Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from twilight only Stephanie Meyer does…

Jenny POV

"Okay well eat up you two because you both have school here in a little bit" Esme said washing her dishes. Bella and I both decided then to eat our food, me I finished it because Bella couldn't eat anymore. After that I pushed her back a little to let her know to get off so I can go shower and then change to fresh clothes. I headed to Alice's and jaspers room as that's where our clothes are stored when we stay over at the Cullens and headed in for the closet. I picked out my white muscle shirt and black buttoned up short sleeved shirt and my blue jeans to go with my black combat boots. I headed to the shower and took my clothes and hopped in turning the water to where it fit my need. After scrubbing down with my favorite shampoo and conditioner and rinsing my hair out, I decided that I was good and exited the shower. I changed into my clothes and stared in the mirror to figure my hair out and decided to go with how it came out to be. I exited the room and headed downstairs where the rest of the Cullens and Bella were waiting. I looked at each one taking count that I didn't see fucktard anywhere nor sensed him. I raised an eyebrow towards Rosalie who just scoffed "he is moping in his Volvo." I just nodded somewhat pleased and also frustrated because he can be such a drama queen. Bella walked up to me and grabbed my hand leading me to the garage and over to my motorcycle. I just looked at her raising an eyebrow in question, she just nodded her head before grabbing the second helmet I always have with me just in case she ever needed a ride. I just shrugged and put on my leather jacket, fingerless gloves, and dark shaded sunglasses. I got on first before holding it still for Bella to sit behind me. She threw her leg over and got comfortable her arms sliding around my waist before locking in place. I started up my baby as I like to say and backed up feeling stares from the side I looked quickly to see fucktard and the rest of his family minus Carlisle. I smiled a quick smile before revving the engine and peeling out of their driveway. I made sure to go the speed limit for Bella (don't want her to have a heart attack so young) and so I wouldn't get pulled over by Charlie. I was pretty stoked as this is Bella's first time on my bike. She's seen me ridden it before to school but has never ridden with me whenever I offered probably because of fucktard. Anyways I speed up a little to get to school a little early so she wouldn't feel the stares of our fellow peers. When we made it there was only about 2-5 vehicles there so I was proud. I pulled up close to the entrance as that has become my personal parking spot for my bike and next to my right the Cullens. I stayed on balancing the bike so Bella could get off okay before turning off my bike and getting off myself. She took off her helmet before shaking out her hair and handing me the helmet. "Thanks Jen, I had to get away quickly" she said eyes showing her gratitude. I just smiled "no problem Bella, besides that's what I do for family." She frowned then and started reaching for my sunglasses, I backed my head up before she can reach them. "nu-uh you leave my glasses alone" I said shaking my head no. "Jen take them off its not even sunny" she said exasperatedly. I shook my head no before grabbing her hand and spinning her around to only pull her back towards me. I felt her relax against my front and rest her head under my chin her eyes closed and arms wrapping round mine. We were like this till fucktard showed up in his shiny Volvo. "Great let the drama act begin" I muttered under my lips even though I know he could still hear me. Bella hit me in the guts letting me know she heard too. I rolled my eyes as he came closer and pulled Bella to him in a way that said mine. I looked to where Bella's friends were and waved them over which they complied. "Hey guys I need to go over something with you guys in private which I hope you don't mind" I said looking at each of them not really taking no for an answer, which I think they could read that. They all nodded their heads and we walked quite a distance before stopping. "Bella's birthday is coming up and well I need help setting it up and getting the invites" I told them, my arms crossing over. "That's great Jenny! Ben and I can help out" said Angela, Bella's long-time friend since she started here in forks. "Where's it going to be?" asked mike, Bella's long-time admirer. "Omg! We could like have a beach type of theme!" exclaimed Jessica, Bella's annoying friend. "Jess, its September not June or July" Lauren explained slowly for jess. Jess did a little 'oh' before looking down sad then smiling the next second "that's okay." I just shook my head smiling fondly before looking at the rest "I'll have more info next week so yeah thanks for agreeing to help." I did an about face walking back towards the rest of the Cullens before a hand grabbed my sleeve to my leather jacket. I turned to see Angela looking anywhere but me blushing "if it's alright I was wondering if- maybe you could go to the movies with me and the rest." I smiled at her to put her mind at ease "sure Ang that sounds like a great idea, though is Bella coming too?" she nodded her head vehemently with me worrying about her head knocking right off with how fast she was doing it "of course we've already planned this and well since she really likes to have you along with her we decided to have you come along."

Okay so I'm doing my best to post some new chapters' everyday but these things take time you know anyways hope you guys enjoy!