Man I really need to get back into actually writing the ending of this and just not editing this chapters as I post them...i'll catch up soon and then be screwed...

It was too bad the Pharaoh had decided the otherside wasn't good enough for eternity, according to Dartz.

Not that it mattered, because he had a whole host of information that Atem didn't, and he definitely planned to use that against him this time around.

Through Atem's first soul banishment, the evil spirit that had cursed Dartz and soiled the host body... the king of Atlantis had been all that was left in this world. Atem hadn't been quite as thorough as he intended.

Which also meant his former memories of being king were retained with the spirit.

In a time long past, Dartz's nation was prosperous and he attended a rather exclusive meeting of the world's rulers in 3000BC. It was there they met to discuss cross border trade and currency exchange...and also where he met two very important people.

King Aknamkanon of Egypt was the first, and Empress Iyoka Meiji was the second. The reason for such direct meeting is because said king of Egypt was getting very physically close to the said Empress.

The two appeared to converse directly for much of this conference, and Dartz suspected that the beautiful young empress had caught the King's eye...despite his wife and young son waiting for him in Cairo.

They managed to slip around the emperor of Japan and disguise much of their meeting as being delegate related...but several people...including Dartz realized what was really going on.

To add, Dartz had questioned the beautiful woman about it herself, invoking his magic of the Orichalchos to force her to spill her truths to him...he had discovered...

The woman was a youkai, a sort of kitsune mother who had disguised herself to seduce the kings and queens of the world for power and wealth.

What he didn't expect, was for the powerful youkai to have become pregnant with the King's child. It was convenient for the woman to be able to disguise her state of being with child to her husband...and the Dartz had seen to it himself when the child was birthed near the end of this long delegation between the nations... that he had banished the kitsune mother to her tomb.

It was then that Aknamkanon, being weighed with the guilt of infidelity and the loss of his lover took the child in the night and set out for his home in Egypt, where word of his wife's death had furthered the despair in his heart.

The girl child, half-devil and ignorant of such things, became adopted quietly into the palace of the king. The infant son would never know the difference, and anyone who questioned the king otherwise would be dealt with.

Thus, Aura Aknamkanon became the princess of Egypt, and half-sister to the current prince, Atem.

When she became old enough to think in any sense for herself, the darkness within the child raged free of her will and damaged the places and people around her.

Fearing for his kingdom, the Pharaoh had her kept under tight lock and key in the houses of healing, wishing desperately for the darkness in his daughter's heart to dissipate with love.

Only the love of her caring older brother made her feel safe and happy, a feat that the king himself was unable to achieve. When Seto, the unspoken nephew of the king came to the castle as a youth to study under the priests, he had caught her eye and he as well...was able to bring joy to the light in the child's heart.

It was always an uphill battle, but Aura, named for the colors and darkness within light, grew up to be a coveted, beautiful princess of Egypt.

A meeting with the criminal Bakura, seeking help from the King of Atlantis... used the darkness with Dartz's former incantation to seek out the royal palace of Egypt and request help to save his dying nation...a nation crumbling under their leader's darkness.

Egypt had refused, and the lust for the princess had grown as the darkness had.

But this time...that would be different.

And the immense power passed down to her through the devil mother and that had swelled under a mystical repression from the king's priests...would finally be his.

He would control the dark magic that made her so mysterious, and he would have his revenge...his lusts fulfilled.

He would rip the princess away from the Priest that married her and the Pharaoh brother that protected her in the past.

This time, victory would be sweet and free of the dark sands of Egypt.

All he had to do was get her alone, and she would belong to him...the time needed to be right. soon...