I... I can't see!

It's dark... a garage?

No... there are no windows... and I can't even see the light of day...

I can't hear the waves crashing against the shore.

I-I can't smell the salt of the ocean...

Where is he?

He must be so scared, I left him.

I saw him before, how long ago?

I don't remember... I can't tell time here...

I can't search blindly through the darkness, my hands are bound.

Someone feeds me, I can't tell who though, they blindfold me to keep their identity a secret.

Lovi must be so worried right now!

He's all alone, no one to hold him... teach him how to live again...

Don't worry Lovi, I'll come!

I just need to find a loose end...

Wait for me... Lovino Vargas...