Good morning/afternoon/evening/what have you!
It took me quite a bit of time to remember my password for my login here, but I was determined to get this posted. It's been over 3.5 years since this story has been updated, so kudos to everyone who actually still has it on their follow list! This story has been waiting for far too long, so I think I owe it to all of you to cut straight to the chase.
This story has not been abandoned, and I fully intend on updating it and editing in the near future.
Now, I can't give specific dates because truth be told, I don't know any specific dates. I'm currently in the process of applying to graduate school while also working almost full time, so as you can imagine I am quite busy. But when I started this story, I was filled with so much passion and a very set goal in mind of what was to happen. A lot has happened since that time, and my passion kind of simmered down to the point where I didn't have much muse even though I knew what I wanted to write. After I last posted a chapter, I slipped into a very dark time of my life and I'm still struggling to claw my way back to the surface. But I have a story to tell, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I've changed my username, so please join me on a fresh start to an old journey.
Thank you to everyone who's continued to read and review in my absence. I just recently had the energy to come on and read all the reviews since I last posted, and I can't describe just how heartwarming it is that my story is able to mean so much to people. That's honestly all I ever wanted to do with my writing, was for it to have an effect on just one person, and I truly feel like I'm only just getting started.
I honestly don't have too much to say, other than an endless stream of apologies to everybody who's been waiting for so long. I hope what I have planned will prove your wait worth it.
With eternal love and gratitude,
A Wonderland Heart