Chapter One

A/N – so here I am with another new story. I've been writing this furiously. It's a bit slow to start off with but it does build up. Hopefully it's alright. Let me know. Just so you know, this is set in England because the Cullens have got to move around. And it's ten years after Breaking Dawn.

Disclaimer – I don't own Twilight, it's all Stephanie Meyer. I do own this plotline and I do own Alessandria.

For me, it was kind of attraction at first sight. For him, it was more complete adoration at first sight, although I didn't know it at the time. We grew close, we fell in love and then I found out his secret. Everything kind of changed after that.

I was bored of being in sixth form. I'd managed to survive the majority of it but as the end of the year got closer and closer, I found myself being extra bored and really conscious of the clock on the wall of every single classroom I sat in. I was normally very attentive in class but we weren't learning anything new, just revising everything we'd learned so that we were extra prepared. In other words, lessons were just an excuse to slack off until study leave started. Then, my non-revision could begin. I had a dreadful work ethic. I was completely addicted to reading books, being on the internet and being out with friends so doing homework and revising were just hindrances in the way of that. When the bell rang for lunch, I sighed extremely loudly in relief, catching the attention of the entire class. I laughed loudly, shrugged and ran from the classroom to the toilets. I needed to check my reflection. Some called me vain. I wasn't all vain. I was just a very conscious and paranoid person. I always imagined eyeliner half-way down my face or toilet paper stuck to my foot. I got to the loos and examined my reflection. Once that was done, I left quickly as my stomach started growling in hunger.


I stormed into the canteen, throwing open the hideous blue double doors violently and stomped over to the table my friends were at. They all looked at me, knowing I was angry. My temper was not a secret.

"Honey, what happened?" Lance asked sympathetically. He was my gay best friend and my favourite person to go shopping with. It was so stereotypical but that was Lance. His family were rich so he had clothes from my favourite designers that I seriously couldn't afford like Gucci, Julian Macdonald and Louis Vuitton. His tradition was to give me something by them every birthday since we'd met (only two years ago but he'd never failed). He had beautiful blonde floppy locks that seemed to fall into position. I knew for a fact that he didn't style it that way because he didn't believe in too many beauty products. He'd confiscated half of my make-up when we'd first met and taught me how to live without it too. His eyes were the exact shade of coffee brown that I wanted and his features were much softer than mine. He was tall, 6" at last measurement and had muscles to scream over. He was in a happy relationship with a guy at a nearby school. I glared at the table, tapping it annoyingly with my long (fake) and purple painted nails.

"Steven Matthews asked me out again," I complained. Lance immediately rose, knowing what I needed.

"I do not care if you're on a diet – this calls for good old fashioned comfort food," he said and dragged me to the queue. Steven Matthews was one of the popular guys. I wasn't unpopular but I wasn't extremely popular. I was known, let's say that. He persistently asked me out but he wanted me for looks, not personality and that irked me. Add that to my furious temper which could explode at any time and that equals the dramatic entrance.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked cautiously. I was very ridged about eating junk food – only on weekends and in moderation. Lance looked at me with a 'do not mess with me' look.

"You need to fatten up! You're like a twig!" he cried and I raised an eyebrow. "Ok, you're perfect. But eat more junk. It's good for you." I shook my head.

"No, because then I won't be able to fit into the beautiful Gucci dress you got me for my birthday," I argued and he sighed in defeat. Fashion always won him over. He handed me a tray stocked with comfort food and I paid, carrying it over to my table grudgingly.

"Eat it," he ordered. Lance believed in being healthy but he also believed I took it to extremes. So I began eating my usual baguette – southern fried chicken with light mayo.

"Have you seen the new kids?" Michelle asked eagerly. She was the girl that guys drooled over. Her long, tanned legs were utterly flawless, her clothes emphasised her curvy figure perfectly and her long blonde hair fell in elegantly styled curls to her waist. Her emerald green eyes were outlined in black eyeliner and her lips were coated in pink lip gloss. Even though I knew I wasn't ugly, Michelle made me feel it. She made everyone feel that way. And I knew she enjoyed it. Michelle was a tad bitchy. Ok, she was a lot bitchy. Lance was smiling.

"The bronze haired guy sat next to me in Chemistry and I thought I was in Heaven," he said appreciatively.

"Lance, you have a boyfriend," I pointed out once I'd swallowed. He rolled his eyes.

"Relax. So, what's the dirt?" he asked. I rolled my eyes this time and turned to Michelle. She was a bitch but she was an effective gossiper. She was like Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter except she didn't twist facts. Michelle leaned forward eagerly and the rest of us leaned in cautiously.

"Well, I heard that they were here because they were kicked out of their old school. But I sit next to the big, burly guy who's called Emmett in Biology and he spilled that they're there because their old house burned down and this was the quickest place they could find a house and a good school," she began and I knew we were in for a full description. "They're all one family, you see. But they're all adopted and most are together. The blonde female who looks like a supermodel but I bet is a real bitch, is called Rosalie and, unfortunately, she is Emmett's girlfriend. I'll get working on that. The little girl with spiky hair is called Alice and she's with the other brunette guy called Sylvester. The bronze haired one is called Edward and he's with the female with the long brown hair, Bella. His biological sister is the one with bronze ringlets and nice eyes and is called Renesmee but Nessie for short. She's with the huge tanned guy called Jacob who is utterly buff. Finally, there is Jasper. He's Rosalie's twin brother and he is single and completely gorgeous," Michelle explained. It amazed me how much information she could dredge up.

"So that's why they're here so late," I mused. Michelle nodded and glanced behind me. I turned to see where she was looking and almost choked on my chocolate chip muffin. They were more stunning than Michelle described. The Jasper boy looked up and straight into my eyes. Immediately, the world slowed and I lost myself in his stunning topaz orbs. We stared unashamedly at each other for an immeasurable moment. Then the hustling noise of the canteen rushed back as Lance distracted me.

"Good choice, Sandy. He's pure gold," he said with a nod and I snorted. Most people called me Sandy as short for Alessandria. Nobody dared call me Al.

"I don't know what you mean," I insisted but my tone and emotions told me differently.

This is just a short introductory chapter. Jasper's POV in the next chapter will describe Alessandria and explain a little more. Love Bianca :) x


"She's the reason we're here, isn't she?" I asked Alice who nodded, holding Sylvester's hand tightly.