"It's Not About Trust, It's About Family"

/Chapter 3/

Sam had cracked opened one eye to look at the numbers on the clock...12:17 a.m., and gave a groan, answering the phone grumpily, "Someone better be dying..."

"Uh, Sam...it's Steve," the tight voice of his friend said.

"Steve?" Sam asked in confusion, as he came fully awake and sat up at the side of his bed. "McGarrett, what's wrong man...it's after midnight; that makes it three am where you..."

"What...oh, man...look I'm sorry...didn't realize the time..." Steve apologized, but didn't offer to hang up.

"Never mind about that...what's wrong with you..." Sam again asked, getting up from his bed and moving towards the kitchen.

"I was just...I read the reports..." Steve said with uncertainty.

Then it clicked.

"Your people okay," Sam asked, doing a quick calculation in his head. It had been only been about a week since the 'small pox' case, and everyone involved had been inoculated. "William's and Chin okay?"

In all the time that Sam had known Steve McGarrett, he had never heard hesitation and uncertainty in the commander's voice...the man had always had it together...was always cool under fire (literally), always had a plan; but the man he heard on the other end of the line sounded lost almost... scared.

"Oh, yeah, they're fine..." Steve said. "I just, I need to hear it from you..."

"What is it you need to hear, Steve?" Sam asked with some confusion.

"Small pox man, on my island..." Steve said.

"Hey, hey...it's over okay; all the vials were accounted for," Sam said, "none of your people are any worse for it, right? The CDC has declared both areas safe, and they're standing down from their alert."

"Yeah, yeah I know," Steve said tiredly. "Just sounds like it was close."

"Not gonna lie to you Steve, she was already passing out the infected items when we caught up to her," Sam explained, "But you know that if you read the reports."

"Yeah, I know..." Steve replied with a tired sigh.

Sam gave a sudden, low chuckle, "I have to say, man, I was a little surprised by that partner of yours..."

Despite his dour thoughts, Steve returned the chuckle, "Yeah, Danny is definitely something else..."

"How did you find him...he's about as far from the 'yes sir', 'no sir' world of Commander Steve McGarrett as you can get...and does that boy ever stop talking...?" Sam groused.

"No, Danny rants are part of doing business..." Steve replied with a laugh, adding seriously, "but he's a damn good detective...and a great friend."

"Yeah, I know," Sam said, "so what about you...how are you, I heard a little something about what went down in Korea..."

"I'm fine..." Steve snapped out quickly.

"Um..hmmm...and I bet William's buys that about as much as I do," Sam replied, "Hey man, don't shut them out...your team was worried for you man..."

"I know...but it was my mission, not theirs..." the commander stated.

"Wouldn't be too sure they see it that way, commander...what's that word you use—ohana...goes both ways man...don't shut them out...they're good people...a good team..." Sam replied.

"Yeah, I know..." Steve agreed, sitting up straighter in his seat and running a hand down his face, "thanks Sam; for everything..."

"Yeah, back ach' ya', man; I know you'd do the same for my team: and, you still owe me that steak dinner..." Sam replied.

"Come collect anytime buddy..." Steve said with a laugh.

The two men said their goodbyes and Steve hung up the phone with a gently smile. His island was safe, his team was safe, and good friends were just a phone call away...for the moment Steve McGarrett just let that be enough-tomorrow was another day...

...NCIS LA...HAWAII 5-0...NCIS LA...HAWAII 5-0...

A/N: sorry, hope it wasn't too lame...I really struggled with how two "super-seals" would have an H/C, heart to heart moment ...this is probably about as "emotional" as they would get...