Kumo no Neko
(Cloud Cat)
Chapter Four: Surprise! Surprise!
Finally! Don't worry guys, I'm still breathing and is very much determined to complete this fic. :) Gomen ne? For making you wait so long D: College is eating away my time. I always read the reviews because they give me inspiration considering it's my first try on this anime. Thank you so much! I got carried away on the first part which is why this chappy might be the longest. :3
Ciao! Ciao!
Disclaimer: Hitman Reborn is not mine.
The sun brightly beamed above the residents of Namimori claiming another wonderful day. Fresh cold air swept through the leaves and cheerful birds glided on the blue sky as they flew in flocks. People started to leave their houses and make way to the market and shops. But students enjoy the comforts of their bed for a lazy Saturday.
Location: Sasagawa Residence, Chrome Dokuro's Room
Sleeping soundly on a dimly-lit room lay Hibari Kyoya.
In cat form.
The black fur ball snuggled comfortably on the soft confines of the Mist's warm bed, purring so softly in bliss. Curled up like a ball on Chrome's stomach, her fingers meshed on his smooth black fur, Hibari never thought he could sleep perfectly in peace. He felt heavenly. Even with the curtains prohibiting the morning sunshine to enter the room, the cat's senses were already awake. He could feel the peaceful atmosphere inside the room, causing his carnivore instincts at bay. How he wished everyday was always like this.
But –
He suddenly remembered his beloved Nami-chuu.
Ah ~ his territory where no single blow of violence must be struck or else, they'll be brutally bitten to death.
The black cat was about to smirk – recalling the scenes where students, inferior nor superior than he cower in fear as he passes by – when he felt the bed, the bed freaking move! Hibari quickly dismissed his thoughts wondering if an earthquake is about to hit his beloved turf. His head instantly snapped up, cat instincts on alert…
And saw that Chrome only shifted in her sleeping position.
And he slid away from his comfortable spot.
Which made him glare at her hard.
But his irritation quickly vanished when he noticed something. As he sat up beside the sleeping girl, his gray eyes stared at the lump on top of her. It was quite amusing, he thought as he studied it further. He'd never seen anything like it. Curiously, he inched towards the said lump. He crawled silently to reach her side without stirring her. Slit eyes never blinked at the unknown thing and as sneaky as the animal form he was in, he made a quick examination. Hibari gazed at it with a calculated look, slowly raising his left front paw to poke the subject of his curiosity.
To his surprise, the thing sorta jiggled if his vision was correct.
What the fuck? He thought, furrowing his eyes. Unsatisfied, he touched it again.
Only this time, he actually pressed it. His tiny paw landed on the white linen sheet that covered the lump and gently, he thrust it forward. The moment he did it, time seemed to stop as Kyoya stilled motionless in his position. He sat like a cat statue beside the Mist guardian who was unaware of the current situation for she was too preoccupied in her dreams.
Did Dokura bought a ball last night? Hibari mused, retreating his paw then pushed it again towards the 'lump'. Because if she did, the cat thought, he would demand her to let him play with this freaking ball. Despite acting a bit too herbivorous, he could not deny the fact that this – this unnamed thing he discovered is so heavenly soft. It was too hard to resist that his carnivorous side is being pushed away. His paw continued to press the interesting discovery, engrossed at how the mysterious lump boing! at his every push.
Chrome's serene sleep was slightly disturbed at the flimsy nudges she felt. A soft whine erupted from her for she is still a bit sleepy and tired after the events from the previous day. Slowly opening her eyes, revealing her exhausted lavender orbs; peachy white ceiling of her room greeted her. She blinked twice trying to ponder what was waking her up.
And to her horror, she realized that the nudges which woke her up was poking her chest!
Her female reflexes quickly had her sitting up on her bed, bringing along with her the bed sheets to cover her chest. A blush spread on her cheeks in embarrassment and while she scanned for the culprit, her round lilac orbs landed on Kyoya the cat who stared back at her with intense gray eyes.
Hibari could only look at the big girl in front of him who was glued on the wall, blushing madly and had her whole body covered with the bed sheet. But it wasn't that that bothered him, rather the reason why he is currently laying body flat on the bed. He was so fascinated he had let his guard down. Damn that thing that made him act like a stupid herbivore!
The skylark-turned-to-cat was merely poking the so called soft ball he had just discovered when all of a sudden, something pulled away the sheets he was currently sitting on. The neko tumbled and rolled until he landed face flat on the bed. If the prefect were in his human form, he would unleash his wrath worse than the apocalypse on Dokuro and prove to her why he was called the 'Devil in Flesh'. No one had ever made him lay face first and to think his nemesis, this damn girl had outwitted him!
Hibari slowly raised his head, anger and fury combined in a dangerous aura that surrounded him. His cat body was already quivering in sheer irritation and upon setting his sight on his prey, everything – every single thing on his mind disappeared like a bubble.
There, before him, was Chrome Dokuro covering a certain part of her body while blushing madly.
It was the lump he poked she was covering.
And realization dawned upon him.
But it was too fucking late.
~ Kufufufu ~ Oya oya. Someone's skipping biology class.
He could actually hear Mukuro mocking him for being such a dumbass. He could already see him laughing his ass off. Oh the mockery of his mortal enemy! It only fueled his desire to throw him into hell and become Satan's plaything for eternity.
The neko prefect stared blankly.
It was not his fault for sucking on female anatomy. He barely had contacts with them! He was too preoccupied at protecting Nami-chuu that he never took interest in the opposite gender. There was nothing to laugh about!
But as he averted his eyes to his left paw –
Holy shit.
His eye twitched as he remembered what it did.
Oh gawd.
He just touched –
A freaking boob!
Hibari Kyoya touched a freaking boob! –
The feline stared up again at Chrome who now had a confused look on her face. He still couldn't believe it. He just – Fuck. This. Shit.Kyoya thought, at least he didn't rape her. Though he was surprised the day he'd finally taint his hands on a woman's chest and be awfully amazed at how soft it was would actually come.
And to think that he was tempted to do it again. Because right now, his male hormones had done wonderful magic on his body.
Fuck. He just molested her in her sleep!
How herbivorous of him!
It was an unacceptable behavior! He really wants to turn back to himself and –
Kyoya blinked, then stared at Chrome with puzzled gray eyes forgetting the things he'd been arguing inside his head.
Chrome sighed in relief. "Neh, I thought you died."
She watched the black neko blink one more time, before it scowled at her; pushing its body aside as it lay with its small back being cradle by the soft foam of the bed. The purple-haired crept towards the little animal and giggled when it yawned sleepily; its small fangs protruding from its mouth. Opening its slate colored eyes, he was slightly surprised to see Chrome hovering above him, with a smile on her face.
"Ohayou Kyoya-kun!" She greeted meekly. Without warning, she attacked the creature's stomach, unable to resist the adorable creature lying on her bed by petting it. Despite the cat's protest, paws trying to pry away her hand and meowing in complain, she continued nonetheless; stroking its smooth fur along playful squeezes. It began to twitch under her control, already glaring at her, but Chrome paid no heed.
Damn it! Why the fuck are you tickling me, woman?! Hibari snarled, cursing at his feeble body that couldn't stop the girl's assaults. He was squirming like a fucking fish! All he could do was push away her hand in futile attempts and meow frantically.
"Meow!" Stop! Or I will literally claw you to death Dokuro!
Knock. Knock.
The two stopped, both staring at the door.
Chrome-chan? Breakfast is ready!
It was Kyoko.
We'll wait for you downstairs!
"H-hai Kyoko-chan!" Replied Chrome, retreating back her hand. She looked down to see her cat glaring at her furiously, still lying down on the bed. The Mist guardian, unfazed by the glowering fur ball, only gave it a soft pat on its head and muttered an apology, while smiling, much to the cat's disdain.
"Gomen ne, Kyoya-kun?" She whispered, stroking the back of its ears. In return, a delightful mewl was heard from the kitty. Its head was actually rubbing against her palm to her surprise. Eyes were closed in bliss with the tail swishing relaxingly from side to side. It seems Kyoya's anger has dissipated instantly!
Damn you and your fingers, Dokuro. Hibari thought angrily, unable to resist the elated touches of his nemesis' vessel. It was shameful! His anger was quickly smothered by her skillful fingers that gave wonders in his body and the fact that he was actually enjoying was more shameful. But how can he not deny this?
It's fucking heavenly!
But his thoughts were disturbed when the hand disappeared causing his gray eyes to flutter open.
"That's enough for now." She declared with a ruffle on his head before walking towards the bathroom.
With a scowl, Hibari rolled over the bed and sat up. His direction faced the bathroom where Chrome just entered earlier. He wondered what's to happen next because he seriously wanted to return back to his human form again. Tetsuya should've noticed he's missing by now. And that Tsunayoshi Sawada must be preparing his soul now if he wasn't able to cure him back. Grunting he unconsciously licked his paw and began to groom himself; smoothening his silky black fur.
Stupid cat habits.
Though something inside him wailed for he will never experience those pleasurable touches Chrome has provided him.
Never again.
Ugh. His hormones are on rampage again.
Location: Sawada Residence, Tsunayoshi Sawada's Room
Confusion fell into his auburn eyes as the girl of his dreams ran towards him; arms outstretched. The boy could only stand still, a jumble of emotions playing in his mind. Where was he? He looked around and found himself in Namimori park. He was wearing the school's uniform; black slacks and white polo shirt. And so was Kyoko Sasagawa. What were they doing here? To think he is alone, alone with the girl he'd been crushing on ever since he first laid eyes on her made him suddenly nervous.
But all his musing vanished when he felt two arms encircle his torso, a warm body pressed up against him. He was too shocked to move, unable to handle the situation.
Kyoko Sasagawa.
The Kyoko Sasagawa was hugging him!
And it feels so real, her smooth skin was brushing against his bare arms that stiffened on his sides. Her soft breaths tingled the skin on his neck, giving him goosebumps and a shade of red to spread all over his face.
"Tsu-kun?" She looked up at him, her amber eyes beaming.
"Haa – Eehh – A-ano K-kyoko-chan – " Tsuna felt his heart almost bursting out from his ribcage, he can barely speak.
"Hmm?" She asked.
'Kyoko-chan is hugging me. Kyoko-chan is hugging me. KYOKO-CHAN IS HUGGING ME!' The Vongola heir screamed inside his head.
"Ne Tsu-kun…"
"I love – "
Tsuna screamed in sheer terror. Brown eyes wide open with his screaming still on volume. He swiftly rolled to the side of his bed when he hit the floor face first.
"Itaii ~" The brunette wailed, body twitching in pain. He wondered why people kept on barging inside his room without knocking nicely. He was just having the best dream of his unfortunate life, his crush hugging him and almost, ALMOST confessed to him. He mentally cried his heart out at the waste.
"J-juudaime!" Gokudera exclaimed, running to aid Tsuna. He helped him sit up on the floor, and quickly knelt, muttering strings of apologies as the other boy rubbed his sore face.
"It's okay, Gokudera-kun." Tsuna smiled sheepishly.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, Juudaime." The bomb using guardian apologized. "I thought you're already awake since we're going to find Hibari."
At the mention of his name, Tsuna felt his soul being clawed away by demons. He almost forgot! His Cloud guardian is missing and his whereabouts are unknown. Even his Vongola Cloud ring is nowhere to be found. Worse, Hibari Kyoya was in cat form. And no one knows what he looks like.
Tsuna is screwed.
"Don't worry Juudaime," The silver-haired assured, smiling at Tsuna proudly, which gave the problematic brunette hope. He knew he has his friends who will always be there to help him.
"Finding that Cloud bastard will be easy if we blast Namimori into pieces." Gokudera declared with a smirk, raising his right hand to reveal five dynamites sticking out in between his fingers.
Tsuna almost fainted.
Location: Sasagawa Residence, Dining Room
"Ohayou Chrome-chan!"
Coming down from the stairs, Chrome held the black feline gently. The delicious aroma of grilled fish and omelet enveloped the dining room. On the table lay bowls of rice with two plates served with the dish. Kyoko stood in front of the sink as she cleaned the cooking utensils, a green frilled apron tied around her waist.
"Did Kyoya-kun sleep well?" The brunette asked, glancing at the cat that was resting peacefully on Chrome's arm.
She nodded in reply. "A-arigatou Kyoko-chan…" A blush appeared on the girl's face.
"No worries, Chrome-chan! You should eat while the food's still hot."
When the Mist guardian stared at her, silently asking, How about you? Kyoko only laughed.
"I'll tidy this up first. Then we can eat together."
~ O O ~
Chrome sat on the sofa, with Kyoya snuggling her arm as she pet him to sleep. It felt wrong eating alone and while Kyoko cleaned the kitchenware. She was just too kind that Chrome sometimes wondered if she could ever repay Kyoko. Sighing, she peered down at the napping fur ball. It was startlingly behaved. She almost stopped the motion of her fingers, thinking it was asleep, but remembered it loves to be caressed.
Hibari Kyoya couldn't ask for more other than being massaged skillfully by Chrome's wonderful fingers. It was relaxing and divine at the same time, making him purr like an aroused kitty with every stroke especially behind his cat ears and under his chin. It felt so, so good.
Maybe he should invite Dokuro once in a while in his office and put to test the expertise of her hands.
Heh. Not even Rokudo knows about this.
One point for Hibari. Smirk. Smirk.
Snuggling further into her arm, he mewled contentedly at his idea. It will definitely happen because no one ever defies the orders of the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee.
"I'm done, Chrome-chan!" Kyoko's voice rang in the living room.
Said girl glanced behind her to see the brunette urging her to sit down on the dining table. Looking down, she gave the cat's head a light tap. To her surprise, it meowed disapprovingly and only nuzzled her arm.
"Kyoya-kun…" She mumbled; this time tapping its tiny pink nose. It growled yet continued to nap. "You're really stubborn ne?" She poked its nose again and lightened when it finally yawned. The fur ball stared up at her, clearly displeased at the disturbance as it frowned.
Chrome giggled, and stood up; cat in her arms and strode towards the dining room. "Aren't you hungry?"
In reply, the cat's stomach growled much to Hibari's embarrassment. Fuck you, stomach.
"Don't worry, I'm bringing your food." The girl said, trying to stifle her laugh.
She settled the neko on the ground and brought out Kyoya's canned food. Kyoko emerged with a small bowl and handed it over to the Mist guardian who pulled the ring and opened the can. She placed the contents on the bowl; moist cubes of meatloaf slid out of the container. Letting the last drop of the syrup to fill in, Chrome knelt before the cat and gave its food.
The neko prefect stared at the pink mush served in front of him.
He never blinked, just stared as though waiting for his food to move.
What on Namimori is this?
But when his stomach made a sound, calling out to his mouth to chew the damn food already, he sniffed and slowly tasted the gooey cubes. It was more delicious than the one he ate yesterday, he mused, now devouring the food he grimaced earlier.
"Kyoya-kun's an amusing cat, isn't he?" The brunette remarked, glimpsing at the cat. She took a seat and motioned Chrome to sit as well. Both girls ate in silence, Kyoko occasionally asking Chrome how she was doing.
"I heard Tsuna-kun is going to find Hibari-san." She stated, grabbing a piece of the omelet.
"K-kumo-san is still missing?"
Kyoko nodded. "Even his ring is nowhere to be found." She added worriedly.
Upon hearing that statement, Chrome remembered the Cloud ring worn on Kyoya's left front leg, causing her to glance at the black cat. Probably feeling her gaze on it, the small creature stared back, a firm look in his steely gray eyes. She could actually see the Cloud guardian on the cat's eyes.
Could it be…?
Ding-dong! Ding-dong!
"I'll get it!"
As Kyoko left to greet the visitor, Chrome pondered if Kyoya could actually be the Hibari Kyoya everyone feared in school. It could be possible since the neko acted similarly to him but how would he be turned into a cat? And the Cloud ring. Why does the cat have it? Maybe it's another one of Hibari's pets besides Hibird and Roll. She shook her head. She should tell Tsuna about her cat having the Vongola ring.
"Chrome-chan! Chrome-chan!" From the hallway, the other girl appeared with a wide smile on her face. She looked eager as she approached her.
"W-what is it, Kyoko-chan?"
Meanwhile, Hibari ignored the two females for he was too busy savoring the luscious taste of his breakfast. Yet he didn't miss the conversation about his disappearance. And the way Chrome eyed him a while ago. Finally, she noticed!
Tch. Herbivores.
Location: Sawada Residence, Tsuna Sawada's Room
"Ciaossu ~ Dame Tsuna!"
Tsuna and Gokudera, who are seated around the small table inside Tsuna's bedroom, glanced behind them to find the arcobaleno in a cat costume. He hopped on top of the brunette who instantly cried "Reborn!" in distress knowing his home tutor has something to do with Hibari's disappearance.
"Why are you dressed like that?!" The Vongola heir questioned, unable to withstand his tutor's dressing antics.
"I felt like it. You should be more worried in finding your Cloud guardian." The baby replied. "After all, it's Hibari you are dealing with." He added with a smirk.
"Hiiieeee! I don't even know where to find him!" Tsuna wailed in agony.
"Like I've said, we should blast Namimori into pieces to lure him out." Gokudera suggested, pulling out all his explosive devices. "It would be a piece of cake."
"But Gokudera-kun! We can't let the civilians get involved and be hurt."
Silence engulfed the room.
Tsuna sighed and stared at the blue bazooka resting against the wall. It would be a total waste if they can't even find the person they are curing. But at least they already have a hint on how he looks like. A cat. But there are hundreds of cats in Namimori! It would take them days to find Hibari.
"Now, now guys, maybe we should start looking on places where Hibari might stay." Yamamoto's voice surprised the other guardians as he entered the room.
"Ahaha! Did I miss something?" He asked in his usual beaming tone, scratching his head when Gokudera started to sermon him. He sat at the vacant place beside Tsuna and apologized sheepishly at the Storm guardian.
"Yamamoto's right. But I'm sure Tetsuya-san will be in charge of that place." The brunette said. "Where else would Hibari-san go?"
When no one answered, Tsuna let his head drop on the table and chant to Lord Kami-sama to protect his soul if the prefect will bite him to death. He was too young to die!
He was so hopeless.
"Don't worry Juudaime, we'll help you find Hibari. Even if we have to scout every street of Namimori!" Hayato said, trying to cheer up Tsuna. Besides running for the boss' right hand position, Gokudera knew they were looking for their friend because he was also part of their Family.
"He's right. We could even ask the help of the other babies." Yamamoto added.
His friends stared at him; the look on their faces provided him hope which made Tsuna smile at them.
"A-arigatou! Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun."
With his friends along, Tsuna knew they would succeed in finding their missing family member. Meeting them surely made a difference in his life. They always give him the strength to face whatever obstacles that is ahead of them.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get away from me I-pin!
No! Lambo must give back candy first!
"Don't tell me – "
"Hieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee!"
"Hahahaha! These kids are surely pumping with energy everyday!"
"Get away from Juudaime, Ahoshi!"
And Tsuna's room was in chaos.
Location: Sasagawa Residence, Dining Room
'W-what is it, Kyoko-chan?'
Her reply was giddy smile which made Chrome all the more confused.
"Someone wants to see you!" She exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Instantly, she grabbed the purple-haired's arm and gently pulled her away from the table. She led her to the living room leaving Kyoya all by himself.
Chrome felt nervous as Kyoko dragged her away. Someone wants to see me? She thought. She knew no one who would want to see her unless it was Mukuro-sama or Ken and Chikusa. Or maybe even Tsuna. But as soon as they entered the living room, a familiar man sat on one of the couches; men in black suits rounded the corner of the walls. Her blush quickly escalated on her face realizing who the man was.
"Here he is, Chrome-chan!" The girl pushed Chrome in front of her, grinning widely.
"S-sensei?" She stuttered; her lilac orbs unable to stare straight into the man's eyes.
Before them stood the one and only Dino Chiavarone; the sophomore's undeniably drop dead gorgeous English teacher.
"Hey Chrome~" He smiled at the girl; her blush intensifying at the gesture.
"Uhm…" She involuntarily bit her lip, unsure of what to say. The way his amber eyes gazed at her, like he admires her only made it impossible for her to voice out her statement. He wore a moss-colored shirt with black arm warmers covering his tattoo; faded jeans and sneakers.
Damn. She was just too cute and innocent.
Thank God Romario and his men are with him, or else, he'd be stuttering like a coward and taint his title of a mafia boss.
"I was just wondering – " Dino started, mustering all his courage to say it with a straight face.
Because of Chrome's irresistible cuteness, Dino decided he will savor her cuteness –
Hibari, meanwhile, wondered what's taking the two females too long. He had gulped down all the contents of his bowl and is very much thirsty. And he needed to Chrome to serve him water. Marching towards the living room, he was astonished to see the herbivorous bucking horse Dino and his crew.
He silently inched closer, so he could hear their conversation.
– Hence…
"… If I could take you out. Just me and you, Chrome." He ended up with a coy smile that made Hibari fume.
Dino Chiavarone, I will fucking claw you to death for having outside relationships with your student AND stealing away my caretaker.
Read&Review! :3
Have I lost my skills? D':
I think Kyoya is OOC here, -sigh- This is the result of not writing for too long haha!
Boring? Different? Tell me so I would get back my grip on the next chapter! (via Review)
I might be updating my other fic first, 'Bitten', but I promise to finish this before second semester starts.
So please be patient ne?