A Rock and a Hard Place

Obligatory Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah, you know the drill. I own nothing, I'm just playing in the sandbox.

Sokka was convinced that the Universe had some kind of personal vendetta against him. He had good evidence to support this theory, given his current highly uncomfortable situation.

Somehow, Spirits only knew how, he had managed to get himself stuck in a hole in an abandoned rock quarry, of all places.

What were the odds? Surely they were a billion to one, and yet, somehow, it had happened to him.

He had struggled, grunted, and cursed impotently for hours at his plight. He was sure that the Spirits were all now having a good laugh at his expense.

And of course, to add insult to injury, that thing he'd been hunting had stuck around. He wasn't sure what it was, but all he knew was that it was adorable and potentially would have been very tasty roasting slowly over a fire on a spit.

Not that he'd ever get to find out, of course.

The little critter circled around and sniffed at him curiously.

Giving up, Sokka sighed despondently, wondering what he'd done to deserve being the Universe's chew toy. Was it his love for meat? His snark? His bad jokes? The fact that he didn't bathe every day because he took pride in his "manly musk?" The last time he hadn't bathed for three days, Katara, fed up, doused him in near freezing water and toppled him into the nearest water source, and then tossed a bar of soap and hit him square in the forehead. Needless to say, he'd taken the hint.

As a last resort, Sokka tried bargaining with the Universe to see if he couldn't get some better karma out of it. He swore that he'd give up meat and sarcasm.

Hey, it wasn't like he had much to bargain with in the first place.

He wondered how long it'd take the rest of the gang to figure out he had been missing for hours. Katara? Aang? Toph?

With his luck, a Fire Nation raiding party would discover him first, and they'd squish him into an unrecognizable pulp with one of their rhinos while they laughed sadistically. If there was one thing he was good at, it was imagining the worst case scenario. Katara often sighed, rolled her eyes and shook her head, exasperated by his so called pessimism. As far as he was concerned, he was a realist, and it wasn't like he had reason to believe otherwise. And a quick and painless death would be a better alternative than dying of thirst or starvation. Whichever came first.

Regardless, he hoped that someone found him soon. His bladder was starting to get rather uncomfortable.

A/N: Short, silly, random. Reviews are love. Had this idea for a long while, glad I got it out of my system. Poor Sokka puts up with so much abuse. Lucky thing we all know he gets out of that hole eventually thanks to Toph! XD