Title: After that morning
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers
After that morning he was so pissed off he would have wanted to blow up the whole Autobot base. Starscream had tried to convince others to attack the Decepticons, but everyone had their hands full with fixing their spaceship. "What they think they're doing? They should be more concerned about the enemy than some crappy spaceship" Starscream murmured annoyed. Jetfire had been the one who had opposed him the most and although he didn't show it, that was the main reason what made the seeker so upset. 'He should be on my side. I thought that we had a connection after what happened' meanwhile Starscream had wondered pretty far and was now in the middle of the large forest. "Just fragging great... Now I have ended up in some shitty place with a bunch of trees and dirt and..." suddenly Starscream remembered their night together in Mars and felt his body heat up from the memory. He looked at his left hand and thought about the handcuff that had been the physical link between him and Jetfire. Then he looked the dirt on the ground remembering how itchy and uncomfortable it had felt inside his armor. 'Those hands of his were quite skilled' he shivered and blushed from the memory of Jetfires hands all over him.
In the meantime Jetfire was getting nervous and walking back and forth at his quarters. "What should I say? I can't question Optimus' orders, but what can I do without making Starscream hate me" the SIC wondered frustrated. "Jetfire, meet me outside, we need to talk, now" came the red seeker's irritated voice through the com. link. The rocket sighed, left his room and headed towards the main gate of the base. Starscream was leaning on the rock, waiting for the white mech to come. "So, I'm here, what is it?" Jetfire asked when he stepped out of the gates. Both mechs eyed each other and tried to figure out what the other one was thinking. "Why didn't you back me up?" Starscream asked seriously, "Your personal grudge with Megatron can compromise us all and I can't take that risk. And besides our purpose here is to find the minicons and protect them" Jetfire said back glaring the red seeker. "I wouldn't care less about some minicons. I'm here only to fight Megatron and take him down!" Starscream was now getting very mad. "You haven't changed at all after that night" the white mech sighed frustrated.
Suddenly Starscream pushed Jetfire back against the rock, "Why don't you fuck me anymore?" the seeker snarled his face just inches away from the rocket's. The mech in question just stared him coldly and grabbed his wrist, "I don't wanna talk about it. Just leave it" Jetfire said hardly trying to push Starscream away. The seeker refused to move though and brought his face closer to the SIC's, "What is it? Am I not good enough for you?" he whispered to others hearing sensors. "Don't I get your spike hard anymore... Jetfire" Starscream breathed and grabbed the mech's crotch. Jetfire kicked the seeker at his midsection with his knee and when the red mech bended over he landed a powerful punch on his chin. This caused Starscream to land on the ground, but he jumped back up very fast. "I didn't want a personal whore to myself" Jetfire growled and attacked the seeker again. "Oh I'm sorry. I got the idea from your behaviour from the last few weeks" the red mech said sarcastically and dodged the SIC's kicks and punches.
Hot Shot had been on his way to Rec. room when he passed the main gate of the base and heard strange noise just outside. 'I wonder what's going on. Those sounds like Jetfire and Starscream' the yellow mech thought and stepped out. He hadn't expected to find both mechs covered in dents and scratches and trying hard to rip each others heads off. "Hey, hey! Cut that out or you'll both end up looking like tin cans!" Pushing himself between the two fighters, Hot Shot received death glares from both of them sighing tiredly. Jetfire was the first to back down, Starscream still trying hard to punch him. The rocket just looked at him coldly, walked back inside and headed to his own quarters. Still growling and irritated red seeker pushed Hot Shot away from him, transformed and took off. Confused look covered the young mech's face while he tried to figure out did he make the things worse between the two, or what. "I don't even want to know" Hot Shot stated to himself and left the scene.
He arrived soon in the Rec. room, where Sideswipe waved his hand to caught his brothers attention. "Hey bro, what's up?" the smaller mech asked happily, but frowned when he saw Hot Shots face. "Did something bad happen?", the Yellow mech just sat and stared his hands. "I don't get it. What I'm doing wrong? Why I can't do anything right?" he sighed clenching his fists. Sideswipe looked his brother thoughtfully and laid his hand on Hot Shot's, who raised his gaze. "You can't know everything and if you would, you wouldn't be you. Our mistakes are what makes us who we are" the young mech said giving a reasuring smile to his brother, who nodded and blushed a bit. "Yeah, maybe your right. It's just so frustrating when you don't know what to do" Hot Shot said tiredly. Sideswipe looked at his friend knowingly, while he danced his way behind the yellow bot and wrapped his arms around him. Hot Shot winced a little for the sudden physical contact which he hadn't expected from his brother, but right then it felt quite nice so he didn't drive Sideswipe off. The smaller mech pressed his head on Hot Shot's shoulder and the yellow mech leaned unconsciously closer for more comfort. "Thank you Sideswipe", "For what?" the blue mech asked confused. "For being here for me" Hot Shot turned to face his friend smiling kindly. Then he placed a quick peck to his brothers lips.
Jetfire had taken a quick shower and was now staring his reflection from the mirror. He still had some little dents and scratches along his other scars but all in all he seemed to be just fine. The rocket knew why Starscream was so angry and frustrated, because it was all his fault after all. He had ignored the seeker after their return from Mars never telling him the reason. Which was the SIC's fear of what might happen if the others would find out their relationship. He wanted to be with the red seeker, but he was too afraid to do anything. "Slag! What should I do?" the white mech yelled to his reflection and punched his fist through the mirror. Some energon started to drip from Jetfires hand on the floor and on the countless shards of glass. He sighed grabbing a towel and wrapped it around his hand and left his room to see Red Alert. He sure was going to ask Jetfire what had happened, but the SIC wasn't going to tell him anything about himself and Starscream.
Soon enough he found the CMO from the Rec. room, talking with Smokescreen and Scavenger. "Hey Red, could you help me a minute?" Jetfire called the blue mech, whose optics widened when he saw the state the rocket was in. "What on Cybertron happened to you?! Did Optimus crash you with his alt. mode?" Red Alert asked the SIC. "Yeah and he reversed over me too" the rocket said sheepisly giving his trademark smirk. Smokescreen and Scavenger watched the CMO scanning Jetfire for more damage, "What do you think this is all about?" the orange mech asked quietly. "I'm not sure, but this I know, it isn't our place to ask" the older mech muttered. Red Alert took Jetfire to Medbay and put bandages in his hand. After that the rocket left to carry out his guarding shift at the Monitor room.
Starscream had had a little emotional burst and he had taken it out on some trees. They didn't tell you what to do or order you around. Trees just stood there and you could do anything you wanted, like cut the whole forest down. At least the seeker was now calmed down, but he was still hurt from the Jetfire's ice cold behavior. He sighed putting his wing sword back and started to head back to the Autobot base. After getting there he went to his quarters and took a long shower to wash off all the dirt he had gotten during the day. When he was out of there and dryed himself he left to get some energon. The Rec. room was empty which the seeker thought was better than good at the moment cause he wanted to be alone. He sat down with his cube and started to consume it, but then he heard foot steps aproaching. Soon the familiar yellow bot stepped inside and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the ex-con. "What are you doing here this time of night?" Hot Shot asked a bit stunned. "What? Am I not allowed to be here anytime I want anymore?" Starscream muttered and kept drinking his energon, he wasn't in a mood to fight with the young bot. "No no, I was just wondering. Thought that only I would be here at this time" the yellow mech went to get the energon cube and sat down across the seeker.
They sat in silence drinking from their cubes, "Sorry", "Excuse me?" Hot Shot looked the other mech questionly. "I said sorry, about that what happened earlier, you know" Starscream said a bit irritated cause he wasn't going to explain himself any further. "Oh, it's okay" the yellow mech said getting the point. Hot Shot kept looking at his cube and thought about Sideswipe, "For Primus sake, spit it out" the red mech snapped. "What?" the younger mech jumped for his sudden burst, "Well, something is clearly bugging you so what is it" Starscream stared Hot Shot annoyed, waiting for an answer. "I was just thinking of myself and... um... Sideswipe", "What about him?" the seeker asked. "I think I like him more than a friend, does that sound wierd" the yellow bot mumbled blushing a little. 'I can't believe I'm having this conversation' Starscream thought sweatdropping, "I don't think I'm any good to answer to that question, but if you really, really like him..." he thought of Jetfire and their relationship. "Yes?" Hot Shot said waiting, "Then go tell him and fragging fast" the ex-con smirked to poor bots red face. "But what if he doesn't feel the same?", Hot Shot thought outloud "You won't know until you find out" Starscream said standing up and left the room for he had something to say to a certain Autobot SIC.
Hot Shot was standing in front of Sidewsipes quarters, too nervous to go in. He just stood there, hand ready to knock on the door. Minutes went by when Hot Shot turned around walking a few steps away, just to return in front of the door once more, sighing loudly. What was he even afraid of? Yeah... Sideswipe could possibly not feel the same way. He could start to hate him and he also could stop being the yellow mech's brother. These were the possibilities and Hot Shot knew them, but didn't want to accept them. Making his decision he knocked on the door once, waiting for permission to enter. After a while very sleepy looking Sideswipe came to open the door, "Bro? You do realize it's middle of the night?". Hot Shot was so nervous, he just clenched his fists and stared the floor, "I know, but there is something I want to say, in private. Can I come in?", the smaller mech nodded and stepped aside.
The only light was a small lamp above Sideswipes berth and it created large shadows around the room. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" the blue mech asked leaning on the table. It was hard for Hot Shot to start the conversation for he actually didn't know how to put all the feelings he had in to words. He looked Sideswipe who still waited his answer, closed his optics and sighed, "Okay here goes. Sideswipe, I... you have been the best friend and brother any mech could hope. You have always been there for me when I have needed you and you have never judged me for the mistakes I have made". Hot Shot opened his optics and watched straight to his brother's sky blue ones. "What I want to say is... Sideswipe, I really really like you, more than a friend, more than a brother" they stood in silence until Sideswipe took a step towards his brother. "Bro, are you saying... that you... um... love me?" the blue mech said unsure yet a bit hopeful. Hot Shot turned his gaze away in shame, but when he felt his brothers hand turn his face to look at him, he only met his warm smile. "It's okay, the truth is... I love you too" Sideswipe said blushing and leaned to kiss the yellow mech on the lips.
At first this quick action got Hot Shot off guard and he could just stare in front of him. But then the sweetness of the kiss started to feel good, almost too good. He wrapped his hands around Sideswipes waist and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. The smaller mech shivered when Hot Shots tongue brushed his lips asking for permission to enter. It was granted and only a little time was left for the fight over dominance, for they both wanted more than they got. Sideswipe broke out of the kiss breathing heavily while the older bot started to bite his sensitive neck caples.
"Bro... Primus! You don't know how much I have dreamed about this" Sideswipe panted while caressing Hot Shot's arms and sides. "I'm glad to hear that cause I have wanted to do this a very long time" the older mech growled and bit Sideswipes neckcables causing the poor bot to gasp.
Hot Shot pushed the smaller scout forward until they hit the wall with a loud bang. The yellow bot pressed his own frame to the blue ones, pinning him between his body and the wall. Sideswipe flew his arms around Hot Shots neck and jumped so he could wrap his legs around the mechs waist. "Aah... Hot Shot now! Please..." Sideswipe panted between their kisses. The yellow mech purred slightly and tickled the younger ones crotchplate, demanding access which Sideswipe was more than happy to give. The lubricant was already pouring from Sideswipes wet valve so Hot Shot didn't waste anymore time. He fingered the blue bots valve getting pleasurable whimpers while guiding his hard member just to the opening when he stopped. "Wh-why did you stop?" Sideswipe whispered while clinging on Hot Shot. "Are you really sure about this? I don't want to hurt you" the yellow mech asked. "I haven't been more sure about anything. I want you Hot Shot and only you" the blue bot breathed, planting gentle kiss on his lovers lips. Hot Shot moaned and thrusted his spike inside, keeping still and giving Sideswipe some time to adjust before starting slow pased rhythm. The smaller one quickly followed, wrapping his legs even tighter around the other ones waist and groaned loudly, encouraging him to go faster. Hot Shot could hear his own engine to rumble and vibrate with the pleasure, while being more than pleased to hear Sideswipe's own answering.
"Oohhh... Primus... ffrrraaAAG" the blue mech moaned with every thrust, scraping his lovers back and shoulders. "Nnghh... bro huh... y- you're so... tight" Hot Shot panted, suddenly releasing the smaller ones legs around him and streching them to get better access. This new position enabled Hot Shot to hit that special spot in his lover that got him hotter with every thrust. Sideswipe trashed his head from side to side and felt like he was going to explode in any second. As the rhythm of Hot Shots thrusts got faster and his lovers moans got louder, it was a miracle that no-one came to see what the all noises were. Suddenly Sideswipe screamed and Hot Shot could feel his lovers spark flare and his inner walls clenche around his shaft. He bit hard on the smaller bots neck while climaxing hard and thrusted deep inside of his lover. They stayed in that position a while, before Hot Shot walked with shaking legs next to Sideswipes berth and laid him there. "Bro... that... was intense" the blue bot breathed, enjoying his afterglow. "Absolutely... I love you... so much" the yellow mech said out of breath and planted a gentle kiss on his lovers lips. They layed like that for a while, just snuggling, but then Hot Shot looked the watch and noticed that his guarding shift would start in 15 minutes. Sideswipe had already fallen into recharge so the bigger bot tried to get up as silently as possible. "I'm sorry bro, but I gotta go now, but I'll see you tomorrow" he whispered and kissed the smaller ones helmet before leaving.
Jetfire was sitting in his chair, eyeing the screens of the monitor room. He had seen how Hot Shot and Starscream had talked in the Rec. room and after their conversation the seeker had left, leaving very nervous, but determined looking scout sitting in the room. Although pretty soon Hot Shot had left and went to Sideswipes quarters, he had said something to the smaller mech and been invited inside. Jetfire leaned back and looked at his bandaged hand thinking about the days events. "I really need to talk to him. This can't go on anymore. They'll find out and then we can both go to the Pit..." the Autobot SIC sighed loudly wiping his optics with his hand. Suddenly the door of the Monitor room opened only to reveal the very serious looking ex-decepticon.
Starscream walked to the white mech without saying a word. "Starscream I..." Jetfire started, but was silenced by the seekers finger pressed on his faceplate making it slide away. "Don't ruin this by talking. Just shut up and enjoy the ride" Starscream whispered and kissed him. The shuttle was suprised at first, but soon he responded eagerly pulling the red mech stradling on his lap. Starscream moaned when Jetfire deepened the kiss and massaged his inner thighs. The seeker instead ran his hands over the shuttles wings pinching the tips. Jetfire groaned, his whole frame vibrating because of the pleasure he was receiving and bit hard the flyers neck cables. Starscream had started to grind their crotchplates together and bring his hands down. He made sure to touch and caress every little spot while he planted butterfly kisses all over.
It was then that Jetfire heard the sound of their doom: someone was pressing the codepanels keys to get inside. The sudden realization of getting caught during work and with Starscream none the less, made Jetfire suddenly pushed the smaller mech under the table trying not to show his rising panic and arousal. Starscream could only manage high yelp when he was brutally shoved between his lovers legs. "Whatever happens, shut up" Jetfire hissed just as the door opened. "Who are you talking with Jet?" Hot Shot greeted. "No-one... no-one at all. Just me and the monitors having heart to heart talk" Jetfire said sheepishly. The scout looked the SIC confused, but desided to leave the subject. "So yeah, I'm a little early, but I thought I could come and take over" he said coming closer where the white mech was sitting.
All this time Starscream had been crouching under the table and was getting a little annoyed in the situation. Suddenly he grinned mischievously when he saw the position Jetfire was in. He slided his hands slowly up starting from the ankles and all along closing in the white mechs groin. "Stay where you are!" Jetfire said unusually loud receiving much more confused look from the other mech. Starscream had started to massage his inner thighs and was now licking teasingly his crochplate. "Umm... I mean... I – I don't need you here yet. Please go and um... grab yourself a cube of energon okay" the SIC was now gripping the armrests of the chair extremely hard, but luckily Hot Shot didn't notice this. "Um... okay whatever you say. I'll be back in ten minutes then. Are you sure you don't need me?". The seeker under the table almost laughed when the shuttles crochplate slided away revealing very proud, yet not fully aroused member. Starscream kept massaging Jetfires inner thighs, while he started licking the tip of the spike. "YES! Yes, go on. I - I'll see you in ten" the white mech just managed to keep his voice leveled, before Hot Shot left the room.
Jetfire groaned and leaned back on his chair finally relaxing, "You son a bitch..." he breathed while he enjoyed the seeker to suck him off. "I thought you liked being watched while doing it" Starscream said innocently while grinning like crazy. "Oh shut up and ride me" Jetfire groaned and pulled the seeker from under the table. As soon as Starscream was straddling his hips again, the shuttle crashed their mouths together in a passionate kiss. The red mech moaned and gasped when he felt his valve being stimulated so ready to get something in. "I'm gonna make you pay for that stunt of yours, but I suggest you keep quiet. We wouldn't want Hot Shot get back earlier" Jetfire mumbled while nipping on Starscreams neck cables. "Frag it and fuck me already" the seeker breathed clawing his lovers back. Jetfire snorted and without a warning he thrusted inside of the others waiting valve getting a shocked gasp from Starscream that quickly turned in to a pleasurable purring and moaning, which exited the SIC for more aggressive thrusts.
It was a steady pace for a while until the ex-con decided to raise the stakes, pinched Jetfires wings getting him arche his back. At the same time the seeker tightened his inner walls adding more pressure at the shuttles spike. A loud groan escaped from Jetfire and his whole frame vibrated from the sudden pleasure. Jetfire took a firm hold of the seekers hips and started thrusting faster and harder hitting the sensitive cables. If he hadn't been holding the smaller mech, Starscream would have probably fallen to the floor because of the euphoric feeling that was quickly heating up his mainframe. "For... ah... frags sake! Unh! Keep quiet... you said. Hard to do that when... Oh slag... you're making my head explode!" It probably would have required a gag to keep Starscream silent, but when nothing like that was available Jetfire could only thrust his two middle fingers inside Screamers mouth to give him something to play with. Almost instantly Jetfire could feel his lovers tongue starting to lick and suck them like a energon lollipop. The bot found it very arousing and sexy and started to thrust faster inside of his lover, feeling his own overload closing in. Starscream panted and moaned for each thrust and tried not to make too much sound, but it was hard even Jetfires fingers in his mouth. Out of the blue Jetfire took his fingers out of the seekers mouth just to grip his hips more firmly. The shuttle managed to capture the seekers shout in a deep kiss when they both overloaded big time. They sat there sweating and out of breath, Starscream leaning on Jetfires shoulder. "I hope we're even now, cause my aft propably wont be able to take a second round any time soon...", "We are" Jetfire fumed and they both laughed.
All this time Hot Shot had been eavesdropping behind the door, "Guys! You're not going to believe this!" he shouted running away. "FRAG!" was heard from the closed door of the monitor room.