him. Making sure no one can see them they go super then beat the bad guys and save the hostages, all in 20 seconds. They decided to go slow. (I was feeling lazy.) They wave to the people with smug looks on their faces. Gohan looks at his watch and sees they're going to be late if they don't leave now. " Oh crap! We gotta hurry or we'll be late!" Gohan says grabbing his backpack and taking off into the sky with the lavender haired demi behind him. Right after they left a yellow jet copter landed by the police. A black pig tailed girl came out with a glare turned on. Getting in the chiefs face she begins to yell at the chief, "Why did you call me if you could handle it? Now I'm late for school!" The chief shrinks back a little then regains his composure. "Videl you missed it! The Gold Fighters were here and they beat the criminals in just 20 seconds! They must go to your school because they had the orange star badge pinned to their shirts." Videl stops and has a thoughtful look on her face. 'I wonder who they are if they go to my school. No one at school that I know is capable of pulling off those tricks.' Coming back to reality Videl asks what they were wearing and the chief described what they had been wearing and Videl leaves for school.

The two demi's land on the roof of Orange Star High School. "Well, here it is. Orange Star High." Miari says opening the door and entering. " Otherwise known as a teenage sayains worst nightmare, right after pan wielding mothers." Gohan says. With a sigh, he follows his lavender haired friend. Bumping into a couple of people, resulting into them falling over and them yelling at the demi's, Gohan growls. " I am so sick of this place, and we haven't even been here 5 minutes yet." He says completely annoyed out of his mind. Finally finding the main office, they go to get their schedules from the sectary. 7 minutes later they were standing in front of their first period

(Here's their schedules. They've got the same schedules.)

1st period Homeroom

2nd period AP Biology

3rd period AP Advanced Calculus

4th period AP Earth History

5th period AP Space History


6th period Gym

7th period AP Art

8th period Home Ed

9th period AP Language Arts

(I was to lazy for them to have some separate classes)

:Lets just get this over with,: Miari says through the bond as Gohan pushes open the door. The entire class goes silent and looks at the two new students interrupting the morning announcements. The teacher turns to them with a smile on his pudgy face. He looked to be in his mid fifties, a short man who's hair was thinning. He was wearing a plaid jacket and plaid pants and a white shirt.(He was looking super tacky.) "Hello, you must be my new students. My name is Mr. Teacher and I'll be your homeroom and math teacher this year." Turning to the rest of the class, " class these are our new students, Son Gohan and Miari Briefs. Is there any thing you two would like to add about your self's?" Mr. Teacher asks turning to his newest students only to hear them talking in some weird language.

"This is pathetic are all humans this weak outside of the Z-fighters? Even the humans in the Z-gang aren't this weak, I mean they aren't even close to being stronger than us, but this is sad." Miari says after scanning the class of their ki. The son of Goku nods in agreement. "The strongest is that girl in the back with the pig tails. Wait is she glaring at us or what?" Gohan asks looking closer at Videl. " Well if you have nothing to add then I will for you. Everyone, Gohan and Miari got the perfect scores on all the entry exams. The only one to ever do that was Ms. Briefs." Mr. Teacher says only to have Miari glare at him and be corrected by him as well. " It's Mrs. Briefs, she's married now." Mr. Teacher turns to his student and glares at him. "I don't like to be corrected little boy, it'd do you well to remember that. I'm right anyway." He says turning to the blond girl next to Videl "Erasa stand up so they know wher to sit. Well, go take your seats." Erasa stands up with a grin on her face then waves to them, "YOOHOO CUTIES! UP HERE! THERE ARE TWO SEATS NEXT TO ME!" 'Does she have to be so embarrassing. Sure the black haired boy is cute but-WAIT! What am I thinking?' Videl thinks inside her head watching as they make their way up the steps. Taking their seats next to the girl that damaged their ear drums, Miari still upset at being called a little boy when he is in fact taller than the teacher. "Miari calm down he only called you little." Gohan says getting annoyed responses through the bond. The two dem's sit down and Miari turns to his best friend with a glare turned on, "you don't get it! I'm taller than that fat bastard and he called me little! I'm pissed off at the moment. How do you call someone little when they are taller than you by like a foot. Your not the one that was called little here." His only response was the other four in the back to roll their eyes. Then the ditzy blonde girl all of a suddenly brightened up, "hey my name is Erasa with an E. This is Sharpener and Videl," Erasa says gesturing to her friends then a smirk spreads across her face. "Guess who Videls daddy is. Hercule Satan. Isn't that awesome? Yeah it's pretty cool being best friends with the world saviors daughter." Se says smugly. Videl groans, "do you have to tell everybody we meet that big detail?" She says, 'I hope that Gohan guy doesn't want to talk to me to get to my dad.' The two demi's look at the three humans with a questioning look. "Who is that exactly?" Gohan asks. Videl stands up screaming, "WHAT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS? HE SAVED YOUR LIVES!" Videl screams attracting the attention of the class and the teacher. "Miss Videl I am trying to give the morning announcements!" Videl sets down squeaking out a sorry. 'Hmph,how don't they know my dad?' She looks back over to see Erasa blabbing away to the new students, then does a double take. 'Wait…are they wearing the exact same outfit as the gold fighters? They do look like them except for the hair and eyes.' Videl narrows her eyes at the two new students causing them to raise their eyes brows at her. "Did you hear about the Gold Fighters? They stopped a bank robbery and were wearing the same outfits as you two. Care to explain?" Videl says with suspicion dancing in her eyes. 'damn, I didn't think that could actually see us." Videl's glare intensifies Erasa opens her mouth only to-

Authors note: cliffhanger! Yeah I hate those to your not the only one